Iran launched drone attack on Isreal

I wasn't suggesting he or Bush purposely allowed the attacks either.

And I agree that it was misjudgment and incompetence.

But we never heard anywhere near the level of screaming about Bush's culpability for 9/11 out of the Democrats, that we'd have heard out of the Republicans had Al Gore been in office as he rightfully should have been.

But then, had Gore been President on 9/11, it likely would have been just another unremarkable day in early September and the WTC twin towers would still be looming above the lower Manhattan financial district right now.
Especially given the August PDB that specifically stated that terrorists want to use planes to blow up buildings.

It's possible that 9/11 would still have happened, given our lax policies toward work/study visas.
Especially given the August PDB that specifically stated that terrorists want to use planes to blow up buildings.

It's possible that 9/11 would still have happened, given our lax policies toward work/study visas.

I don't know about that.

We might have been watching the airports more closely.

Maybe pulled Arab looking passengers aside and checked them out.

Maybe taken their box cutters away or made them put them in their checked baggage.

Or maybe had armed sky marshals on board.

Hard to say.
I wasn't suggesting he or Bush purposely allowed the attacks either.

And I agree that it was misjudgment and incompetence.

But we never heard anywhere near the level of screaming about Bush's culpability for 9/11 out of the Democrats, that we'd have heard out of the Republicans had Al Gore been in office as he rightfully should have been.

But then, had Gore been President on 9/11, it likely would have been just another unremarkable day in early September and the WTC twin towers would still be looming above the lower Manhattan financial district right now.

You cannot be serious!!
But we never heard anywhere near the level of screaming about Bush's culpability for 9/11 out of the Democrats, that we'd have heard out of the Republicans had Al Gore been in office as he rightfully should have been.

But then, had Gore been President on 9/11, it likely would have been just another unremarkable day in early September and the WTC twin towers would still be looming above the lower Manhattan financial district right now.

Clinton appointed that moron Al Gore as head of the Aviation and Safety commission. That worked out sooo well. :palm:

"Gore announces proposals to fight air terrorism

Sep 5, 1996 — The commission wants the government to install state-of-the-art bomb-detecting equipment in airports and to fund the research and development ..."
But then, had Gore been President on 9/11, it likely would have been just another unremarkable day in early September and the WTC twin towers would still be looming above the lower Manhattan financial district right now.

"The day after Gore's letter to the Air Transport Association, Trans World Airlines donated $40,000 to the Democratic National Committee. By the time of the presidential election, other airlines had poured large donations into Democrat Party committees: $265,000 from American Airlines, $120,000 from Delta Air Lines, $115,000 from United Air Lines, $87,000 from Northwest Airlines, according to an analysis done for the Boston Globe by the Center for Responsive Politics, which tracks donations. A total of $627,000 was donated to the Democrats by major airlines.

Two of the commission members -- Victoria Cummock and Kathleen Flynn, who lost loved ones in the terrorist attack on Flight 800 -- believe that campaign contributions by the airline industry were a direct result of Al Gore backing away from the commission's security recommendations."

Gore took the bribe and Americans died.

If any one "American" politician was singularly responsible for 9/11, ... that would be Al Gore.
The whole ME Would be roiled in bombings

Chaos is all Putin wants in the rest of the world

It leaves cover for his dreamed of crimes

Some GOP of THE LOSER crowd of trump now want the USA to kick that idiocy off good by having us bomb Iran

These traitors need to be given the rewards they SOOOO deserve

oh, look how it projects.....

I dare anyone intellectually honest to find a single lie in this UN speech by Iran. I personally couldn't.

By contrast you have countries like the US, UK, France and Germany calling their attack "unjustifiable and highly irresponsible" (in the German Chancellor's words), which relies on everyone forgetting it was made in retaliation to Israel bombing the Iranian consulate (meaning there was a strong legal justification for the strike), and relies on everyone not looking at the reality of an attack which only targeted military sites and didn't kill a single person (meaning it was responsible).

Thinking about it, maybe more than anything, this might have been one of the key reasons for the way Iran conducted its strike. A strike, yet another one, on Israel and the West's credibility, designed to expose the mental gymnastics needed to maintain their narrative. And the West, again, fell right into that trap.

War, at the end of the day, is a battle of wills. Military strength is almost secondary: as we've seen time and time again the side with the strongest commitment, the side that feels their cause is the most righteous, wins. This is why, for instance, Vietnam and Afghanistan both won against the US despite the gigantic differential in sheer strength.

And this is why more and more people, including extremely prominent voices in Israel itself, are starting to say that Israel has lost the war: because in the words of a famous Haaretz journalist who wrote that "Israel Has Been Defeated – a Total Defeat" ( it's become "internationally ostracized", meaning the world at large has become convinced that the Palestinian side is the righteous one.

Iran's strike further advances this international ostracization. It makes anyone with basic common sense tell themselves "ok, that was actually... a very reasonable response" and makes those acting as if that response was disproportionate or unprovoked sound like liars at best, deranged lunatics at worst.

We often say we live in a post-truth world, which in many respects is true. But if all this demonstrates anything, it is that losing that commitment to truth has immense and very real security implications.
This appears to be some kind of "for show" attack. I'm not sure what the reasoning behind it was, but Iran announced the attack 3 hours before it happened and contacted the US, via back channels through Sweden, that The attack was going to happen.
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I wasn't suggesting he or Bush purposely allowed the attacks either.

And I agree that it was misjudgment and incompetence.

But we never heard anywhere near the level of screaming about Bush's culpability for 9/11 out of the Democrats, that we'd have heard out of the Republicans had Al Gore been in office as he rightfully should have been.

But then, had Gore been President on 9/11, it likely would have been just another unremarkable day in early September and the WTC twin towers would still be looming above the lower Manhattan financial district right now.

GW Bush inherited a problem that Clinton didn't fix because he was too busy lying about his adulterous affairs.

Bush becomes President on January 20th, 2001. Less than 8 months later, a plan years in the making, was executed by al-Qaida. I strongly doubt anything would have been different had Gore been elected. It was the same FBI and CIA failing to share info. There was no DHS at the time to coordinate. The same FBI reports would have been filed but without the current security procedures we have now, the results would have been the same.

The only difference I see would be that Gore wouldn't be reading "The Pet Goat" for almost ten minutes after learning of the attack.
This appears to be some kind of "for show" attack. I'm not sure what the reasoning behind it was, but I ran announced the attack 3 hours before it happened and contacted the US, via back channels through Sweden, that The attack was going to happen.

Iran ran a full scale test of Israeli defense systems and their own missiles and drones. I suspect Iran held back their best stuff while also draining Israeli defense assets.
Iran ran a full scale test of Israeli defense systems and their own missiles and drones. I suspect Iran held back their best stuff while also draining Israeli defense assets.

Maybe, but that seems is like a very expensive test. My first thought was that it was bending to pressure from the other Jew-hating terrorist countries who want Iran to actively support Palestine.
Maybe, but that seems is like a very expensive test. My first thought was that it was bending to pressure from the other Jew-hating terrorist countries who want Iran to actively support Palestine.

As you said, a lot was for show AKA face-saving. Iranian leaders may be crazy but they aren't stupid. They have a long-term plan to become the top power in the Persian Gulf region. A region they think they own because it has their name on it.

An excellent book is Robert Baer's "The Devil We Know: Dealing with the New Iranian Superpower"
My prediction that Iran would in the response be both smart and restrained turned out to be correct.

How is it smart to have 300 of your drones and missiles easily shot out of the sky and showing how ineffective your drone and ballistic capabilities are?