I'm voting for Trump

The man has taken every Democratic Party position since the 30's and now made them part of the puke platform. I can't wait to see how all this turns out!!!!!!
Bush ran as a Liberal, and it worked.

And then he took office
People who vote for Trump or Billary are rubber-stamping the system which produced Trump and Billary. You will ensure that there will be no acceptable democratic system in the future.

If you are happy to be a promoter of a broken democracy then any future complaints you have about it will be mere sticking-plasters to a bullet through your democratic head.
My fav is still Donald Trump: The candidate of the apocalypse -WaPo - Hilary shill fish-wrapping.

this one from the NYTimes is good too - If there ever was a speech of a proto-dictator this was it
these so called journalist would be laughed off the news stand back in the days of a free press. :rolleyes:
My fav is still Donald Trump: The candidate of the apocalypse -WaPo - Hilary shill fish-wrapping.

this one from the NYTimes is good too - If there ever was a speech of a proto-dictator this was it
these so called journalist would be laughed off the news stand back in the days of a free press. :rolleyes:

Talking point journalism isn't journalism. Part of what's wrong with the electorate is they take the talking points as gospel.
Did I just see a rage furby so fucking dumb he's clamoring to vote for DonTheCon post that Americans are dumb as rocks and easily manipulated?


Irony died.
I think it's more apathy. You have to care enough to know and too many don't care. Lots of people don't even vote.
failure to do any research.. They'll vote for Trump on rhetoric, or they'll vote for Clinton for identity politics.
Dog whistle politics all around for the rest.