If Trump wins, what do you want his retribution to look like

Whos job is it to make laws about the border?
Why didnt Trump do those things in the 4 years he had?
WHo is dictating pronouns?

The legislature but as we see executive orders now rule the day on both sides of the aisle
We didn't have even half this much of an invasion during trump.
You leftist maggots are. Wake the fuck up idiot. I know you can't be anything but an idiot.
Amazing how little the cult actually know about the issues that are fed them

The only way to secure the border is to amend our antiquated immigration laws, which the right had the first real opportunity since Reagan to do and they pissed it away because the Trump, who you think is going to end the problem, even though he couldn’t when President, said to so he could have an open border to run on in November. By the way, Biden has deported more illegals in three years than Trump did in four

Biden is now starting wars in his reaction to aggression against US interest while the right sees only going to war against Iran as the only solution, okie dokie

If the US isn’t energy efficient why then is the US currently exporting 40% of all the oil they produce in the US overseas

And the “We the people” is as much an amoebian cliche as “deep state”
^^^ Completely delusional.
Whos job is it to make laws about the border?
Why didnt Trump do those things in the 4 years he had?
WHo is dictating pronouns?

Who's job is it to enforce existing laws (wasn't Harris the Ho put in charge)?

You turds fought Trump at every angle.

Biden’s budget would literally erase the word “mother” and replace it with the woke and watered-down term “birthing people” in relation to maternal health.
Why does Biden want to cancel mothers?


and that's just the beginning...
If Trump wins the election, he has promised to 'be your retribution'.

What does that mean to you? What should Trump do to the following groups:

1. Journalists who have spoken out against Trump. What if anything do you believe should happen to those members of the press.
2. Former Trump Administration officials who have spoken out against Trump. What if anything should happen to them
3. Asylum seekers awaiting a hearing. What should happen with them?
4. Democratic voters who opposed Trump. What should happen to them.

What other groups should be the target of Trumps retribution campaign, and what should be done with them?

If Trump gets re-elected, he will likely drive over to your house and run over your puppy with a lawnmower. That is after he has turned the entire country over to Vlad so more Russian hookers can pee on him with Hillary watching.
If Trump wins the election, he has promised to 'be your retribution'.

What does that mean to you? What should Trump do to the following groups:

1. Journalists who have spoken out against Trump. What if anything do you believe should happen to those members of the press.
2. Former Trump Administration officials who have spoken out against Trump. What if anything should happen to them
3. Asylum seekers awaiting a hearing. What should happen with them?
4. Democratic voters who opposed Trump. What should happen to them.

What other groups should be the target of Trumps retribution campaign, and what should be done with them?

I look forward to him fixing all of Biden's mistakes.......
I never knew the SCOTUS was all about “kicking ass,” funny, I was taught it was suppose to interpret the law, the Constitution, must be my teachers omitted something, guess those nuns really were Commies

that is the last thing lib'ruls want from the USSC......in fact you've campaigned against that for the last four election cycles.....
I look forward to him fixing all of Biden's mistakes.......

So, he's going to fix the lowest unemployment in 50 years? Probably will. Fix our strengthened alliances? I'm sure he will. Fix the highest average job creation in history? I'd imagine. Fix the 2.9% increased in wages? (Adjusted for inflation) since Biden took office? Undo Biden''s infrastructure bill? The one all the Republicans are taking credit for even though they ALL voted against it? He'll fix that? How about the highest domestic oil production in history? Is that a target for Trump?

ROTFLMFAO!!!!! You think it's a dumpster fire because you listen to the bullshit. It isn't a dumpster fire. It's a tiny little candle. Facts hurt, don't they? Not as much as Cypress hurt your widdle feewings, but they hurt.
Who's job is it to enforce existing laws (wasn't Harris the Ho put in charge)?

You turds fought Trump at every angle.

Biden’s budget would literally erase the word “mother” and replace it with the woke and watered-down term “birthing people” in relation to maternal health.
Why does Biden want to cancel mothers?


and that's just the beginning...

What existing laws are not being enforced, be specific?> You got nothing, you just make shit up.
It means that your individual liberties and ability to pursue life, liberty and happiness will not be infringed by a tyrannical government.

I have that. I am free to do ANTHING I want to do.

You too, you just have to acknowledge it.

If you are feeling oppressed, its in your head.
I believe that the Jim Clyburn led southern black backlash against progress may very well be described by history
as the final nail in America's coffin.

American whites brought the blacks here in slave ships.
Now the southern blacks in particular, the fucking church ladies as I call them,
have blown up the nation in retaliation.

Northern blacks didn't support Biden.
Southern blacks did.
And Biden simply wasn't the person to bring us back from Trump.
Right now, all he appears to have done is temporarily interrupt the orangutan and his trumpanzee's complete
demolition of America.