In my mailbox this morning…

Some would see this (as I’ve witnessed seen on this site and at work) as pushing one political ideology with the hand written note suggesting the Paul Harvey video. Also, these are in our boxes in Oklahoma due to the efforts of the Republicans in our state.

I don’t think most are appalled at the constitution itself though some (Mr. Niblick ;)) might think it’s not the great document that some of us do.

Paul Harvey was a long time Democrat liberal. But, he was an honest Democrat. Something we see very little of today.
On J6, which Party was it that cheered on an insurrection who's intent was to subvert the US Congress and the constitutional process to certify a duly elected president?
On J6, which Party was it that cheered on an insurrection who's intent was to subvert the US Congress and the constitutional process to certify a duly elected president?

Once more, for the dishonest, stupid morons on the left; there was no insurrection. There was no coup. Calling a protest that makes you look like a dumb, mentally challenged dumbass on steroids.
On J6, which Party was it that cheered on an insurrection who's intent was to subvert the US Congress and the constitutional process to certify a duly elected president?

You're using a broad brush to stroke your ignorance. An ear piercing scream (TDS), of sorts.
What the fuck was it then? A peaceful tour?

Far less destructive than Portland (and how many other cities?), and far shorter.

You're just pissed off because a group of unarmed and unorganized overzealous idiots
stormed the capitol of the United States of America and took it in a matter of hours.
Far less destructive than Portland (and how many other cities?), and far shorter.

You're just pissed off because a group of unarmed and unorganized overzealous idiots
stormed the capitol of the United States of America and took it in a matter of hours.

Why do you always resort to whataboutism?

And you should be pissed off too.
While I understand why you, Hawkeye and others hate the US and our Constitution, I disagree with you. The Constitution is amendable and has been amended several times in our history.

Why seek to destroy something just because you don't agree with the majority?

Oom, the part of the constitution that bothers me, as you well know,
is NOT the inspiring preamble,
NOR is it the attempts that the amendments have made to keep us working toward a better union.

As you know, the term "constitution" refers to that of which something is made.

The main part of our constitution,
the very body of it,
is the ARTICLES that created from scratch
a brand new form of government.

I'm sorry, Oom, but I cannot acknowledge that that was even a decent try.

Forget about what the founders wanted to accomplish.
Forget about their intent for how America was supposed to work.

The government that was created for newly liberated
but obviously incompatible colonies
was/is so full of forced compromises
that three government branches full of Buddhas
couldn't make it work,
never mind the stupid motherfuckers whom we elect to public office.

You're a Libertarian, Oom, which is fine.

I can force myself to try to understand how Libertarians think,
and how they prefer very little government.

I don't think that you try particular hard to understand
how somebody with different values,
somebody like me,
would find the disgraceful inefficiency of our unique form of government
to be not merely a disappointment
but an indicting humiliation.

People who operate somewhere remotely near the principles of Aristotelian logic
have to realize that if one thinks a government has more than a few serious social responsibilities,
the level of efficiency of which the government created by our founders is capable
is an abomination.

If nothing else, let this explanation help you realize
how very different our core beliefs are.
Found this little booklet in my work mailbox this morning. In fact it was in everyone’s mailbox.

Some will applaud and some will be appalled. Which will you be?

HE left out the part of the first Amendment where the Government cannot promote the establishment of religion. I wonder why?

He is also wrong about several of his facts in the first two paragraphs.

Why cant a Republic go against God?

The American Republic uses Democracy to establish who runs the Republic.

Why do so many people hate Democracy these days?