I'm voting for Trump

Wrong again. 56% said it made them more likely to vote for him. That is not a "changed vote" and it's not something that needs to be put together with "other numbers" to see if there are "odds" of a net positive.

You people can't read a simple, and close to meaningless flash poll and yet you want to be take seriously> You shouldn't even be permitted to vote. Too stupid.

lol.....Darla feels like she won because "more likely" isn't "affected"......maybe someone should remind her it depends on what her definition of "is" is.......
I love this comment on Trump's speech from the NY Times comment section. You morons here couldn't get a comment posted there btw. You have to be coherent first of all.

"If there ever was a speech of a proto-dictator this was it. It has all the elements
of those who plan to take total control of a country. It bases itself on fear: fear of internal disorder, fear of chaos from the outside. The economy that is wearing people down, crime in the streets, the country being deprived of its due, the rest of the world sneering at us, while we are defenseless because our army is being starved, valiant veterans being abandoned, and dark powers control our very lives. And I, I alone can put everything aright. I will protect you,
will bring you prosperity, will defend against the enemies at our doors, and will do it with a firm hand. This is a speech that was made in Europe in the thirties, a speech that is always made when the "a great deliverer" presents himself."
lol.....I wonder if Darla wrote that and just wanted us to see it or if this is really someone as stupid as she is......
Yes, Obama supporters shouted "O-ba-ma! O-ba-ma! O-ba-ma! Just like Trump supporters shout "TrumpTrumpTrump!"

It's not about the person lol.
Sure it is, you have no problem when people shout Obama, Obama, Obama, it only bothers you when it is Trump or USA.

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People who vote for Trump or Billary are rubber-stamping the system which produced Trump and Billary. You will ensure that there will be no acceptable democratic system in the future.

If you are happy to be a promoter of a broken democracy then any future complaints you have about it will be mere sticking-plasters to a bullet through your democratic head.
which Hamas leader do YOU want us to vote for?.....