Illegal immigrant kills cop in california

That's not really what you said.

Plus, you still haven't explained HOW not having a giant wall is supposedly immoral.

And please stop conflating not giving Trump his cheesey political gimmick wall with border security.

There are plenty of better and more effective ways of securing our border.

The wall and morality have nothing to do with one another unless you can explain how they do.
fuck morality. Pelosi is the one that brought that up. I roll realpolitik always -do what's effective.

WTF do you think nations all over the world are building walls? they are a hard physical barrier-
there is no single more effective tool to stop illegal migrants
It's the law you .. idiot

I think the abortion law is inmoral but it's the law

Your driver's license is all paperwork do you have one? If so why? Because it's the law?
a country that cannot control it's borders is not sovereign over it's affairs
Post # 14 page 1 of this thread and post #26 page 2 of this thread.

So you say.

Why would the nationality or immigration status of a murderer make me mad? I'm sorry an honest young cop with a family at home got killed performing his duty. The nationality and immigration status of the killer means nothing to me. Especially given that murder in America is committed by American citizens many more times than by non-citizens. The fact that douchebags like you and noisenatta attempt to make a political issue out of it makes me kind of sick, but not mad. Maroons like you two don't have that kind of effect on me.

No. You make me so sick I could puke, though.

Unconvincing. Certainly not evidence that proves your claim.

The weaker i show your position to be, the more lame your attempts at deflection get.

Does that make you so mad you could scream?
fuck morality. Pelosi is the one that brought that up. I roll realpolitik always -do what's effective.

So then you are disavowing your original comment re: "the true immorality is failure to keep illegal migrants out".

WTF do you think nations all over the world are building walls? they are a hard physical barrier-

So these are all the countries with border walls between them either proposed, under construction or completed.


These are the countries you think America should emulate???

there is no single more effective tool to stop illegal migrants

There is no more easily breached tool to stop illegal immigration.

If Mexican drug cartels can build tunnels several miles long to go under the border now, they'll be able to build them to go under a wall, too.
So then you are disavowing your original comment re: "the true immorality is failure to keep illegal migrants out".

So these are all the countries with border walls between them either proposed, under construction or completed.

These are the countries you think America should emulate???
There is no more easily breached tool to stop illegal immigration.

If Mexican drug cartels can build tunnels several miles long to go under the border now, they'll be able to build them to go under a wall, too.
why should we constrain ourselves because some other country builds walls/barriers?
Does that make them "immoral" as Pelosi claims?.

Walls aren't anything but a barrier to keep out illegals - other countries do not allow the YUGE number of
legal immigrants that we do, if you insist on checking the morality box.

( for me I do not care -realpolitik is all I ever care about)

by having a wall it frees up agents to go tunnel hunting. there were about 70k illegal crossings just this last 2 months!!

Tunnels at best can move maybe a couple thousand -at best per month. in total.
and then we shut them down anyways when we find them

tunnels can not come anywhere near that 70k figure
why should we constrain ourselves because some other country builds walls/barriers?
Does that make them "immoral" as Pelosi claims?.

Walls aren't anything but a barrier to keep out illegals - other countries do not allow the YUGE number of
legal immigrants that we do, if you insist on checking the morality box.

( for me I do not care -realpolitik is all I ever care about)

by having a wall it frees up agents to go tunnel hunting. there were about 70k illegal crossings just this last 2 months!!

Tunnels at best can move maybe a couple thousand -at best per month. in total.
and then we shut them down anyways when we find them

tunnels can not come anywhere near that 70k figure

^ per border patrol agent? That doesn't look at the totals. they are up bigly in 2018
The asylum laws are driving the "families" ( family style units that may or may not be actual family)

we are full up on detention, they (DHS) are being forced to catch and release again
So then you are disavowing your original comment re: "the true immorality is failure to keep illegal migrants out".

So these are all the countries with border walls between them either proposed, under construction or completed.


These are the countries you think America should emulate???

There is no more easily breached tool to stop illegal immigration.

If Mexican drug cartels can build tunnels several miles long to go under the border now, they'll be able to build them to go under a wall, too.

The information is wrong re: Saudi Arabia and Yemen.
You said it was a MORAL issue.

Yet you cannot explain how it's immoral to not keep people out of a country based on paperwork.

Here is why it it is moral to keep people out without proper paperwork

1) the federal government has a duty to protect its citizens FIRST AND FOREMOST
2) if just one rapist or murderer comes here illegally the government failed. That murder occurs by US citizens is irrelevant and a deflection. Using your argument we should have no gun laws because people kill people with knives
3) we don’t know what diseases these individuals carry which puts our citizens at risk. It is immoral to needlessly expose our citizens to disease
4) when we have US citizens that are unemployed it is immoral to allow that job to be taken by a illegal alien

The ONLY reason you are so pro illegal immigration is that you think it improves the electoral chances of the democrat party. That is it. You and your ilk all but admit it when you come on here crowing about the “demography is destiny” crap.

You don’t care about these illegals other than the fact you think they will vote for democrats

You are a sick, evil, twisted fuck who should be water boarded
^ per border patrol agent? That doesn't look at the totals. they are up bigly in 2018
The asylum laws are driving the "families" ( family style units that may or may not be actual family)

we are full up on detention, they (DHS) are being forced to catch and release again

You can't believe anything Trump says.


Although President Donald Trump may often tout his strong stance against illegal migrants and is regularly blasted by critics for his hardline immigration policies, deportations since he took office have remained well below the levels carried out in the peak years of his predecessor Barack Obama.

In 2018, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has so far removed just over 256,000 individuals from the country. Last year, the number was lower, with 226,119 total deportations, according to official ICE statistics. But under Obama, annual deportations remained well above 300,000 per year from when he took office in 2008 until 2014. They reached a peak in 2012, with a total of 409,849. During 2015 and 2016, Obama’s last two years in office, deportations dropped to less than 250,000, but were still higher than Trump’s first year as president.


However, there is one aspect of immigration where Trump has actually made a dent. The numbers entering the U.S. legally on immigration, temporary stay or work visas has dropped since Obama’s final year in office, Politico reported. Temporary stay visa issuances have declined by 13 percent from 2016, and the issuance of immigration visas, which allow individuals to apply for green cards, has fallen by 14 percent over the same period of time. Employers who regularly use H-1B visas to hire skilled foreign workers have also faced greater hurdles to get the necessary approvals.
Illegal immigrant families set record in 2018; top 100,000 for first time


President Trump’s zero-tolerance border policy, reaching record levels and leaving the Trump administration frustrated over the lack of easy solutions.

More than 16,600 illegal immigrant parents and children traveling together were nabbed by the Border Patrol in September, marking the worst month on record and nearly twice the numbers from before the administration tried — and then backed off — zero tolerance.

That helped fuel a surge for the entire fiscal year, with agents catching more than 107,000 family members over 12 months, a 38 percent increase over 2017, and eclipsing the previous record set under President Obama in 2016.

Yet you cannot explain how it's immoral to not keep people out of a country based on paperwork.

so a legal immigrant is dead because a sanctuary state refuses to comply with the law and lets an illegal immigrant go..........seriously. if you need it explained you wouldn't understand the explanation.......