Iran launched drone attack on Isreal

Iran doesn't want our help. Like their ally Russia, they want power and domination of the region.

We're not helping Israel per se, we're helping ourselves. Like England during WWII, Israel is an unsinkable aircraft carrier in the region. The other Arab nations are afraid of another Arab Spring* and would rather not antagonize the radical Muslims in their population with more US military bases. Israel can be counted upon to provide a place for our aircraft to land, refuel and rearm.

*something I think is inevitable

We have been hearing these lame ass excuses for fighting for time out of mind and personally it's time to end the senseless killing, maiming, murdering, mutilating and the terrorism and destruction. Where's the damned peace and fucking quiet and the compassion for another human being. It's all just disgusting: Have a look at our inglorious history:

War of 1812 (1812-1815): Another conflict with Great Britain, largely over maritime rights and territorial expansion.

Mexican-American War (1846-1848): This conflict resulted from the annexation of Texas and led to significant U.S. territorial gains in what are now the states of California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico.

American Civil War (1861-1865): A devastating internal conflict between the Northern states (the Union) and the Southern states (the Confederacy) that seceded over issues including states' rights and slavery.

Spanish-American War (1898): A brief conflict with Spain over the independence of Cuba, which resulted in the U.S. acquiring Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines.

World War I (1917-1918): The U.S. joined the Allied Powers in 1917, contributing to the defeat of the Central Powers.

World War II (1941-1945): Following the attack on Pearl Harbor, the U.S. declared war on Japan and subsequently on Germany and Italy, playing a significant role in the Allied victory.

Korean War (1950-1953): As part of a United Nations force, U.S. troops fought to defend South Korea from a North Korean invasion supported by China and the Soviet Union.

Vietnam War (1965-1973): A prolonged conflict against North Vietnamese forces and the Viet Cong, initially supported by containment policy to prevent the spread of communism.

Invasion of Grenada (1983): A U.S.-led invasion that resulted in a change of government in the small Caribbean island nation.

Invasion of Panama (1989): The U.S. invaded Panama to oust General Manuel Noriega, who was later tried for drug trafficking.

Gulf War (1990-1991): A coalition led by the United States liberated Kuwait from Iraqi occupation following Iraq's invasion and annexation of the Kuwaiti territory.

Somali Civil War (1992-1995): U.S. military involvement initially focused on humanitarian efforts but later became embroiled in conflict with Somali militias.

Bosnian War (1995-1996): U.S. forces participated in NATO's Operation Deliberate Force against Bosnian Serb forces and later helped enforce the Dayton Accords.

Kosovo War (1999): NATO, led by the United States, intervened with a bombing campaign against Yugoslavia to end repression of ethnic Albanians in Kosovo.

War in Afghanistan (2001-2021): Following the September 11 attacks, the U.S. led an invasion of Afghanistan to dismantle Al-Qaeda and remove the Taliban from power.

Iraq War (2003-2011): The U.S. and coalition forces invaded Iraq in 2003, leading to the overthrow of Saddam Hussein. U.S. troops were involved in subsequent efforts to stabilize the country.

Intervention in Libya (2011): The U.S. participated in NATO operations to enforce a no-fly zone and protect civilians during the Libyan civil war.

Intervention against ISIS (2014-present): U.S. forces have been involved in military operations against ISIS in Iraq and Syria as part of an international coalition.

Intervention in Syria (2014-present): Separate from the campaign against ISIS, U.S. military has conducted operations against the Syrian government and other factions within the Syrian Civil War.

The total estimated number of deaths worldwide from all the wars and conflicts involving the United States since the American Revolutionary War is approximately 96,196,440. This figure includes both military and civilian casualties across all involved nations.

Aren't you sick and fucking tired of it all?
We have been hearing these lame ass excuses for fighting for time out of mind and personally it's time to end the senseless killing, maiming, murdering, mutilating and the terrorism and destruction. Where's the damned peace and fucking quiet and the compassion for another human being. It's all just disgusting: Have a look at our inglorious history...

....Aren't you sick and fucking tired of it all?
Human nature. Why single out the US when the same story has played out all over the human world since time immemorial and still plays out in Europe, Asia and Africa? We're still the intelligent animals that spent almost 300,000 years living in nomadic tribes. It doesn't take much to strip away the veneer of civilization. Look at Katrina and 1/6 for examples.

Reality doesn't make me sick or tired. I just deal with it.
Human nature. Why single out the US when the same story has played out all over the human world since time immemorial and still plays out in Europe, Asia and Africa? We're still the intelligent animals that spent almost 300,000 years living in nomadic tribes. It doesn't take much to strip away the veneer of civilization. Look at Katrina and 1/6 for examples.

Reality doesn't make me sick or tired. I just deal with it.

What does one expect. We only just recently crawled out of the sea.
What does one expect. We only just recently crawled out of the sea.
Exactly. Work with reality and quit sweating it.

FWIW, only nutjobs aren't concerned about self-preservation. Most people want to protect their families, provide for their families and be left alone. It's the shit-stirrers who come busting into their homes demanding Americans behave in a certain manner, stripping them of their rights and otherwise start acting like autocrats that scares most Americans. Not the fact that their neighbor Bill has an AR or that Karen down the street had an abortion.
A link would be nice.

Bibi is a war criminal, as was Bush.

In this case, Netanyahu is committing genocide because of an attack from Palestine. Blame Hamas for destroying the peace. I don't agree with it.

In Bush's case, he thought he could steal Iraqi oil and blame it on 9/11. He's lucky Obama didn't believe in pursuing his crimes.

My question is, where is the call for accountability by Netanyahu for allowing 10/7 to happen to begin with?

Just like Bush re: 9/11, Netanyahu has escaped any accountability for allowing this attack to happen on his watch.

He is in charge of the Israeli government, the military and national security, but like Bush on 9/11, he was apparently asleep at the wheel.

In the fervor and fury after 9/11, nobody ever bothered to hold Bush accountable. Or at least not on any significant scale.

Why is the media and those who are disturbed by what is happening in the ME today not demanding to know why they ignored intelligence reports that such an attack was imminent, and did nothing to beef up security along the border where the Hamas terrorists entered Israel and committed their mayhem?

That's what I would like to know.

Why is Netanyahu getting a pass for dropping the ball on national security and defending his citizens?
International diplomacy has all the characteristics of teenage boys. When Israel attacked the Iranian embassy and killed many of their people, you knew they would retaliate. They could not discuss it or try and end it peacefully. To show they were above that does not fly. They too see "turn the other cheek "as no option.
International diplomacy has all the characteristics of teenage boys. When Israel attacked the Iranian embassy and killed many of their people, you knew they would retaliate. They could not discuss it or try and end it peacefully. To show they were above that does not fly. They too see "turn the other cheek "as no option.

but we will be the adults.

how about that?

does that work for you, Kissinger Kock Klone?