Iran launched drone attack on Isreal

Clinton appointed that moron Al Gore as head of the Aviation and Safety commission. That worked out sooo well. :palm:

"Gore announces proposals to fight air terrorism

Sep 5, 1996 — The commission wants the government to install state-of-the-art bomb-detecting equipment in airports and to fund the research and development ..."

"The day after Gore's letter to the Air Transport Association, Trans World Airlines donated $40,000 to the Democratic National Committee. By the time of the presidential election, other airlines had poured large donations into Democrat Party committees: $265,000 from American Airlines, $120,000 from Delta Air Lines, $115,000 from United Air Lines, $87,000 from Northwest Airlines, according to an analysis done for the Boston Globe by the Center for Responsive Politics, which tracks donations. A total of $627,000 was donated to the Democrats by major airlines.

Two of the commission members -- Victoria Cummock and Kathleen Flynn, who lost loved ones in the terrorist attack on Flight 800 -- believe that campaign contributions by the airline industry were a direct result of Al Gore backing away from the commission's security recommendations."

Gore took the bribe and Americans died.

If any one "American" politician was singularly responsible for 9/11, ... that would be Al Gore.

GW Bush inherited a problem that Clinton didn't fix because he was too busy lying about his adulterous affairs.

Bush becomes President on January 20th, 2001. Less than 8 months later, a plan years in the making, was executed by al-Qaida. I strongly doubt anything would have been different had Gore been elected. It was the same FBI and CIA failing to share info. There was no DHS at the time to coordinate. The same FBI reports would have been filed but without the current security procedures we have now, the results would have been the same.

The only difference I see would be that Gore wouldn't be reading "The Pet Goat" for almost ten minutes after learning of the attack.

While Doc Dutch is merely uninformed regarding what was going on in the Clinton and Bush admins in the early 00's, Nigdog is just belching his usual right-wing partisan ghetto rap garbage that has zero basis in reality.

He even posted a link to an article confirming that Gore proposed measures to increase airline security, but only because the article contains some ridiculous and unfounded right-wing allegations regarding supposed reasons for campaign donations by the airlines.

But the truth is that Clinton and Gore were on the ball while Bush was on vacation.... down in Texas on his ranch, sleeping behind the wheel.

Under Clinton, there was an anti-terrorism czar named Richard Clarke....


In early 2001 Clarke sent a memo to NSA Condoleeza Rice urgently requesting a high level meeting on the threat posed by Al Qaeda.

She ignored it.

From George Washington University/National Archives:

Bush Administration's First Memo on al-Qaeda Declassified

January 25, 2001 Richard Clarke Memo:

"We urgently need . . . a Principals level review on the al Qida network."

Document Central to Clarke-Rice Dispute on Bush Terrorism Policy Pre-9/11

"A Comprehensive Strategy to Fight Al-Qaeda"?

Rice versus Clinton on January 2001 Clarke Memo

Washington, D.C., September 27, 2006 - In a series of recent public statements, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has again denied that the Clinton administration presented the incoming administration of President George W. Bush with a "comprehensive strategy" against al-Qaeda. Rice's denials were prompted by a September 22 Fox News interview with Bill Clinton in which the former president asserted that he had "left a comprehensive anti-terror strategy" with the incoming Bush administration in January 2001. In a September 25 interview, Rice told the New York Post, "We were not left a comprehensive strategy to fight al-Qaida," adding that, "Nobody organized this country or the international community to fight the terrorist threat that was upon us until 9/11."

The crux of the issue is a January 25, 2001, memo on al-Qaeda from counterterrorism coordinator Richard Clarke to National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice, the first terrorism strategy paper of the Bush administration. The document was central to the debate over pre-9/11 Bush administration policy on terrorism and figured prominently in the 9/11 hearings held in 2004. A declassified copy of the Clarke memo was first posted on the Web by the National Security Archive in February 2005.

Clarke's memo, described below, "urgently" requested a high-level National Security Council review on al-Qaeda and included two attachments: a declassified December 2000 "Strategy for Eliminating the Threat from the Jihadist Networks of al-Qida: Status and Prospects" and the September 1998 "Pol-Mil Plan for al-Qida," the so-called Delenda Plan, which remains classified.


