Iran launched drone attack on Isreal

You're an excellent example of why I can't support the Democratic Party, 'Mad.

MAGAts take no responsibility for their actions and neither do you.

As the 9/11 Commission report points out, it was well known that Islamic terrorists were targeting the US, either directly or abroad. The Clinton administration should have known about it beginning from intelligence reports and the 1993 WTC bombing. What did they do? A few cruise missiles while Billie was getting a hummer from Monica.

Your links say nothing to support your bullshit claim.

There were several practical, real world issues that made preemptively taking out Al Qaeda in the 90's impossible.

Including Congress.

Bush was President for nearly two years on 9/11. They all knew Al Qaeda operatives were in the US, some even training as pilots.

Bush could have put surveillance on them. Put armed sky marshals on the flights that day.

The ball was in Bush's court and he fumbled it.

Everyone knows that.

Including you.

You're just too dishonest and chickenshit to admit it.

:chicken: SHIT

You were lied to by fox and the Republican Party

They were as corrupt then as they are now

Stop carrying those lies around and repeating them being passed over,at the World Trade Center.

John O’Neill tried and tried to get Bush to react to the threat

Then the Republicans smeared all the intel people to protect Bush

John O’Neill’s FBI Jacket and Passport Embody His Enduring Fight Against Terrorism

This element opens a lightbox image gallery - A man wearing a suit and tie and a professional badge grins with his head tilted to the side in an office.
John O’Neill was a leading figure in the FBI’s fight against terrorism at home and abroad in the years leading up to 9/11. He repeatedly sounded the alarm about the rising threat posed by organizations like al-Qaeda—and his life would ultimately be cut short in that group’s plot to attack the World Trade Center.

Born in Atlantic City in 1952, O’Neill would go on to fulfill a childhood dream of becoming an FBI agent, ultimately working at the agency for 31 years. He started as a fingerprint clerk and a tour guide in Washington, D.C., before becoming a special agent in the summer of 1976.

Over the next 15 years, he worked in such FBI areas as white-collar crime and foreign counterintelligence, eventually rising in the ranks to become a major player in the agency’s counterterrorism operations in the 1990s.

In 1995 he was appointed chief of the FBI’s counterterrorism division in Washington, D.C., and in 1997 he became special agent in charge of the FBI’s national security division in New York.

During his time in these roles, O’Neill investigated such cases the 1996 bombing of the Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia, the 1998 bombings of American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, and the 2000 bombing of the USS Cole in Yemen. O’Neill’s diplomatic passport, which he used to enter Yemen after the attack, is on view at the 9/11 Memorial & Museum exhibition Revealed: The Hunt for Bin Laden.

But it was O’Neill’s first terrorism case at the FBI—the February 26, 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center—that would influence his work for years to come. On the same day he started work at the FBI’s counterterrorism division, he got word that Ramzi Yousef, the leader behind the bombing plot, had been located in Pakistan. O’Neill was essential in coordinating Yousef’s arrest in the coming days.

O’Neill quickly developed a deep interest in transnational terrorist groups like al-Qaeda. It was during this time that he sounded the alarm about the growing threat of terrorism.

“A lot of these groups now have the capability and the support infrastructure in the United States to attack us here if they choose to do so,” O’Neill was quoted as saying in a May 1997 Associated Press story.

A month later he told an audience at the National Strategy Forum in Chicago: “I think interesting times lie ahead. Certainly, we as citizens will be challenged. I know the FBI will continue to be challenged in the years to come. Unfortunately, I cannot predict that no Americans will be injured or killed as a result of a terrorist attack.”

Through his self-education, O’Neill would become the FBI’s top terrorism expert and its authority on Osama bin Laden. His warnings about the terrorist threat to the U.S. homeland often fell on deaf ears.

O’Neill oversaw many sensitive operations during his time in New York, including deterring suspected plots ahead of the 2000 ball drop in Times Square. He was active in the New York Joint Terrorism Task Force and was in attendance when the task force marked its 20th anniversary atop the North Tower at Windows on the World in September 2000.

But after being passed over for promotions, and amid internal tensions at the bureau, O’Neill retired from the FBI on August 22, 2001. The next day he started a new job—chief of security at the World Trade Center. He was recruited to the role by New York–based security firm Kroll Associates, which had advised that security at the towers be revamped after the 1993 truck bombing.

