Illegal stole citizen's ID, registered to vote and did repeatedly...

You can't vote multiple times or it will be caught and none of them will count.

Not true. Rings have been caught doing that but only after multiple years of voting. For example, several elections past--and no I don't have a source as this was back in the 2000's--a group of people (party irrelevant) were doing this between Ohio and Arizona. The group had all registered to vote at an address in both states. The states sent the ballots to those addresses. The local residents would mail the out-of-state ballots to the parties in the other state who would fill them out, mail them back, then the local residents would turn them in.

They only got caught because someone finally noticed that like a dozen ballots were going to the same address and raised a question about that.

So, you can vote multiple times if it is in different states because they don't cross check between each other.
If you vote by mail as soon as your first one arrives it won't count another from you.
if they get 1000 mail in votes from a precinct that has 500 registered voters it will be caught.
If you vote at a precinct your name will be checked off and you won't be allowed to vote again.
you can't cheat the system and an illegal imigrant is not stupid enough to attempt voting and risk deportation when the payoff is nothing.

If on the other hand no voter ID is required, and you have a list of voters (usually available to political parties and organizations) you can determine if anyone on it has moved out of state, died, etc., and have an operative vote for them instead. There'd be no way to know who did it once the act was completed, if somehow it was caught which isn't likely to begin with.

Then there's ballot harvesting...
And you have how many documented cases of this?


But thanks for your ONE ISOLATED INCIDENT example that only just helps me make my case!

It just goes to show you that our system of verifying votes is working- OR THIS ONE ISOLATED CASE OF CHEATING WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN CAUGHT! IT WAS!

Not many people would ever think about farting on a crowded elevator- But then again- there is always some rude asshole that will!


Hey! I'm just here to help!
Argument of ignorance fallacy.

This is not the only instance of this, Lizard.

The President is not elected by popular vote, Lizard.
“allegedly,” you do know what “allegedly” means don’t you?

And most real news sites don’t frame “allegedly” reports as actual facts
It means the news outlet is doing a CYA for legal reasons because the person involved hasn't been tried and convicted yet. They do that with all criminal cases they report on.
Do people think there are zero instances of fraud in a nation of 300 million+?

They document all of it on a gov't website. There is onesy-twosy stuff every single election. Statistically, it amounts to literally nothing in terms of the results.
Election fraud by Democrats is more than just voter fraud, idiot. ALL of it is illegal.
Given that 23.9 million people in 2021 reported they had their identity stolen, the odds are far more than some isolated case. In fact, it's likely to occur pretty frequently given that amounts to about 1 in 9 persons in the US having it happen to them.

In 2021, an estimated 23.9 million persons, or about 9% of all U.S. residents age 16 or older, reported that they had been victims of identity theft during the prior 12 months.

So, listen up, NUMBSKULL, identity theft is a huge problem and there's evidence non-citizens are voting in our elections (Texas just found over 16,000 registered to vote and almost 2,000 had a voting history). That means your position is full of shit and there are an unknown but significant number of noncitizens voting in our elections. Given that Biden / Harris have doubled the population of illegals in the US, the problem isn't getting smaller either.
Given that you have one instance of a person having their identity stolen and then used to register to vote, I guess that proves how rare it is even with 23.9 million persons having their identity stolen.
Given that you have one instance of a person having their identity stolen and then used to register to vote, I guess that proves how rare it is even with 23.9 million persons having their identity stolen.
Absence of evidence doesn't mean evidence of absence. Many of these cases are difficult to detect and then catch. In this case, someone noticed their deceased relative was getting a ballot and other voter information and reported it. The authorities didn't discover this case until that happened. Relying solely on government to detect voter fraud only means that it mostly goes undetected.
Absence of evidence doesn't mean evidence of absence. Many of these cases are difficult to detect and then catch. In this case, someone noticed their deceased relative was getting a ballot and other voter information and reported it. The authorities didn't discover this case until that happened. Relying solely on government to detect voter fraud only means that it mostly goes undetected.
Absence of evidence doesn't mean evidence of existence. The fact that there is very little evidence doesn't equate to something existing in large quantities. If it exists, why don't you go find it. Oh.. that's right, you can't find it so you use bromides like "Absence of evidence doesn't mean evidence of absence" as if they prove something exists.
Not true. Rings have been caught doing that but only after multiple years of voting. For example, several elections past--and no I don't have a source as this was back in the 2000's--a group of people (party irrelevant) were doing this between Ohio and Arizona. The group had all registered to vote at an address in both states. The states sent the ballots to those addresses. The local residents would mail the out-of-state ballots to the parties in the other state who would fill them out, mail them back, then the local residents would turn them in.

They only got caught because someone finally noticed that like a dozen ballots were going to the same address and raised a question about that.

So, you can vote multiple times if it is in different states because they don't cross check between each other.

If on the other hand no voter ID is required, and you have a list of voters (usually available to political parties and organizations) you can determine if anyone on it has moved out of state, died, etc., and have an operative vote for them instead. There'd be no way to know who did it once the act was completed, if somehow it was caught which isn't likely to begin with.

