Illegal immigrant kills cop in california

Everyone who has read the article or watched the news knows the young father from Fiji was legal and always wanted to be a cop. Don't project..

You brought it up, without making the distinction, in a discussion regarding an illegal immigrant killing the Cop.

Why don't you explain why you FELT the NEED to bring it up??
Authorities arrest suspect in killing of police officer in Stanislaus County

A man who was living in the country illegally and had known gang ties was arrested Friday in the fatal shooting of a police officer during a traffic stop in Stanislaus County, authorities said.

Gustavo Perez Arriaga, 32, who had prior arrests for drunk driving, was arrested at a house in the Lamont area as he was trying to flee to Mexico, Stanislaus County Sheriff Adam Christianson said at a news conference Friday.

The suspect’s 25-year-old brother, Adrian Virgen, and a coworker, 27-year-old Erik Razo Quiroz, both of whom were also in the country illegally, were arrested on Thursday on felony charges that they interfered with the investigation, authorities said. An additional three arrests were made in Kern County.

Arriaga’s previous brushes with the law and release by law enforcement prompted angry comments from the sheriff about Senate Bill 54, the state’s so-called sanctuary law that provides expanded protection for immigrants who have entered the country illegally. The law, which took effect last January, prohibits state and local police agencies from notifying federal officials in many cases when immigrants potentially subject to deportation are about to be released from custody.

“This is a criminal illegal alien with prior criminal activity that should have been reported to ICE,”
Christianson said. “Law enforcement was prohibited because of sanctuary laws, and that led to the encounter with Officer Singh. I’m suggesting that the outcome could have been different if law enforcement wasn’t restricted, prohibited or had their hands tied because of political interference.”

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement was unable to provide any information about Arriaga’s immigration status because ICE's public affairs officers are out for the duration of the government shutdown.

At 12:57 a.m. Wednesday, Newman Police Cpl. Ronil Singh radioed that he was pulling over a vehicle at Merced Street and Eucalyptus Avenue in Newman, authorities said. Minutes later, he called out “shots fired” over the radio, they said.

“It was a gunfight,” Christianson said at an earlier news conference Thursday. “Cpl. Singh absolutely tried to defend himself and stop this credible threat.”

The officers who responded found Singh, 33, had been shot and the motorist he stopped was gone. Singh was taken to a hospital, where he died.

Authorities have probable cause to believe Arriaga was under the influence of alcohol at the time of the stop, Christianson said. The sheriff said Arriaga has known gang affiliations, claiming to be a sureño, or “southerner,” a California gang with strong ties to the Mexican mafia, authorities said.

Arriaga, who has been in the country for several years, has worked in the labor industry, Christianson said.

Arriaga’s arrest comes nearly a week after a partial federal government shutdown prompted largely by a funding dispute between President Trump and the House of Representatives over funding for a border wall. Trump has made stepped-up enforcement on illegal immigration one of his administration’s top priorities.

On Thursday, the president tweeted about the Stanislaus County case: “Time to get tough on Border Security. Build the Wall!”
Everyone who has read the article or watched the news knows the young father from Fiji was legal and always wanted to be a cop. Don't project..

why the fuck do you think the fact the victim was a legal immigrant excuses his murderer from being here illegally......seriously, are you incapable from understanding the difference between a legal immigrant and an illegal immigrant?.......I would like an honest answer from one of you fuckwitted lib'ruls on that question......
The bottom line is...this officer should be alive and with his family.... *California and it's stupid laws...the blood is on their hands...shameful
Hang these assholes, along with the Cop killer.

Seven people across the state have been arrested for helping the suspect in the murder of Corporal Ronil Singh avoid police.

Gustavo Perez Arriaga was arrested by Kern County Sheriff’s Deputies Friday after authorities learned he was in a residence in the Lamont Area of Kern County.


Gustavo Perez Arriaga (source: Stanislaus County Sheriff)

SWAT deputies made a perimeter around the residence early Friday morning and Arriaga surrendered without incident, according to the Kern County Sheriff’s Department.

Three people from the house Arriaga was found in were also arrested for aiding and abetting. Those people are Bernabe Madrigal Castaneda, 59, Erasmo Villegas, 36, and Maria Luisa Moreno, 57. All are from Bakersfield.

Mugshots of the three arrested in Kern County are not available, per the sheriff’s department’s policy.

Four more people were arrested for aiding Arriaga in evading the police.

In a press conference Friday, Stanislaus County Sheriff Adam Christianson said Arriaga’s brother Adrian Virgen and his coworker Erik Quiroz were arrested in Stanislaus County.


From Left: Adrian Virgen,, and Erik Razo Quiroz.(credit: Stanislaus County Sheriff’s Department)

Additionally, Arriaga’s girlfriend and another one of his brothers were also arrested for helping Arriaga after he allegedly shot Corporal Singh.

His girlfriend, Ana Leyde Cervantes, 30, was arrested in Turlock. His brother, Conrado Virgen Mendoza, 34, was arrested in Livermore.


From Left: Ana Leyde Cervantes, and Conrado Virgen Mendoz, (credit: Stanislaus County Sheriff’s Department)
Why would the nationality or immigration status of a murderer make me mad?

I'm sorry an honest young cop with a family at home got killed performing his duty.

The nationality and immigration status of the killer means nothing to me.

Especially given that murder in America is committed by American citizens many more times than by non-citizens.

The fact that douchebags like you and noisenatta attempt to make a political issue out of it makes me kind of sick, but not mad.

Maroons like you two don't have that kind of effect on me.

Fantastic reply Nomad!

It is so great to know that you are a True Bugs Bunny Aficionado!

As I read your post I noticed your use of the pejorative "Maroons" ---so I googled it and SHAZAM!

As for "maroon," that was just Bugs mispronouncing the word "moron" ... what's shocking there is what it used to mean before these cartoons popularized it as a silly insult. In the 1600s "maroon" was actually a word for fugitive black slaves who settled in the Caribbean and fought twice against the British for their independence. There are people in Jamaica who still identify themselves as Maroons and now have to explain "No, not that kind" all the time. Shame on you, Bugs Bunny, we never knew you were so racist.

Romper roomed!
The bottom line is...this officer should be alive and with his family.... *California and it's stupid laws...the blood is on their hands...shameful

The gun industry and the NRA have the blood of tens of thousands of murder victims on their hands for being so complicit in creating the absurd availability of guns and the ease with which they can be gotten ahold of by just about anyone.
Please explain how not keeping certain human beings out of a particular country is "immoral" just because they don't come to that country with the legally required paperwork.

How are immigration laws tantamount to morality?

I'd be interested in hearing this....
Remind him that the victim was an immigrant from a shit hole country. That should allow him to sleep at night.
why the fuck do you think the fact the victim was a legal immigrant excuses his murderer from being here illegally......seriously, are you incapable from understanding the difference between a legal immigrant and an illegal immigrant?.......I would like an honest answer from one of you fuckwitted lib'ruls on that question......

bump for Kudzu or any other brain dead lib'rul to finally answer the question.......
The gun industry and the NRA have the blood of tens of thousands of murder victims on their hands for being so complicit in creating the absurd availability of guns and the ease with which they can be gotten ahold of by just about anyone.

Commerce takes precedence over humanity in american capitalism.