Illegal stole citizen's ID, registered to vote and did repeatedly...

I have registered people to vote. An ID is required. If a guy from Guatemala gave a stolen ID, it would be noticed. If you are claiming one got through. I am not sure it is true. Now show us that stolen ID and aliens illegal voting are a problem. If you went to Guatemala, who would ld you vote for and why? You goofy Trumpys have the idea that people from other countries are fighting to vote in our election. For who and why? Perhaps they are all Trump voters.
Your thinking is very weak and your conclusions are wrong.
States like California and Minnesota etc are issuing state Driver Licenses to illegals.
So what did I say that was a lie Little Lizard? Be specific or YOU are the GOD DAMN LIAR not me. I'm predicting you won't say anything THAT I SAID that was a lie.
You rarely ever tell the truth about anything!

I am not bothering to go back and read your comments- as I just ignore them immediately..................................And I AIN'T GOIN' BACK- Not Going Back!

You are so caught up into your own web of lies, I am at the point to where I am just going to ignore you through the ignore facility!

I am putting you on probation for lying- if you continue to post lies, I will officially ignore you!
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Lots of people that haven't voted in the last couple of elections went to vote in person and were told they had already voted. If you needed to cast a few thousand illegal votes you could I identify unlikely but registered voters and cast mail in ballots for them. That is why purging the rolls of dead or moved or inactive voters is needed.
This is an example of where someone like Express Lame tells a lie- and has to tell many more lies in an attempt to re-enforce his original lie!

Notice that they do not use proven facts at all, and they always use exaggerations like "LOTS OF PEOPLE", Trump uses "MILLIONS- AND MILLIONS- AND MILLIONS, and use projection, saying things they are guilty of, while trying to accuse others of doing what they do- or have just thought of doing them themselves as part of their scheming!

Habitual intentional lying demonstrates an array of underlying Personality Disorders that plague people like EXPRESS LAME and DONALD TRUMP!
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States like California and Minnesota etc are issuing state Driver Licenses to illegals.
There are over 20 states that issue driver's licenses to Non-Citizens.

And the Driver's License in all these states denote the license carrier is a Non-Citizen!

This is the first thing that the Poll Station Verifiers look for while qualifying you before you can vote.

Sir, your ignorance of this, or your intentional leaving this important information out of your comment for deceptive reasons has been duly noted!

I have registered people to vote. An ID is required. If a guy from Guatemala gave a stolen ID, it would be noticed. If you are claiming one got through. I am not sure it is true. Now show us that stolen ID and aliens illegal voting are a problem. If you went to Guatemala, who would ld you vote for and why? You goofy Trumpys have the idea that people from other countries are fighting to vote in our election. For who and why? Perhaps they are all Trump voters.
Your thinking is very weak and your conclusions are wrong.
In reality anyone here illegally does everything they can to stay off the radar screens of the authorities. They don't try to get drivers licenses, ID cards, work permits, "welfare," or anything else that might reveal that they are here illegally.

This is just another non-problem cooked up by Reichwing media and fed to their stooges to whip up outrage and get out the vote. It also helps to cover up the fact that they have no solutions, no plans, no policies to address actual real issues. If they were truly concerned, they would have not allowed #TRE45ON to kill the bipartisan immigration bill earlier this year.
My sister lives in MN. She bought our mothers house 30 years ago and lives there with her husband and at the time our mother. Voter records show all three residents in that home have voted since 2000. Our mother died more than 15 years ago. You do the math.
Have you reported your sister for voter fraud yet? Why not?
There are over 20 states that issue driver's licenses to Non-Citizens.

And the Driver's License in all these states denote the license carrier is a Non-Citizen!

This is the first thing that the Poll Station Verifiers look for while qualifying you before you can vote.

Sir, your ignorance of this, or your intentional leaving this important information out of your comment for deceptive reasons has been duly noted!

You are correct. My best friend in nursing school had a drivers license. She is now a U.S. citizen, but wasn't then; she had just arrived in the country from Ukraine. Ditto for my friend from S. Africa who was our bird caretaker when we traveled. She also had a drivers license. She often lamented that she worked and paid taxes but wasn't allowed to vote. She can now; she got her citizenship a few years ago.
You are correct. My best friend in nursing school had a drivers license. She is now a U.S. citizen, but wasn't then; she had just arrived in the country from Ukraine. Ditto for my friend from S. Africa who was our bird caretaker when we traveled. She also had a drivers license. She often lamented that she worked and paid taxes but wasn't allowed to vote. She can now; she got her citizenship a few years ago.
Allowing legal green carded immigrants to obtain Driver's Licenses started many years ago.
Back then the various states called them temporary non-citizen licenses.

But in the last 10 years 20 states have issued the Non-Citizen Permanent licenses- and sometimes referred to as REAL Licenses.

Many responsible states realized that Non-Citizens have to drive back and forth from work and need their automobiles just as Citizens do.

And so they make the Non-Citizens go through the same written and driving testing as the Citizens have to pass- in order to obtain a drivers license!

It makes the streets and highways much safer when everyone is trained properly to drive and be able to understand the driving laws!

Express Lame does not want Mexicans to drive- because they get into his express lane and in his way and all! He thinks he owns the highways- and he thinks they were made for WHITE GUYS LIKE HIM ONLY!
Allowing legal green carded immigrants to obtain Driver's Licenses started many years ago.
Back then the various states called them temporary non-citizen licenses.

But in the last 10 years 20 states have issued the Non-Citizen Permanent licenses- and sometimes referred to as REAL Licenses.

Many responsible states realized that Non-Citizens have to drive back and forth from work and need their automobiles just as Citizens do.

And so they make the Non-Citizens go through the same written and driving testing as the Citizens have to pass- in order to obtain a drivers license!

It makes the streets and highways much safer when everyone is trained properly to drive and be able to understand the driving laws!

Express Lame does not want Mexicans to drive- because they get into his express lane and in his way and all! He thinks he owns the highways- and he thinks they were made for WHITE GUYS LIKE HIM ONLY!
ExLax is a she, not a he. Like most MAGATs, she is a xenophobe and a bigot. It's typical that they want immigrants to have jobs, but are against one of the main ways of keeping that job -- a valid drivers license.
ExLax is a she, not a he. Like most MAGATs, she is a xenophobe and a bigot. It's typical that they want immigrants to have jobs, but are against one of the main ways of keeping that job -- a valid drivers license.
I think he is a man. Because I have seen a lot of his sexist remarks that a woman would never make.

And he said his wife is more RIGHT-WING than he is. I seriously doubt that. But who knows- this is Texas, with lots of TRUMPTARDED RACIST MAGA women here- mostly implants from other states. They came here as racists!
Oddly enough, she reported the error to her precinct immediately upon finding this information years ago. Dead mom is still reported as filling out a ballot.
Sounds like that state needs to update its voter databases then. Missouri is apparently better. My late husband passed away in 2005. When I went to vote in 2006, I noticed that his name no longer appeared by mine in the precinct book.
An illegal from Guatemala stole a citizen's ID, registered to vote and did, got a passport

Seems to me the Democrats are full of shit about illegals and non-citizens not voting in our elections.
You can't vote multiple times or it will be caught and none of them will count.

If you vote by mail as soon as your first one arrives it won't count another from you.
if they get 1000 mail in votes from a precinct that has 500 registered voters it will be caught.
If you vote at a precinct your name will be checked off and you won't be allowed to vote again.
you can't cheat the system and an illegal imigrant is not stupid enough to attempt voting and risk deportation when the payoff is nothing.