If Trump wins, what do you want his retribution to look like

So, he's going to fix the lowest unemployment in 50 years? Probably will. Fix our strengthened alliances? I'm sure he will. Fix the highest average job creation in history? I'd imagine. Fix the 2.9% increased in wages? (Adjusted for inflation) since Biden took office? Undo Biden''s infrastructure bill? The one all the Republicans are taking credit for even though they ALL voted against it? He'll fix that? How about the highest domestic oil production in history? Is that a target for Trump?

ROTFLMFAO!!!!! You think it's a dumpster fire because you listen to the bullshit. It isn't a dumpster fire. It's a tiny little candle. Facts hurt, don't they? Not as much as Cypress hurt your widdle feewings, but they hurt.
there is no one here who is not aware you are lying about the economy.......in fact 86% of Americans are on record as blaming Joe for it.......you?......you're either one of the 7% who have no opinion or the 7% who like having an economy that sucks......
THat one is being enforced, in fact i know someone who was recently deported due to a sham marriage.
Being enforced only occasionally means that it is also not being enforced.

Don't be afraid to come to me with the hard stuff.

The worst case scenario:

trump seizes all private property from anyone not loyal to him, and redistributes it to those loyal to him. he takes all the productive citizens and forces them to work in "freedom cities" for his own enrichment.

Second worst case scenario:

trump tries to do the above. he is prevented by most of America from doing it, and a war starts.

Other bad case scenario:

trump does nothing bad, but keeps talking about it. That normalizes the bad to the point some future dictator does the bad stuff.
If Trump wins the election, he has promised to 'be your retribution'.

What does that mean to you? What should Trump do to the following groups:

1. Journalists who have spoken out against Trump. What if anything do you believe should happen to those members of the press.
2. Former Trump Administration officials who have spoken out against Trump. What if anything should happen to them
3. Asylum seekers awaiting a hearing. What should happen with them?
4. Democratic voters who opposed Trump. What should happen to them.

What other groups should be the target of Trumps retribution campaign, and what should be done with them?

What do I want his retribution to look like? See my answer here.
there is no one here who is not aware you are lying about the economy.......in fact 86% of Americans are on record as blaming Joe for it.......you?......you're either one of the 7% who have no opinion or the 7% who like having an economy that sucks......

Every single thing I said is not only accurate but easily provable. To anyone who can read. For you, maybe I can find a popup picture book for you. But YOU just stated the biggest line of bullshit ever. 86% of people do not blame Biden, in fact, most of us who aren't drooling and dragging our knuckles on the ground are PRAISING Biden for his handling of the economy. You are the liar here, not me. You lie every single time you come on this site. You are a compulsive liar. I don't think Jesus would approve, do you?
If Trump wins the election, he has promised to 'be your retribution'.

What does that mean to you? What should Trump do to the following groups:

1. Journalists who have spoken out against Trump. What if anything do you believe should happen to those members of the press.
2. Former Trump Administration officials who have spoken out against Trump. What if anything should happen to them
3. Asylum seekers awaiting a hearing. What should happen with them?
4. Democratic voters who opposed Trump. What should happen to them.

What other groups should be the target of Trumps retribution campaign, and what should be done with them?

Just getting back to The American Way and cleaning out the corruption.

If it was the 1800s, motherfuckers should hang, but that's unlikely to happen.

There's no time for much "retribution", things just need fixed as much as possible.

Leftist shitlords (like you) will still howl like Howler Monkeys, but wtf ever. :dunno:

Oh and uh. "Asylum Seekers"? All of them, that crashed our borders, need to be deported ASAP, and every last fucking one of them.

And Go Fuck Yourself with a cactus.

I say just pick a place and send them all there , no matter where they're from. Let them figure it out from there, they sure enough figured out to jump the US Border (well that ain't rocket surgery with a duty-shirking president). Just S. of Mexico, Gaza strip? IDGAF. How about Somalia? :dunno:

Yemen, maybe?
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I would want a successful term to be his retribution should he win. A successful life is the ultimate form of revenge for those who try to tear you down.
You can't consider it until someone with a penis says they need a tampon. It's amazing just how profoundly stupid you are. You leftist idiots just say whatever shit comes into your heads as if no one has been paying attention and won't notice you contradict yourselves.

They contradict themselves from day to day. It's whatever the meme of the day is for them.
I would want a successful term to be his retribution should he win. A successful life is the ultimate form of revenge for those who try to tear you down.

What I'm asking is for you to define 'successful'. What would a successful Trump Administration look like to you, and what policies will achieve it? Trump says he will be retribution. What do you think he means by that?
Just getting back to The American Way and cleaning out the corruption.