Then there's ballot harvesting...
You are a conspiracy nut. Mail-in go through the same processes as in person votes. Have you voted mail-in? there is a precinct address on the envelope. It is sent to the precinct that the voter is assigned to. The first check is to see that it was signed and dated. If not, and it is early enough, the voter will be notified and have a chance to go to city hall and sign it. If he cannot get there before the election, his ballot is trashed.
If it passes that test, the name is checked with the precinct book. If he is assigned there, the signature is checked. If it matches, then the ballot is processed.
If a bunch of ballots arrive with the same voters name the authorities will be called. If ballots arrive with no name in the logbook, authorities will be called.
Ballot harvesting? Do you understand what it is? All it is is if you are going to the maill box at the precinct or city hall and others ask you to take their ballots there for convenience, you do. It does not change the number of votes. It was doing a favor.
The Rightys have made a big deal about that because they know they can convince small minded people that it is doing something bad. That is where you fit in.
An illegal from Guatemala stole a citizen's ID, registered to vote and did, got a passport

Seems to me the Democrats are full of shit about illegals and non-citizens not voting in our elections.
Well, there's one! I guess that's all the proof you need to paint all Democrat voters as illegal immigrants.
Given that 23.9 million people in 2021 reported they had their identity stolen, the odds are far more than some isolated case. In fact, it's likely to occur pretty frequently given that amounts to about 1 in 9 persons in the US having it happen to them.

In 2021, an estimated 23.9 million persons, or about 9% of all U.S. residents age 16 or older, reported that they had been victims of identity theft during the prior 12 months.

So, listen up, NUMBSKULL, identity theft is a huge problem and there's evidence non-citizens are voting in our elections (Texas just found over 16,000 registered to vote and almost 2,000 had a voting history). That means your position is full of shit and there are an unknown but significant number of noncitizens voting in our elections. Given that Biden / Harris have doubled the population of illegals in the US, the problem isn't getting smaller either.
So now you're saying that the motive for ID theft is in order to vote illegally? Really? LOL!!
You are a conspiracy nut. Mail-in go through the same processes as in person votes. Have you voted mail-in? there is a precinct address on the envelope. It is sent to the precinct that the voter is assigned to. The first check is to see that it was signed and dated. If not, and it is early enough, the voter will be notified and have a chance to go to city hall and sign it. If he cannot get there before the election, his ballot is trashed.
If it passes that test, the name is checked with the precinct book. If he is assigned there, the signature is checked. If it matches, then the ballot is processed.
If a bunch of ballots arrive with the same voters name the authorities will be called. If ballots arrive with no name in the logbook, authorities will be called.
Ballot harvesting? Do you understand what it is? All it is is if you are going to the maill box at the precinct or city hall and others ask you to take their ballots there for convenience, you do. It does not change the number of votes. It was doing a favor.
The Rightys have made a big deal about that because they know they can convince small minded people that it is doing something bad. That is where you fit in.
No they don't. In virtually all states the only thing checked is the signature on the envelope. In most states the matching is done by a scan program and matches as low as 25% are accepted. That is, if the envelope is signed, it is accepted. That's equivalent to not requiring ID voting in person.

Ballot harvesting is not asking someone to drop your ballot off at a mailbox, but the use of persons, sometimes paid, to go to voter's residences and ask them if they'd like their ballot handed in by them. It often goes further, in that the harvester will assist or even fill out the ballot for someone and then hand it in. It isn't "doing a favor." It is a professional operation where harvesters could be turning in hundreds of ballots they've collected.

For example, the group Mi Familia Vota mistakenly texted me last presidential election asking if (in Spanish) if I wanted help filling out my ballot and turning it in. This is illegal in Arizona, and yes, I did turn that into the state for investigation of voter fraud but never heard anything back on it.
Well, there's one! I guess that's all the proof you need to paint all Democrat voters as illegal immigrants.
Nope. I see it as one small proof our election systems need greater basic security. That would include:

Voting in person only.
Voter ID required.
Voting on election day (or days), no election months or seasons.
Periodically having to update your registration.

If voting is such an important civic duty, then the above is no burden.
Nope. I see it as one small proof our election systems need greater basic security. That would include:

Voting in person only.
Voter ID required.
Voting on election day (or days), no election months or seasons.
Periodically having to update your registration.

If voting is such an important civic duty, then the above is no burden.
There was no voter fraud of consequence in any of our presidential elections and Trump lost the last one just like he will lose this one. He is a fucking idiot, just listen to him.
Some states vote only by mail and more will come, there is no need for millions to go to a voting booth on election day.
There was no voter fraud of consequence in any of our presidential elections and Trump lost the last one just like he will lose this one. He is a fucking idiot, just listen to him.
Some states vote only by mail and more will come, there is no need for millions to go to a voting booth on election day.
So now you've gone from "There's no voter fraud," to "There's no voter fraud of consequence." Well, presidential elections aren't the only elections we hold and voter fraud has been found to make a difference in elections in the past. Should we wait until there is an election where there is consequential voter fraud to take steps to prevent it from happening or do should we do something about it now?

Voting by mail is just a means for mass voter fraud to occur. We should, like virtually the entire world has, dump it and do elections voting in person with ID.
So now you've gone from "There's no voter fraud," to "There's no voter fraud of consequence." Well, presidential elections aren't the only elections we hold and voter fraud has been found to make a difference in elections in the past. Should we wait until there is an election where there is consequential voter fraud to take steps to prevent it from happening or do should we do something about it now?

Voting by mail is just a means for mass voter fraud to occur. We should, like virtually the entire world has, dump it and do elections voting in person with ID.
Well we aren't going to. It's safer, easier and less expensive so you can go fuck yourself.
Nope. I see it as one small proof our election systems need greater basic security. That would include:

Voting in person only.
Voter ID required.
Voting on election day (or days), no election months or seasons.
Periodically having to update your registration.

If voting is such an important civic duty, then the above is no burden.
You know nothing. However, making voting more difficult would hurt poor people and minorities. The Republicans figured out in the 80s that lower turnout helps them. That is what this is about.
There are people without transportation. Some people have long ago lost their birth certificates. It can be a pain getting a new one.
Our elections are thoroughly checked every time. There are almost zero people using others ID. It is not a problem.
Why don't we have people vote in police stations with police looking over their shoulders?
Our election system is very secure.