From Brookings:

Trust Clarke: He’s Right About Bush

Ivo H. Daalder and James Lindsay
March 26, 2004

This, by any measure, was Richard Clarke’s week. The former counterterrorism czar roiled Washington and the nation with his accusation that U.S. President George W. Bush had failed to understand the threat al-Qaeda posed to the United States before Sept. 11, and bungled the U.S. response afterward. It was a stinging indictment of the Bush presidency, delivered with stiletto precision. And the impassioned response from White House showed that it hurt.

Mr. Clarke categorically denounced Mr. Bush’s handling of the terrorist threat. He blamed the President for “continuing to work on Cold War issues” even as the al-Qaeda danger mounted. He says that National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice ignored his memo in January, 2001, “asking for, urgently—underlined urgently—a cabinet-level meeting to deal with the impending al-Qaeda attack.”

Mr. Clarke criticized Mr. Bush’s response to 9/11 as well. He painted the President as convinced from the start that Iraq was responsible. In a damning indictment from a man who spent more than a decade working the counterterrorism beat, he concluded that everything Mr. Bush has “done after 9/11 has made us less safe.”

From Slate

The Out-of-Towner

While Bush vacationed, 9/11 warnings went unheard.

APRIL 14, 2004 - 7:54 PM

In an otherwise dry day of hearings before the 9/11 commission, one brief bit of dialogue set off a sudden flash of clarity on the basic question of how our government let disaster happen.

The revelation came this morning, when CIA Director George Tenet was on the stand. Timothy Roemer, a former Democratic congressman, asked him when he first found out about the report from the FBI’s Minnesota field office that Zacarias Moussaoui, an Islamic jihadist, had been taking lessons on how to fly a 747. Tenet replied that he was briefed about the case on Aug. 23 or 24, 2001.

Roemer then asked Tenet if he mentioned Moussaoui to President Bush at one of their frequent morning briefings. Tenet replied, “I was not in briefings at this time.” Bush, he noted, “was on vacation.” He added that he didn’t see the president at all in August 2001. During the entire month, Bush was at his ranch in Texas. “You never talked with him?” Roemer asked. “No,” Tenet replied. By the way, for much of August, Tenet too was, as he put it, “on leave.”

And there you have it. National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice has made a big point of the fact that Tenet briefed the president nearly every day. Yet at the peak moment of threat, the two didn’t talk at all. At a time when action was needed, and orders for action had to come from the top, the man at the top was resting undisturbed.

Throughout that summer, we now well know, Tenet, Richard Clarke, and several other officials were running around with their “hair on fire,” warning that al-Qaida was about to unleash a monumental attack. On Aug. 6, Bush was given the now-famous President’s Daily Brief (by one of Tenet’s underlings), warning that this attack might take place “inside the United States.” For the previous few years—as Philip Zelikow, the commission’s staff director, revealed this morning—the CIA had issued several warnings that terrorists might fly commercial airplanes into buildings or cities.

And now, we learn today, at this peak moment, Tenet hears about Moussaoui. Someone might have added 2 + 2 + 2 and possibly busted up the conspiracy. But the president was down on the ranch, taking it easy. Tenet wasn’t with him. Tenet never talked with him. Rice—as she has testified—wasn’t with Bush, either. He was on his own and, willfully, out of touch.

GW Bush and Condoleeza Rice bear and wear the blood of 3,000 Americans on their backs and they will wear it as long as they live.

But you'll never hear a peep about it out of the rabid, Trumpsucker extreme right.

Just lies, propaganda and trash out of the likes of Nigdog.
GW Bush inherited a problem that Clinton didn't fix because he was too busy lying about his adulterous affairs.

Bush becomes President on January 20th, 2001. Less than 8 months later, a plan years in the making, was executed by al-Qaida. I strongly doubt anything would have been different had Gore been elected. It was the same FBI and CIA failing to share info. There was no DHS at the time to coordinate. The same FBI reports would have been filed but without the current security procedures we have now, the results would have been the same.

