I'm voting for Trump

Clinton is either tied or very marginally ahead of Trump in swing states despite massively outspending him. What do you think happens when trump merely doubles his ad buys?

She is a verrrrrry weak candidate and very vulnerable. Let me leave you with one last fact. Clinton has never once had any campaign where she finished higher than she started. Her level of support is capped. She is a known quantity. The country has known her for 25 years. There is no one in this race right now sitting on the fence still making up their mind if they are going to vote for Clinton or not. They are thinking of either voting for Trump or staying home. Trump has more room to play with.

I am not saying trump will win. There are many variables still at play between now and the election. But I do think people are underestimating trump just like they did in the primaries, and I think there is a lot of data pointing towards this being a very close election. All I am saying is, it's time for JPP liberals to get out of the bubble.

They're both weak candidates, and they're both capped out on support. I agree w/ you about Hillary & people making up their minds about her. But who in America hasn't made their mind up on Trump? If anything, his negatives are a little worse. If you don't like Trump by now, chances are you aren't going to come around to liking him.

Bogus election, but you're overplaying Trump's advantage. I don't know who is going to win, but you're wrong in thinking he has more room to play with.
"I alone can fix it."

Trump's said that kind of stuff before. I mean, that shite is crazy.

To listen to you Obama supporters, HE'S done all sort of things by himself. HE'S created millions of jobs. HE got bin Laden. HE, HE, HE. The sad thing is when things fuck up, and the regularly do, the same ones kissing his ass find all sorts of excuses why it's not his fault.
The I alone stuff is very strange. Probably some Hitler shit there, but it makes me picture Darth Vadar for some reason. You alone will stand by my side Luke and together we shall rule the universe!

Very strange.

He's selling fear, a lot of pissy pant bitches who spent their lives screaming "hold me mommy hold me" are buying...it's not enough.

I do predict it. Trump will go down. The Obama coalition is going to hold the line, you'll see.
The I alone stuff is very strange. Probably some Hitler shit there, but it makes me picture Darth Vadar for some reason. You alone will stand by my side Luke and together we shall rule the universe!

Very strange.

He's selling fear, a lot of pissy pant bitches who spent their lives screaming "hold me mommy hold me" are buying...it's not enough.

I do predict it. Trump will go down. The Obama coalition is going to hold the line, you'll see.

That's a perfect description of Obama's thinking. In fact, his supporters regularly claim HE did all sorts of things giving the impression that he did it by himself.

Pucker up to the chocolate.
This speech wasn't for rana, or christie, or darla, or thing, or jarod. It was for the rust belt.

Facts? Doesn't matter. Yes you heard me right, they don't matter.


Maybe... but who said dark doesn't get votes?

Here is the thing that is hard for many to admit or understand that live in the bubble. Trump absolutely, objectively accomplished what he specifically needed to accomplish tonight. The polls from CNN say it all:





You guys need to wake up to the fact that there are a lot of pissed off white people in the rust belt, many even former blue collar democrats, and much of this speech was music to their ears.

Does that mean trump will win? Who knows. I am not an idiot to predict an election even four months out, so much can change. But this idea that Trump has zero chance or he's going to get slaughtered by Clinton is just laughably ignorant.

I know. Shocking that this crew didn't like his speech. Of course these same people said last year at this time that Trump wouldn't be on that stage.

Do you think they will be listening to Crooked Hillary's speech with the same scrutiny? Doubt it. Will Trump win? Don't know. Can he? Definitely.

Will I vote for Trump? No

I am still voting for Ted Cruz.
Exactly right, USF.

And you won't see me posting 'em, either.

Don't most republicans watch Fox lol?

I wouldn't be so dismissive, given that CNN probably has the more diverse viewership of the major outlets. The 56% changed their vote bit would be unsettling for me if I was on Team Hilterly, as well.

I doubt Trump would get many liberals to change, so you almost have to surmise that those are independents or perhaps some minorities.

Not good news for your girl no matter how you slice it.
Don't most republicans watch Fox lol?

I wouldn't be so dismissive, given that CNN probably has the more diverse viewership of the major outlets. The 56% changed their vote bit would be unsettling for me if I was on Team Hilterly, as well.

I doubt Trump would get many liberals to change, so you almost have to surmise that those are independents or perhaps some minorities.

Not good news for your girl no matter how you slice it.

It doesn't say that 56% changed their vote.
Affected their vote.

Put together with the other numbers, odds are most of the effect was in the positive direction.

Wrong again. 56% said it made them more likely to vote for him. That is not a "changed vote" and it's not something that needs to be put together with "other numbers" to see if there are "odds" of a net positive.

You people can't read a simple, and close to meaningless flash poll and yet you want to be take seriously> You shouldn't even be permitted to vote. Too stupid.
I love this comment on Trump's speech from the NY Times comment section. You morons here couldn't get a comment posted there btw. You have to be coherent first of all.

"If there ever was a speech of a proto-dictator this was it. It has all the elements
of those who plan to take total control of a country. It bases itself on fear: fear of internal disorder, fear of chaos from the outside. The economy that is wearing people down, crime in the streets, the country being deprived of its due, the rest of the world sneering at us, while we are defenseless because our army is being starved, valiant veterans being abandoned, and dark powers control our very lives. And I, I alone can put everything aright. I will protect you,
will bring you prosperity, will defend against the enemies at our doors, and will do it with a firm hand. This is a speech that was made in Europe in the thirties, a speech that is always made when the "a great deliverer" presents himself."
I love this comment on Trump's speech from the NY Times comment section. You morons here couldn't get a comment posted there btw. You have to be coherent first of all.

"If there ever was a speech of a proto-dictator this was it. It has all the elements
of those who plan to take total control of a country. It bases itself on fear: fear of internal disorder, fear of chaos from the outside. The economy that is wearing people down, crime in the streets, the country being deprived of its due, the rest of the world sneering at us, while we are defenseless because our army is being starved, valiant veterans being abandoned, and dark powers control our very lives. And I, I alone can put everything aright. I will protect you,
will bring you prosperity, will defend against the enemies at our doors, and will do it with a firm hand. This is a speech that was made in Europe in the thirties, a speech that is always made when the "a great deliverer" presents himself."

I just coherently slammed the Hitler comparison on another thread lol.

I won't do it twice before noon. I just won't.