If Trump loses, a 4th Nomination?

Jarhead will ask if Trump flattened it......
There is a well know tactic called throwing sand into the face where one picks up a handful of sand and throw it in the others face to keep them distracted and not making their point....not progressing.

That's what this thread is ...complete BS intended to keep us away from what matters.
There is a well know tactic called throwing sand into the face where one picks up a handful of sand and throw it in the others face to keep them distracted and not making their point....not progressing.

That's what this thread is ...complete BS intended to keep us away from what matters.
it's not quite as effective when the opponent is too fat to reach the sand at his feet and to stupid not to rub it in his own eyes.......
it's not quite as effective when the opponent is too fat to reach the sand at his feet and to stupid not to rub it in his own eyes.......
The biggest failure of the conservatives has been the taking of so called liberals at their word, pretending that they were good people saying what they thought, when it was very obvious that this is not what was happening.

These are not good people, and they are not even attempting to tell the truth...they are tyrants trying to get what they want....they will say anything.

As Bret points out they game the system, and anyone who knows humans knew that they were going to try it.

Conservatives have failed, and they have failed all the way.

Buckle Up.
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Weaponized Empathy has worked like a charm on Conservatives.

Also language controls, Conservatives even now generally turn up too ignorant to figure out what is going on.
The abusers use your core beliefs against you, for instance they will use conservative love of family and honor against them to take their guns..."If you dont do as told we will hurt your friends family and workmates"....

and it will work.
If Trump loses, will Trumppers give him another nomination when he’s 83?
The day after he loses, just as he did in '20 he will file to run in '28. This allows him to continue to fundraise to pay his legal expenses.
He's their Messiah, of course they will.
I see trump staying in a position of authority in the same way he does now. He'll still grift his donors, but his power will come from being able to scare sitting Republicans with primary challenges. Truthfully, he should hold less sway because without him on the ticket his Nazi followers will lose interest in voting at all.
I see trump staying in a position of authority in the same way he does now. He'll still grift his donors, but his power will come from being able to scare sitting Republicans with primary challenges. Truthfully, he should hold less sway because without him on the ticket his Nazi followers will lose interest in voting at all.
Trump is the only President in ages who lost money doing the gig.....he was never doing it for money....he was doing it because he is a Patriot.
Trump is the only President in ages who lost money doing the gig.....he was never doing it for money....he was doing it because he is a Patriot.
He lost money because he's a shitty businessman and because he got sued by people he had abused in the past.

You fuckers are all on drugs.
  1. There is no Global Warming
  2. There is no Climate Change
  3. There is no greenhouse effect
  4. There is no ocean acidification
  5. Polar ice is not somehow disappearing
  6. The ocean's alkalinity is not somehow being depleted
  7. The atmosphere's ozone is not somehow being depleted
  8. BLM looting is a crime, not an "idea."
  9. BLM violence is completely violent, not "mostly peaceful."
  10. Kamala Harris was the border Czar
  11. Donald Trump was shot in the ear with a bullet and it was an assassination attempt
  12. Joe Biden has demential and Parkinson's
  13. Derek Chauvin did not murder George Floyd
  14. Trayvon Martin was a thug who got what he deserved
  15. Donald Trump did not collude with Russia
  16. Brett Kavanaugh wasn't a gang rapist
  17. Jussie Smollet wasn't the victim of a hate crime
  18. Hunter Biden's laptop wasn't Russian disinformation
  19. COVID19 did not originate in a wet market
  20. mRNA shots don't stop the spread of infection and are not vaccines
  21. Joe Biden did not get 81 million legal votes
  22. January 6th 2021 was not an insurrection
  23. Men can't get pregnant
  24. There are only two biological sexes
7 out of 24 were either true or partly true.

The rest were pure bullshit.

But for Trump, that's doing very well.

Far above his average of zero truths and 100% lies.
7 out of 24 were either true or partly true.
You are an undereducated leftist who has other people doing his thinking for him. All 24 are spot on and are why your party is the party of slavery, the party of HATRED, the party of looting, the party of stolen elections, etc...
You are an undereducated leftist who has other people doing his thinking for him. All 24 are spot on and are why your party is the party of slavery, the party of HATRED, the party of looting, the party of stolen elections, etc...
Prove it or shut your slobbering idiot mouth, Trumpsucker.