The only difference I see would be that Gore wouldn't be reading "The Pet Goat" for almost ten minutes after learning of the attack.

actually the pnac neocons did the world trade as a false flag attack to get the nation into some more war.

the bushes and the Clintons are now great friends.

and you're in there with a cock in each ear.
This appears to be some kind of "for show" attack. I'm not sure what the reasoning behind it was, but Iran announced the attack 3 hours before it happened and contacted the US, via back channels through Sweden, that The attack was going to happen.


it's all about pulling into humanity into total war.

it's a show called The Military Industrial Complex Power Hour.
How is it smart to have 300 of your drones and missiles easily shot out of the sky and showing how ineffective your drone and ballistic capabilities are?
I'm not so sure the Iranians are that stupid. They needed to save face by reacting to Israel without starting a conventional war with Israel...which they would lose. Iran is better at using proxies and asymmetrical warfare in their attacks on both Israel and the West.

IMO, launching a bunch of outdated, second-string drones and missiles is a live-fire test of Israelis defenses, it drains the Israelis of Iron Dome and other anti-missiles systems (expect a bill in Congress to resupply them) and it makes a statement about Israel's attack on their Syrian consulate.

My understanding of the Iranians, as limited as it is, is that they are in it for the long-game, not American-style short-game and then go home. Iran has one main goal: to be the most powerful nation in the Persian Gulf region. They believe the Persian Gulf belongs to them because their name is on it.
While Doc Dutch is merely uninformed regarding what was going on in the Clinton and Bush admins in the early 00's, Nigdog is just belching his usual right-wing partisan ghetto rap garbage that has zero basis in reality.
Yes, the Clinton administration knew about the threat but didn't do anything about it. They punted to the Bush administration who, in their first year, were a bit disorganized.

What do you think Gore would have done? Shut down all the airports? Invaded Afghanistan? Just do what Clinton did and shoot a few cruise missiles at them? What do you think Gore would have done differently to prevent 9/11? If you don't know, I understand.

it's all about pulling into humanity into total war.

it's a show called The Military Industrial Complex Power Hour.

There won't be a total war. Iran doesn't want war because they know their country would be turned into a wasteland. That's why they gave 3 hour notice to Israel and let the US know ahead of time. This was apparently retaliation for Israel's attack on Iran. Iran has already said as much and has said they consider the issue resolved.
I'm not so sure the Iranians are that stupid. They needed to save face by reacting to Israel without starting a conventional war with Israel...which they would lose. Iran is better at using proxies and asymmetrical warfare in their attacks on both Israel and the West.

IMO, launching a bunch of outdated, second-string drones and missiles is a live-fire test of Israelis defenses, it drains the Israelis of Iron Dome and other anti-missiles systems (expect a bill in Congress to resupply them) and it makes a statement about Israel's attack on their Syrian consulate.

My understanding of the Iranians, as limited as it is, is that they are in it for the long-game, not American-style short-game and then go home. Iran has one main goal: to be the most powerful nation in the Persian Gulf region. They believe the Persian Gulf belongs to them because their name is on it.

Pretty good analysis.

Still, Iran had their consulate in Lebanon blown up, and then purposefully launching a comically ineffective retaliation seems generally out of character for an important nation. I don't think I've ever heard of anything like that.
Pretty good analysis.

Still, Iran had their consulate in Lebanon blown up, and then purposefully launching a comically ineffective retaliation seems generally out of character for an important nation. I don't think I've ever heard of anything like that.
My understanding is that Iran warned everyone involved and that the attack was initiated with 5 hours of warning due to flight time.

What surprised me the most is that Iran risked pissing off Sunnis by overflying sovereign territory. Iran could easily have initiated an attack from international waters in the Med; shorter flight time, less notice but not as extensive. Still, the chances they could have nailed Tel Aviv from 12 miles away was an option the Iranians certainly knew about but didn't choose to take. Another option was launches from Lebanon and Syria or, at least route the flights over those countries.
Israel: The Iran Threat & Options
September 11, 2023

Four decades after Iran’s revolution, Israel’s concerns included:

  • Increasingly accurate ballistic missiles with ranges up to 2,000 kilometers (1,250 miles) or more
  • Drones—capable of airstrikes, suicide missions and reconnaissance—for domestic use as well as export to Middle East allies and Russia
  • Arming, training, and funding proxies in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Yemen
  • Military deployments in Syria
  • Cyberattacks on the Israeli government, infrastructure and private businesses
  • Plots to kill or kidnap Israeli citizens abroad and attack cargo ships linked to Israel

My understanding is that Iran warned everyone involved and that the attack was initiated with 5 hours of warning due to flight time.

