Illegal immigrant kills cop in california


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Investigators believe the man suspected of killing Newman Police Cpl. Ronil “Ron” Singh is still in Stanislaus County, Sheriff Adam Christianson said in a news conference Thursday morning.

“We will find him, we will arrest him and we will bring him to justice,” said Christianson. To protect the case, the sheriff declined to say why he believes the suspect remains in the area.

Singh, 33, was shot and killed at 1 a.m. Wednesday after pulling over a suspected drunk driver at Merced Street and Eucalyptus Avenue.


this poor family took this amazing Christmas photo last night, unaware it would be their last together. Officer Singh would be shot and killed 5 hours later. Prayers for the Newman Police and their families.

A picture posted on Facebook shows the family posing in front of its Christmas tree, Singh is wearing his uniform and he’d dressed Sam in a Mrs. Claus outfit. Richardson said Sam was wearing that same outfit when he let her out of Singh’s patrol car shortly after the shooting.

Richardson said Sam is now back home with Singh’s family and will be retired from service. “I will not take another member of that family from them,” the chief said.

A memorial fund has been set up for the family by the Stanislaus Sworn Deputies Association.
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32% of Federal Inmates Are Aliens
On December 21, the Department of Homeland Security released the Alien Incarceration Report for Fiscal Year 2017. The report discloses the number of confirmed and suspected foreign-born inmates in the custody of the federal prison system, which includes the Bureau of Prisons (BOP) and the U.S. Marshals Service (USMS).

DHS reported a total of 58,766 "known or suspected" aliens in the custody of federal authorities. According to the Federal Bureau of Prisons, there are 184,379 total federal inmates, meaning that almost 32 percent of all federal inmates are aliens. The number of aliens in federal custody has risen since the last report: At that time, the Justice Department estimated that there were 42,000 aliens, representing 24 percent of the federal prison population.

Of the 58,766 "known or suspected" aliens, ICE could confirm that 37,557 (64 percent) are confirmed aliens, defined as meaning that they are non-citizens and foreign-born.
From that group of 37,557 ICE-confirmed aliens, an astonishing 35,334 (94 percent) were illegally residing in the United States.

Prisoners known or suspected to be aliens are reviewed by ICE to determine their immigration status, and are placed into one of five categories:

Under Investigation: Further investigation by ICE is required to confirm alienage and establish potential removability
In Proceedings – Legal: Confirmed alien who is lawfully present in the United States, but has been charged as a removable alien; removal proceedings are ongoing
In Proceedings – Illegal: Confirmed alien who is unlawfully present in the United States; removal proceedings are ongoing
Subject to Final Order of Removal: Confirmed alien who is subject to a final order of removal
Relief/Benefit: Confirmed alien who has been granted relief or protection from removal that would generally be considered lawful status

Of the known and suspected aliens under investigation by ICE, the vast majority (31,699) are confirmed as illegal aliens and awaiting removal from the country or are still under investigation (21,209).

Immigration courts found that only 10 aliens qualified for relief and will not face removal proceedings.
With Detention Centers at Capacity, ICE Begins Releasing Immigrant Families
Federal immigration authorities have begun releasing immigrants of undocumented status from overcrowded detention centers in response to a sudden rush of Central American families, mostly from Guatemala, entering the United States, according to several reports.

Agents with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) said they can no longer review case files without surpassing the court mandated 20-day limit on the amount of time the federal government can detain children.

n August, the federal government apprehended 12,774 parents and children crossing the United States-Mexico border. That’s a significant spike compared to the 9,247 immigrant family members detained in July, according to figures released by U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

Another DHS official, also speaking anonymously, told NBC News that the release of families in Arizona over the weekend is
“the start of a dam breaking,” as family detention centers reach capacity. “You’ll start to see this all across the southern border soon,”
the official added. Meanwhile, the Trump administration is working to repeal the Flores agreement, which governs the way the government can interact with children of undocumented immigration status.
Overwhelmed border officials beg government for help after 2nd child death
The death has fueled an already raging debate over CBP’s handling of the massive surge of illegal immigrant families that’s straining Homeland Security’s abilities.

Democrats in Congress and immigrant-rights activists across the country have said the blood of children is on the government’s hands, insisting bad policies and poor attitudes contributed to the deaths.
ICE Calls out Congress for ‘Decades of Inaction’ After Being Forced to Release 500 Migrants in Texas

The day after Christmas, hundreds of immigrants were dropped off onto the streets of Texas by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) due to a spike in immigrants trying to come across the U.S.-Mexico border and a newer policy on the timeframe of holding family units.

On Wednesday, more than 500 immigrants were released in El Paso, Texas, with over 600 immigrants released in the days prior, according to KVIA-TV.
Democrats in Congress and immigrant-rights activists across the country have said the blood of children is on the government’s hands, insisting bad policies and poor attitudes contributed to the deaths.

Did any DEMOCRATS in Congress say blood was on the government's hands when Obama was in office?