In late August, just days before the attacks, O’Neill spoke with a friend, ABC News producer Chris Isham, about his new World Trade Center security job and the threats posed by terrorists to New York. Isham remembered jokingly telling O’Neill that “at least they’re not going to bomb it again,” to which O’Neill replied: “They’ll probably try to finish the job.”

Just two weeks into his new job, O’Neill was in his office on the 34th floor of the South Tower when a plane struck the North Tower. O’Neill evacuated and spoke with his adult son by cell phone, assuring him he was OK and assessing the situation. Around this time he was spotted around the towers by multiple people, including by filmmaker Jules Naudet, who captured O’Neill in the lobby of the North Tower before its collapse. He was also seen by longtime friend and fellow FBI agent, Wesley Wong, who last saw O’Neill heading towards the South Tower, likely to assist in the building’s evacuation and gather surveillance footage from the tower’s security offices.

O’Neill’s remains were recovered from the wreckage near Liberty Street on September 21. He was 49.

This element opens a lightbox image gallery - A navy blue windbreaker with "FBI" printed in yellow lettering on the left pocket rests neatly folded on a gray background.
John O’Neill was an American hero

Smearing him to protect Bush, Fox and a completely corrupt Republican party is not acceptable to true patriots
In late August, just days before the attacks, O’Neill spoke with a friend, ABC News producer Chris Isham, about his new World Trade Center security job and the threats posed by terrorists to New York. Isham remembered jokingly telling O’Neill that “at least they’re not going to bomb it again,” to which O’Neill replied: “They’ll probably try to finish the job.”

Just two weeks into his new job, O’Neill was in his office on the 34th floor of the South Tower when a plane struck the North Tower. O’Neill evacuated and spoke with his adult son by cell phone, assuring him he was OK and assessing the situation. Around this time he was spotted around the towers by multiple people, including by filmmaker Jules Naudet, who captured O’Neill in the lobby of the North Tower before its collapse. He was also seen by longtime friend and fellow FBI agent, Wesley Wong, who last saw O’Neill heading towards the South Tower, likely to assist in the building’s evacuation and gather surveillance footage from the tower’s security offices.

O’Neill’s remains were recovered from the wreckage near Liberty Street on September 21. He was 49.

An American hero that the entire Republican power structure tried to smear with fucking lies to cover their crimes

The MAGAts don't trust the government either, evince. See how much you and 'Mad have in common with them? LOL

Those assholes are not in government anymore

The corrupt Bush era is over

We kicked them out and put in Obama remember

Then trump was able to take over the scrap's the Bush era left the party in

Hate of Bush gave the party to the orange grifter

Fox made that happen by lying non stop for the orange loaf of shit

They wanted to help Putin destroy American democracy
ABC News producer Chris Isham, about his new World Trade Center security job and the threats posed by terrorists to New York. Isham remembered jokingly telling O’Neill that “at least they’re not going to bomb it again,” to which O’Neill replied: “They’ll probably try to finish the job.”

He tried to warn Bush about that

So Bush and the Republicans tried to blame him for 9/11

They found by in their “report” they said it was the intel people fault

Fucking evil assholes

And Dutch still buys those lies
Two Weeks later John O’Neill died trying to save people in the towers

Bush was reading to children in Florida
You will not be allowed to smear into perpetuity this HONORABLE MAN AND HIS LIFE

I will not stand for it!

Got it
2022 Brandon warns Putin not to invade Ukraine. Two weeks later Russia invades Ukraine.

2024 January. Brandon warns Iran "not to do anything". Two weeks later, Iran's proxies kill three US troops.

2024 April 12, Brandon warns Iran not to attack Israel. One day later Iran attacks Israel.

Brandon has been wrong on foreign policy 100% of the time. God help us ALL

Perhaps our sworn enemies fail to believe Brandon when he mumbles "don't".What a sad fucking joke.

There were several practical, real world issues that made preemptively taking out Al Qaeda in the 90's impossible.

Including Congress.

Bush was President for nearly two years on 9/11. They all knew Al Qaeda operatives were in the US, some even training as pilots.
But, magically, after January 20th, 2001, it was possible for our government to take out al-Qaeda. LOL

Ahhh, I see the problem now. You’re insane enough to think it’s two years from 20JAN01 to 11SEP01. Thanks for your opinions, ‘Mad.
While Doc Dutch is merely uninformed regarding what was going on in the Clinton and Bush admins in the early 00's, Nigdog is just belching his usual right-wing partisan ghetto rap garbage that has zero basis in reality.