What surprised me the most is that Iran risked pissing off Sunnis by overflying sovereign territory. Iran could easily have initiated an attack from international waters in the Med; shorter flight time, less notice but not as extensive. Still, the chances they could have nailed Tel Aviv from 12 miles away was an option the Iranians certainly knew about but didn't choose to take. Another option was launches from Lebanon and Syria or, at least route the flights over those countries.
Israel: The Iran Threat & Options
September 11, 2023

Four decades after Iran’s revolution, Israel’s concerns included:

  • Increasingly accurate ballistic missiles with ranges up to 2,000 kilometers (1,250 miles) or more
  • Drones—capable of airstrikes, suicide missions and reconnaissance—for domestic use as well as export to Middle East allies and Russia
  • Arming, training, and funding proxies in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Yemen
  • Military deployments in Syria
  • Cyberattacks on the Israeli government, infrastructure and private businesses
  • Plots to kill or kidnap Israeli citizens abroad and attack cargo ships linked to Israel


Thanks, you know way more about this than me.

If it was up to me, a comically ineffective retaliatory strike would not be a good look for my nation.

My cousin and his wife live in Haifa so hopefully this iron dome thing is fairly fool proof!
Thanks, you know way more about this than me.

If it was up to me, a comically ineffective retaliatory strike would not be a good look for my nation.

My cousin and his wife live in Haifa so hopefully this iron dome thing is fairly fool proof!

It's an excellent system with a 99% success rate as proved by the results of the attack.

Still, I'm not certain Iran used their best stuff in this attack and, as previously posted, there were ways they could have used those drones and rockets more effectively.

I have no idea how many Iron Dome missiles the Israelis have, but we know they used at least 300 of them thwarting the attack. I haven't looked at what other nations, including the US Navy, were using.
There won't be a total war. Iran doesn't want war because they know their country would be turned into a wasteland. That's why they gave 3 hour notice to Israel and let the US know ahead of time. This was apparently retaliation for Israel's attack on Iran. Iran has already said as much and has said they consider the issue resolved.
Agreed to all with one caveat; my understanding is that Israel only attacked Syrian, not Iran proper.
Yes, the Clinton administration knew about the threat but didn't do anything about it. They punted to the Bush administration who, in their first year, were a bit disorganized.

What do you think Gore would have done? Shut down all the airports? Invaded Afghanistan? Just do what Clinton did and shoot a few cruise missiles at them? What do you think Gore would have done differently to prevent 9/11? If you don't know, I understand.

They "punted" to the Bush administration???? :palm:

Bush was President, Einstein.

What should Clinton and Gore have done.... retained offices inside the WH and held classes for Bush and Cheney's appointees and Cabinet members?

They did everything an outgoing administration can be expected to do.... they gave briefings and supplied information.

After Bush took office, Clintons terrorism czar pleaded with the Bushies to take al Qaeda seriously, hold top level meetings and develop a strategy to combat them.

And THAT^^^^ is the answer to your next stupid question.

They would not have ignored the threat of al Qaeda or placed it on the back burner like Bush/Rice did. They would have focused on Al Qaeda and monitored what they were doing and who was in the country from the Middle East.

If you had read the quotes I included in my previous post you'd have seen....

CIA Director George Tenet was on the stand. Timothy Roemer, a former Democratic congressman, asked him when he first found out about the report from the FBI’s Minnesota field office that Zacarias Moussaoui, an Islamic jihadist, had been taking lessons on how to fly a 747. Tenet replied that he was briefed about the case on Aug. 23 or 24, 2001.

Roemer then asked Tenet if he mentioned Moussaoui to President Bush at one of their frequent morning briefings. Tenet replied, “I was not in briefings at this time.” Bush, he noted, “was on vacation.”
He added that he didn’t see the president at all in August 2001. During the entire month, Bush was at his ranch in Texas. “You never talked with him?” Roemer asked. “No,” Tenet replied. By the way, for much of August, Tenet too was, as he put it, “on leave.”