If it was the 1800s, motherfuckers should hang, but that's unlikely to happen.

There's no time for much "retribution", things just need fixed as much as possible.

Leftist shitlords (like you) will still howl like Howler Monkeys, but wtf ever. :dunno:

Oh and uh. "Asylum Seekers"? All of them, that crashed our borders, need to be deported ASAP, and every last fucking one of them.

And Go Fuck Yourself with a cactus.

I say just pick a place and send them all there , no matter where they're from. Let them figure it out from there, they sure enough figured out to jump the US Border (well that ain't rocket surgery with a duty-shirking president). Just S. of Mexico, Gaza strip? IDGAF. How about Somalia? :dunno:

Yemen, maybe?

And who is going to clean your shitty room at the Motel Six? Who is going to put the roof on your house?
I want his retribution to be precisely what he has said in his speeches that it is going to be, and that is success. That means success at securing our nation's borders (and deporting illegals), success at peace instead of purposely stoking up war, success at energy independence, success at affordable housing, gas, groceries, energy, etc, and success at implementing a return back to a government that is for We The People instead of elitist globalist interests.

trump's policies assure high prices and unaffordable housing.

You're trying too hard again.
What I'm asking is for you to define 'successful'. What would a successful Trump Administration look like to you, and what policies will achieve it? Trump says he will be retribution. What do you think he means by that?

That is easy. Everyone other than a gender confused democrat like yourself. Limp dick Democrat.
Every single thing I said is not only accurate but easily provable.
Did you mean "verifiable"? You should probably learn what a proof is. Nonetheless, I'd like to see how you plan to verify your claim.

To anyone who can read.
Insult fallacy combined with a "no true Scotsman" fallacy. You've pretty much lost this one already.

86% of people do not blame Biden,
Of course they blame sleepy Joe. Gasoline used to cost $1.85/gallon when Trump was President. Enter Joe Biden and now we're emptying the bank for everything. Everybody except for you and a few others point to Biden's intentional mucking with the markets to totally fuck with price realization.

... in fact, only those of you who are drooling and dragging your knuckles on the ground are PRAISING Biden for his screwing with the economy just to stick it to "capitalism." You are the liar here, not me. You lie every single time you come on this site. You are a compulsive liar.

Let's listen to Joe regurgitate the Marxist fear-mongering party line that he has been ordered to spew by his handlers as the administration's official position:

What I'm asking is for you to define 'successful'. What would a successful Trump Administration look like to you, and what policies will achieve it? Trump says he will be retribution. What do you think he means by that?


Trump says he won't have time for retribution if he's elected... So, there's a nice little lie you keep repeating, ay wot?

What do I think a successful term would be? Well, like last time, not getting us entangled in yet another foreign war would be a good start. While I am not voting for him, and think the nation will lose if either Brandon or tRump "wins"... I would hope that he would be able to rewind most of the executive orders that Brandon used to entirely dismantle border protections, that would be a good start. Avoiding foreign entanglements. It's no surprise that Iran, Putin and Hamas waited for a weak pResident to start their wars. Brandon loves feeding the war machine more American dollars and lives while telling you he doesn't. Only the idiot cannot see what actually happens over what was said.

Trump says he won't have time for retribution if he's elected... So, there's a nice little lie you keep repeating, ay wot?

What do I think a successful term would be? Well, like last time, not getting us entangled in yet another foreign war would be a good start. While I am not voting for him, and think the nation will lose if either Brandon or tRump "wins"... I would hope that he would be able to rewind most of the executive orders that Brandon used to entirely dismantle border protections, that would be a good start. Avoiding foreign entanglements. It's no surprise that Iran, Putin and Hamas waited for a weak pResident to start their wars. Brandon loves feeding the war machine more American dollars and lives while telling you he doesn't. Only the idiot cannot see what actually happens over what was said.

Trump said he wouldn’t have time to golf and you believed him. Lol at you.
If Trump wins the election, he has promised to 'be your retribution'.

What does that mean to you? What should Trump do to the following groups:

1. Journalists who have spoken out against Trump. What if anything do you believe should happen to those members of the press.
2. Former Trump Administration officials who have spoken out against Trump. What if anything should happen to them
3. Asylum seekers awaiting a hearing. What should happen with them?
4. Democratic voters who opposed Trump. What should happen to them.

What other groups should be the target of Trumps retribution campaign, and what should be done with them?

Remember all those FEMA camps we were told that the Obama administration was preparing for its many Real American Patriot(tm) enemies? Time to put those puppies to good use! Lock 'em up! Lock 'em up!

Hillary first, of course. :laugh: :rofl2: :laugh: