I'm voting for Trump

the fact that the only response you have left is be more specific means that this has been a great speech.
I hate when they start that "USA USA USA" chant. It just reminds me of dictatorships.

When people do not wave the flag or chant "USA," I know it's a Democratic Party function, not because I think that people necessarily should, but because I see that Democrats are physically incapable.
he told what is happening in the country we are not always aware of.
The massive food stamp program that is supposed to be temporary becoming permanent because it's needed.

He spoke to the fact the average household income is down $4k. since 2002.
I know my purchasing power is in the toilet -I make as much as I ever did, but my money doesn't cover all I need.

The slamming of "multi-country trade agreements" (like the TPP) in favor of bi-lateral agreements isn't sexy
but it's the nuts and bolts of cutting back our $800B trade deficit..

It wasn't sunshine and "we're all equally great" it was a call to greatness -brilliance of the American exceptionalism
that is the spirit of this country.

He spoke to workers/middle class
he told what is happening in the country we are not always aware of.
The massive food stamp program that is supposed to be temporary becoming permanent because it's needed.

He spoke to the fact the average household income is down $4k. since 2002.
I know my purchasing power is in the toilet -I make as much as I ever did, but my money doesn't cover all I need.

The slamming of "multi-country trade agreements" (like the TPP) in favor of bi-lateral agreements isn't sexy
but it's the nuts and bolts of cutting back our $800B trade deficit..

It wasn't sunshine and "we're all equally great" it was a call to greatness -brilliance of the American exceptionalism
that is the spirit of this country.

He spoke to workers/middle class

and he included blacks bisexuals and bernie sanders :) The three b's
He's going to put an end to crime!

Honestly, I didn't know that before tonight. I'm all in. He should have really talked about that more - that's a biggie.
This speech wasn't for rana, or christie, or darla, or thing, or jarod. It was for the rust belt.

Facts? Doesn't matter. Yes you heard me right, they don't matter.


Maybe... but who said dark doesn't get votes?

Here is the thing that is hard for many to admit or understand that live in the bubble. Trump absolutely, objectively accomplished what he specifically needed to accomplish tonight. The polls from CNN say it all:





You guys need to wake up to the fact that there are a lot of pissed off white people in the rust belt, many even former blue collar democrats, and much of this speech was music to their ears.

Does that mean trump will win? Who knows. I am not an idiot to predict an election even four months out, so much can change. But this idea that Trump has zero chance or he's going to get slaughtered by Clinton is just laughably ignorant.

Jeez, Grind - a flash poll of mainly Republicans?


I would beg to differ that CNN's audience is 100% republican or anywhere near that, and probably has a decent cross section of viewers... though I will grant you the sample size is skewed more to republicans than a normal poll would be. It's still an important poll though because it shows the change in attitude among conservatives and republican leaning independents. The narrative earlier this week is that the convention was being ineffective or lacking energy or not swaying minds. People were talking about #nevertrump and cruz. I said yesterday cruz just pushed reluctant conservatives into Trump's arms. You mocked me. Remember that? Remember how I talked about that yesterday and you were calling it a disaster and now I am posting a poll showing people (and republicans) are much more likely to vote for him?

He's not going to convince a liberal audience, and as for independents, a large contingent of those are either already in his corner or locked up with the democrats. I would like to refer you this this article, that largely outlines that what we consider 'independents' is more or less a myth in our system:


Here is another thing to consider:

Hillary Clinton and her allies continue to outspend Donald Trump and his backers over the airwaves by a 15-to-1 margin, according to ad-spending data from SMG Delta.
Team Clinton has spent $57 million on ads so far in the general election -- $25 million coming from the campaign and another $32 million from pro-Clinton Super PACs.
By comparison, Team Trump has aired $3.6 million in ads, with all of the spending from two outside groups, the National Rifle Association ($2.3 million) and Rebuilding America Now ($1.3 million). The Trump campaign has yet to spend a single cent on ads so far in the general election.
Last week, the totals were $45 million for Team Clinton, versus $2.8 million for Team Trump.
Clinton's advantage is even more pronounced in the battlegrounds, where Team Clinton has spent a combined $46.2 million in nine states to Team Trump's $1.2 million. That's nearly a 40-to-1 margin.


Clinton is outspending Trump in some areas by a 40-1 margin. Where has that gotten her you ask?

"Suffolk University Ohio Poll Shows Trump and Clinton Tied at 44 Percent"

As Donald Trump and the Republican delegates prepare to close out their party convention in Cleveland, a new Suffolk University poll of Ohio voters shows the race a dead heat in the Buckeye State, with Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump tied at 44 percent and 11 percent undecided.


Clinton is either tied or very marginally ahead of Trump in swing states despite massively outspending him. What do you think happens when trump merely doubles his ad buys?

She is a verrrrrry weak candidate and very vulnerable. Let me leave you with one last fact. Clinton has never once had any campaign where she finished higher than she started. Her level of support is capped. She is a known quantity. The country has known her for 25 years. There is no one in this race right now sitting on the fence still making up their mind if they are going to vote for Clinton or not. They are thinking of either voting for Trump or staying home. Trump has more room to play with.

I am not saying trump will win. There are many variables still at play between now and the election. But I do think people are underestimating trump just like they did in the primaries, and I think there is a lot of data pointing towards this being a very close election. All I am saying is, it's time for JPP liberals to get out of the bubble.

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