He even posted a link to an article confirming that Gore proposed measures to increase airline security, but only because the article contains some ridiculous and unfounded right-wing allegations regarding supposed reasons for campaign donations by the airlines.

But the truth is that Clinton and Gore were on the ball while Bush was on vacation.... down in Texas on his ranch, sleeping behind the wheel.

Under Clinton, there was an anti-terrorism czar named Richard Clarke....

In early 2001 Clarke sent a memo to NSA Condoleeza Rice urgently requesting a high level meeting on the threat posed by Al Qaeda.

She ignored it.

From George Washington University/National Archives:

From Brookings:

From Slate

GW Bush and Condoleeza Rice bear and wear the blood of 3,000 Americans on their backs and they will wear it as long as they live.

But you'll never hear a peep about it out of the rabid, Trumpsucker extreme right.

Just lies, propaganda and trash out of the likes of Nigdog.

You have to post a freakin' Novella just to say the Bush regime had no actionable intel. :palm:

The 20th hijacker was arrested almost a month before 9/11. He provided no actionalbe intel either.
But, magically, after January 20th, 2001, it was possible for our government to take out al-Qaeda. LOL

Ahhh, I see the problem now. You’re insane enough to think it’s two years from 20JAN01 to 11SEP01. Thanks for your opinions, ‘Mad.

Had Bush & Co. taken the threat seriously, they'd have been watching who came into the US from the ME.

They should have noticed there was a known jihadist over here who was taking lessons on how to fly 747's.

They should have paid attention to Al Gore's proposals.

There should have been armed marshals on those four planes.

But they sat on their thumbs and did nothing.

They couldn't even consult Bush because he was on vacation, laying around his ranch in Texas.

And now numbskulled idiots like you and and your BF Shitdog, want to blame the previous President who was out of office for nearly two years.

That's why nobody respects you around here, Dork Douche.

You're a joke.
You have to post a freakin' Novella just to say the Bush regime had no actionable intel.

The 20th hijacker was arrested almost a month before 9/11. He provided no actionalbe intel either.

Because the Bush pussies didn't do what was necessary to get it out of him.

Zacarias Moussaoui, often refered to as the 20th hijacker, who was convicted of conspiring to kill U.S. citizens as a part of the 9/11 attacks. He was arrested on 16 August 2001 and was at first charged with an immigration violation. After the attacks on 11 September 2001, Moussaoui was charged with conspiring to hijack planes and crash them into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. He admitted he knew about the attacks, but did not intervene to stop them. In May 2006 he was convicted and sentenced to life without parole...

Typical Republiclowns.

Totally dropped the ball.

Had Bush & Co. taken the threat seriously, they'd have been watching who came into the US from the ME….
Like Clinton & Co. took it so seriously they didn’t do anything to stop a plan that have been in the works for the entire Clinton administration, ‘Mad?

Tell me again how Bush was president for two years before 9/11. I could use a good laugh. :laugh:

Bush was President for nearly two years on 9/11.
:chicken: SHIT

Chickenshit is right. Same for dumbass nutjob.
Like Clinton & Co. took it so seriously they didn’t do anything to stop a plan that have been in the works for the entire Clinton administration, ‘Mad? .

You say some truly stupid shit.

The intelligence took many years to assemble.

It didn't just fall in our laps all at once because al Qaeda's plans didn't all come together at once.

Like you said, they planned for years, therefore the intelligence reports were spotty and came slowly.

That's the way intelligence gathering works.

Even an idiot like you should be able to grasp that.

Clinton paid attention to the intelligence over his two terms until a clearer picture of their plans began to take shape.

By the time Bush took office, they had a good idea what the plans involved.

Bush had warning of an imminent threat because Clinton passed that warning on to him.

Bush ignored it.

He was on vacation and didn't want to be disturbed when they tried to get him to authorize a cabinet level meeting.

Bush could have watched the airports more closely, put marshals on the planes, put surveillance on the hijackers.

He did nothing.

And you defend him.

You should put your MAGA hat back on and leave it on.