If Trump loses, a 4th Nomination?

lol......it doesn't matter if lib'ruls ever wake up......independents had conservatives have.....
If you call trying to elect a person whom has already said he wants to take away American Citizens Constitutional rights just because HE doesn't like them then I sure hope I never wake up.
again Trump said take their guns away we will deal with the Due process stuff later.
Taking away peoples Second Amendment rights away.
I ask again WHO decides when Later is? Trump?
when does later come?
later is like tomorrow it never comes it is always now.
and he also said he wants to go after the media , shutting the MSM down taking away peoples first Amendment rights.
IS that what YOU call waking up?
I guess if you are okay with electing a want to be Dictator, go for it, just remember you are giving that person unlimited power to do what ever he wants .
what says when he is done stomping on left leaning peoples Constitutional rights he doesn't turn on the MAGA and people on the right and comes after theirs.
with all that unlimited power I am sure he won't want any body to try and take it away.
all I can say is be careful what you wish for when it comes back and bites you in the ass it is too late to go back
Have a nice day
If you call trying to elect a person whom has already said he wants to take away American Citizens Constitutional rights just because HE doesn't like them then I sure hope I never wake up.
on the other hand, everyone knows he never said that.....even you.......more blathering lib'rul lies.......
I guess if you are okay with electing a want to be Dictator
you mean someone appointed to be their party's nominee by an oligarchy of the party's elite instead of following their own rules........there IS someone around here who's okay with that.........it isn't me.........
you mean someone appointed to be their party's nominee by an oligarchy of the party's elite instead of following their own rules........there IS someone around here who's okay with that.........it isn't me.........
well all I can say I sure the hell hope he doesn't get elected for your sake and EVERY other Americans sake, not having the Constitution to fall back on will be hard to take.
again read or listen to just what Trump has actually said and wake up before it is too late for this Great country.
Have a nice day
Prove it or shut your slobbering idiot mouth
Let's just agree that you can't show any of them to be false, and you are as genius as them come ... but be careful there, you just drooled on your shoe.

Let's post the list again so that everyone knows exactly what Nomad is telling us we should just assume is all TRUE because, to the very best of his understanding, he is unaware of anything that shows any item on the list to be false:
  1. There is no Global Warming
  2. There is no Climate Change
  3. There is no greenhouse effect
  4. There is no ocean acidification
  5. Polar ice is not somehow disappearing
  6. The ocean's alkalinity is not somehow being depleted
  7. The atmosphere's ozone is not somehow being depleted
  8. BLM looting is a crime, not an "idea."
  9. BLM violence is completely violent, not "mostly peaceful."
  10. Kamala Harris was the border Czar
  11. Donald Trump was shot in the ear with a bullet and it was an assassination attempt
  12. Joe Biden has demential and Parkinson's
  13. Derek Chauvin did not murder George Floyd
  14. Trayvon Martin was a thug who got what he deserved
  15. Donald Trump did not collude with Russia
  16. Brett Kavanaugh wasn't a gang rapist
  17. Jussie Smollet wasn't the victim of a hate crime
  18. Hunter Biden's laptop wasn't Russian disinformation
  19. COVID19 did not originate in a wet market
  20. mRNA shots don't stop the spread of infection and are not vaccines
  21. Joe Biden did not get 81 million legal votes
  22. January 6th 2021 was not an insurrection
  23. Men can't get pregnant
  24. There are only two biological sexes
again read or listen to just what Trump has actually said and wake up before it is too late for this Great country.
Nope. Don't lie to me about words you are taking out of context. Talk to me about actions/deeds.

Considering only the official duties of the Presidency (no tweets, no campaign ads, no personal affairs, no words taken out of context, etc...), how was Trump somehow not the best US President ever?

You have no answer, do you? Leftists only have "This is what X said!" ... and they are always being dishonest.

The obvious conclusion is that since Trump was the best US President ever, he definitely should be reelected.

The obvious conclusion is that since leftists are desperately lying about words that were taken out of context, all objections to Trump's reelection should be ignored.
Nope. Don't lie to me about words you are taking out of context. Talk to me about actions/deeds.

Considering only the official duties of the Presidency (no tweets, no campaign ads, no personal affairs, no words taken out of context, etc...), how was Trump somehow not the best US President ever?

You have no answer, do you? Leftists only have "This is what X said!" ... and they are always being dishonest.

The obvious conclusion is that since Trump was the best US President ever, he definitely should be reelected.

The obvious conclusion is that since leftists are desperately lying about words that were taken out of context, all objections to Trump's reelection should be ignored.
No problem you can stay an ignorant moron if you want I don't give a shit.
Have a nice day
No problem you can stay an ignorant moron
You're the ignorant, undereducated leftist in this equation.

I don't give a shit.
You obviously care deeply. You ENVY all people who know more than you do because they did not squander their childhood education opportunities. You HATE all people, such as me, who toy with your lackluster mental acuity and who take advantage of your inability to think for yourself.

It stands to reason that I were the moron in this equation, you'd be toying with me ... but obviously your full attention is devoted to fleeing in panic.

Have a nice day
Please have a most wonderful day. Try to spend some time with the family.
Nope. Don't lie to me about words you are taking out of context. Talk to me about actions/deeds.

Considering only the official duties of the Presidency (no tweets, no campaign ads, no personal affairs, no words taken out of context, etc...), how was Trump somehow not the best US President ever?

You have no answer, do you? Leftists only have "This is what X said!" ... and they are always being dishonest.

The obvious conclusion is that since Trump was the best US President ever, he definitely should be reelected.

The obvious conclusion is that since leftists are desperately lying about words that were taken out of context, all objections to Trump's reelection should be ignored.
Best President EVER???????
LOL now that is a real laugh.
HE Ran up the debt almost as much as Obama did and he did it in JUST 4 years, It took Obama 8 years and you right wingers cried about Obama doing it why didn't you even say one word about what Trump did?
More people unemployed when he left office then when he took office, and yes we know you will try to excuse that because of COVID well maybe IF he hadn't lied so much about COVID and fucked that all up it wouldn't have been so bad.
and I know your going to bring up gas prices well maybe IF there wasn't the Saudi / Russian oil price war during the time Trump was in office gas prices wouldn't have been so low.
and speaking of that 106 US oil drilling and producing companies went bankrupt because when they FIRST went to him and asked for help to stop the oil price war he did NOTHING until it was too late for the US oil industry, when he finally did go to the Saudi's and told them to cut their production and RAISE prices or he would stop all military aid to them it was too late to save those 106 companies.
US oil production under Trump went from a high of 13 MBPD ( for one month if I remember right ) down to 9.7 MBPD when Biden took over and has now been breaking record production for months .
YEP that is what YOU call the " Best President ever" ? LOL what a joke.
and that isn't everything he fucked up.
Have a nice day
Since 16' Republicans have lost two midterms and a presidential.... Trump won once. (and even then not the popular vote.)
You're the ignorant, undereducated leftist in this equation.

You obviously care deeply. You ENVY all people who know more than you do because they did not squander their childhood education opportunities. You HATE all people, such as me, who toy with your lackluster mental acuity and who take advantage of your inability to think for yourself.

It stands to reason that I were the moron in this equation, you'd be toying with me ... but obviously your full attention is devoted to fleeing in panic.

Please have a most wonderful day. Try to spend some time with the family.
thanks for showing us all just how stupid you really are.
Have a nice day