We have received more than 30,000 pages of internal government documents detailing this abuse between 2009 and 2014 throughout the southern border region. These records, obtained through an ACLU Freedom of Information Act request and subsequent litigation, offer a glimpse into an immigration enforcement system that had been plagued by brutality and lawlessness long before Trump was elected.
Did any DEMOCRATS in Congress say blood was on the government's hands when Obama was in office?

We have received more than 30,000 pages of internal government documents detailing this abuse between 2009 and 2014 throughout the southern border region. These records, obtained through an ACLU Freedom of Information Act request and subsequent litigation, offer a glimpse into an immigration enforcement system that had been plagued by brutality and lawlessness long before Trump was elected.
the dems are full of shit.
Pelosi goes on and on about an "immoral wall" - when the true immorality is failure to keep illegal migrants out
the dems are full of shit.
Pelosi goes on and on about an "immoral wall" - when the true immorality is failure to keep illegal migrants out

Please explain how not keeping certain human beings out of a particular country is "immoral" just because they don't come to that country with the legally required paperwork.

How are immigration laws tantamount to morality?

I'd be interested in hearing this....
Not in this case. That makes you so mad, doesn't it?

Why would the nationality or immigration status of a murderer make me mad?

I'm sorry an honest young cop with a family at home got killed performing his duty.

The nationality and immigration status of the killer means nothing to me.

Especially given that murder in America is committed by American citizens many more times than by non-citizens.

The fact that douchebags like you and noisenatta attempt to make a political issue out of it makes me kind of sick, but not mad.

Maroons like you two don't have that kind of effect on me.
Please explain how not keeping certain human beings out of a particular country is "immoral" just because they don't come to that country with the legally required paperwork.

How are immigration laws tantamount to morality?

I'd be interested in hearing this....
first off Pelosi singled out the wall, not just immigration law.
But if you can't see from this thread alone the danger form Illegals I can't help you.

I won't even go into the economics,or possibilities of disease carriers, or gangs criminals and terrorist possibilities

meanwhile continue with your open borders blinders
32% of Federal Inmates Are Aliens
On December 21, the Department of Homeland Security released the Alien Incarceration Report for Fiscal Year 2017. The report discloses the number of confirmed and suspected foreign-born inmates in the custody of the federal prison system, which includes the Bureau of Prisons (BOP) and the U.S. Marshals Service (USMS).

DHS reported a total of 58,766 "known or suspected" aliens in the custody of federal authorities. According to the Federal Bureau of Prisons, there are 184,379 total federal inmates, meaning that almost 32 percent of all federal inmates are aliens. The number of aliens in federal custody has risen since the last report: At that time, the Justice Department estimated that there were 42,000 aliens, representing 24 percent of the federal prison population.

Of the 58,766 "known or suspected" aliens, ICE could confirm that 37,557 (64 percent) are confirmed aliens, defined as meaning that they are non-citizens and foreign-born.
From that group of 37,557 ICE-confirmed aliens, an astonishing 35,334 (94 percent) were illegally residing in the United States.

Prisoners known or suspected to be aliens are reviewed by ICE to determine their immigration status, and are placed into one of five categories:

Under Investigation: Further investigation by ICE is required to confirm alienage and establish potential removability
In Proceedings – Legal: Confirmed alien who is lawfully present in the United States, but has been charged as a removable alien; removal proceedings are ongoing
In Proceedings – Illegal: Confirmed alien who is unlawfully present in the United States; removal proceedings are ongoing
Subject to Final Order of Removal: Confirmed alien who is subject to a final order of removal
Relief/Benefit: Confirmed alien who has been granted relief or protection from removal that would generally be considered lawful status

Of the known and suspected aliens under investigation by ICE, the vast majority (31,699) are confirmed as illegal aliens and awaiting removal from the country or are still under investigation (21,209).

Immigration courts found that only 10 aliens qualified for relief and will not face removal proceedings.

If it makes ya feel better american values are being lived out in our lovely for profit detention centers. By the way, most folks know the crime rates re lower among immigrants than americans. But do go on ....


Sexual Assault and Child Abuse at Immigrant Detention Centers - A Manufactured Tragedy Multiplied
Why would the nationality or immigration status of a murderer make me mad?

I'm sorry an honest young cop with a family at home got killed performing his duty.

The nationality and immigration status of the killer means nothing to me.

Especially given that murder in America is committed by American citizens many more times than by non-citizens.

The fact that douchebags like you and noisenatta attempt to make a political issue out of it makes me kind of sick, but not mad.

Maroons like you two don't have that kind of effect on me.
you moron it is a political issue.
we have effectively ceded control of our southern border
If it makes ya feel better american values are being lived our in our lovely for profit detention centers. By the way, most folks know the crime rates re lower among immigrants than americans. But do go on ....


Sexual Assault and Child Abuse at Immigrant Detention Centers - A Manufactured Tragedy Multiplied
build the wall and the detention centers will not be overcrowded - some may even closed.

We are holding detainees to the breaking point.