Simply put.... there was a known jihadist in the US (Embryo Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach, Fla) LEARNING TO FLY A 747 for crying out loud but Bush was on vacation and didn't want to be bothered.

Should be simple enough for even you to grasp.

But if you can't, I understand.
It wasn't a typo. You don't know how to spell Israel. You misspelled it several times in this thread.

Oh the horror

Yes I misspelled it

I misspell shit all the time

I type for shit too

Why is my writing and my shitty spelling such an issue to you

When I type I do it one fingered and really fast

I have never been that concerned about spelling shit

This is not my college dissertation

This is a public chat site designed to communicate peoples stance on current events

You trying to prove I spell for shit isn’t really as concerning the events of the day

It’s proof of your childlike obsession to see your self as the only one truly worthy of being heard

You just keep trying all sorts of unkind ways to chase people from the conversation

Very undemoctatic

Very elitist

Very childish

I think you are a distractobot from Americas enemies

Kisses ass face
It appears that Iran was trying to please everyone. They had to attack Israel for the embassy attack. But they did not want war. So they sent drones to be shot down. Almost all were. The Irani people are satisfied that they did something in response. Israel can let it die because little damage was done.
They "punted" to the Bush administration????...

...What should Clinton and Gore have done....
the same thing they recommended the Bush administration to do.

The fact you think Clinton couldn't do anything but Bush could is one reason I know you are "mad", 'Mad.
GW Bush inherited a problem that Clinton didn't fix because he was too busy lying about his adulterous affairs.

Bush becomes President on January 20th, 2001. Less than 8 months later, a plan years in the making, was executed by al-Qaida. I strongly doubt anything would have been different had Gore been elected. It was the same FBI and CIA failing to share info. There was no DHS at the time to coordinate. The same FBI reports would have been filed but without the current security procedures we have now, the results would have been the same.

The only difference I see would be that Gore wouldn't be reading "The Pet Goat" for almost ten minutes after learning of the attack.

the same thing they recommended the Bush administration to do.

The fact you think Clinton couldn't do anything but Bush could is one reason I know you are "mad", 'Mad.

You're a thick-headed idiot.

Clinton and Gore were on top of the Al Qaeda issue.

Bush had never even heard of them.

Condi Rice just ignored it when warned.

Bush was in charge. He took office nearly two years prior to 9/11 but still had taken no steps or developed a strategy to watch Al Qaeda by the day of the attack.

Until you can come up with an adult argument, please STFU about it to me.

Go find a classroom of fellow kindergartners to discuss it with.
I wasn't suggesting he or Bush purposely allowed the attacks either.

And I agree that it was misjudgment and incompetence.

But we never heard anywhere near the level of screaming about Bush's culpability for 9/11 out of the Democrats, that we'd have heard out of the Republicans had Al Gore been in office as he rightfully should have been.

But then, had Gore been President on 9/11, it likely would have been just another unremarkable day in early September and the WTC twin towers would still be looming above the lower Manhattan financial district right now.

In 1998 Clinton bombed the fuck out of Sadam to end his ability to make chemical weapons

We went in with planes

Bombed the fuck out several locations and went home

No boots on the ground

Just a leveling of all their capabilities and equipment

That was screamed about by the Republicans

When Clinton went after bin Ladin the evil Republican party and Fox said it was about Clinton’s relationship with his aide

At that time Newt was fucking his crazy eyed blonde aid

But mum was the word on that by republicans

Fox was created to do this fucking evil shit to turn American foreign policy into political policy fight because they wanted democracy gone

We would not be as divided in this nation if FOX never existed

Fox has been sucking the dicks of our enemies since the day they came to America

Just like the evil they caused in every other nation they have set their evil feet on

Some right wing nutter family of aussies trying to create evil in all of mankind they touch

Dutch fell for it back in Clinton days

He refuses to give up those original lies of fox no matter what the facts show

Just like he clings to the totally failed economic platform of the short bus party called the libertarians and their pretend economic school of Austrians

It’s a joke of failed ideas and refusing math because it proves them wrong

I really wish he would dump this evil crowd he’s still attached to