Iran launched drone attack on Isreal

No, I was just being flippant.

Tho, I would not be surprised if Biden or a Pres. Tlaib or a Pres. Buttigieg, ... did do just that.

I do not want to see nuclear warfare in the ME. Why would you want that?

see, that seems like a Zionist threat.


we choose the hard way, noahide.

If Trump were President, Iran would occupy Israel by now.

The whole ME Would be roiled in bombings

Chaos is all Putin wants in the rest of the world

It leaves cover for his dreamed of crimes

Some GOP of THE LOSER crowd of trump now want the USA to kick that idiocy off good by having us bomb Iran

These traitors need to be given the rewards they SOOOO deserve
Anyone here been on the open ocean and tried to cross a shipping lane? The big boys can see you 10 miles before you can see them, yet they have no problem running over an unexperienced captain lost at sea.
There is now no doubt...this was not about killing people or doing damage....this was about sending a message and learning up on Western air defenses around Israel.
I am noticing the children of Washington claiming that over a billion dollars was spent to defend against this 7 hour or whatever attack.
Iran seems to be a paper tiger. It seems almost all 300 of their drones and missiles were shot out of the sky.

I think they knew that would be the result

They wanted to look strong to their people

They can spin this into a great success in their peoples eyes

Dictators (especially religious ones) can do that
My question is, where is the call for accountability by Netanyahu for allowing 10/7 to happen to begin with?

Just like Bush re: 9/11, Netanyahu has escaped any accountability for allowing this attack to happen on his watch.

He is in charge of the Israeli government, the military and national security, but like Bush on 9/11, he was apparently asleep at the wheel.

In the fervor and fury after 9/11, nobody ever bothered to hold Bush accountable. Or at least not on any significant scale.

Why is the media and those who are disturbed by what is happening in the ME today not demanding to know why they ignored intelligence reports that such an attack was imminent, and did nothing to beef up security along the border where the Hamas terrorists entered Israel and committed their mayhem?

That's what I would like to know.

Why is Netanyahu getting a pass for dropping the ball on national security and defending his citizens?
I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but many said that Bibi knew of the attack but didn't believe they could pull it off.

In hindsight it's easy to make the case that he NEEDED this in order to stay out of prison (notwithstanding his trump style stacking of the courts for his own personal safety). I can't see anyone allowing the atrocities to happen, though.

Sure...Bush was told numerous times about an impending attack, but he preferred to work on the landscaping at his ranch. In both cases, I see incompetence as opposed to some intricate plan to create a scenario that would demand a large military response.

I do know that most Israelis blame Bibi for the attack.
I think they knew that would be the result

They wanted to look strong to their people

They can spin this into a great success in their peoples eyes

Dictators (especially religious ones) can do that
That's exactly what this was. Otherwise the attacks would have come from multiple directions.

The only question is whether Bibi will escalate?

He's on his own if he does.
I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but many said that Bibi knew of the attack but didn't believe they could pull it off.

In hindsight it's easy to make the case that he NEEDED this in order to stay out of prison (notwithstanding his trump style stacking of the courts for his own personal safety). I can't see anyone allowing the atrocities to happen, though.

Sure...Bush was told numerous times about an impending attack, but he preferred to work on the landscaping at his ranch. In both cases, I see incompetence as opposed to some intricate plan to create a scenario that would demand a large military response.

I do know that most Israelis blame Bibi for the attack.

The Zionists knew of the plan and were fine with it as it would give the needed excuse to empty Gaza of the Palestinians, but they did not think it would be so successful. HAMAS got some very important stuff from IDF computers for one thing, that was never supposed to happen. However do pay attention to the fact that more than half the Jews killed Oct 7/8 were killed by the IDF.
I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but many said that Bibi knew of the attack but didn't believe they could pull it off.

In hindsight it's easy to make the case that he NEEDED this in order to stay out of prison (notwithstanding his trump style stacking of the courts for his own personal safety). I can't see anyone allowing the atrocities to happen, though.

Sure...Bush was told numerous times about an impending attack, but he preferred to work on the landscaping at his ranch. In both cases, I see incompetence as opposed to some intricate plan to create a scenario that would demand a large military response.

I do know that most Israelis blame Bibi for the attack.

I wasn't suggesting he or Bush purposely allowed the attacks either.

And I agree that it was misjudgment and incompetence.

But we never heard anywhere near the level of screaming about Bush's culpability for 9/11 out of the Democrats, that we'd have heard out of the Republicans had Al Gore been in office as he rightfully should have been.

But then, had Gore been President on 9/11, it likely would have been just another unremarkable day in early September and the WTC twin towers would still be looming above the lower Manhattan financial district right now.