Iran launched drone attack on Isreal

Here we go folks

Nuttinbuttayahoo has destroyed the peace in the Middle East

Evil men make evil leaders

Now two evil men are heaving bombs at each other


Iran attacks Israel and it's Israel's fault? That don't sound right, evince.
In hours they will arrive in Isreal

After a half a year of hearing constantly from Zionist that Israel 'has the right to defend herself', I better not be hearing a goddamn fucking peep from them about this act by Iran to defend itself from Israel's act of war attack on an Iranian embassy.
Guno צְבִי;5961509 said:
Hopefully Mossad will put a bullet in Ritter's skull
Probably easier, and more legal, catch him having sex with underaged females. It shouldn't be too difficult. He's a pedo nutjob Trumper.
After several years of a lower public profile, Ritter once more came to wide attention in 2022, in the context of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Ritter became very active on social media at this time, posting a tweet in April 2022 claiming that the National Police of Ukraine was responsible for the Bucha massacre and calling U.S. President Joe Biden a "war criminal" for "seeking to shift blame for the Bucha murders" to Russia. According to Mediazona, the police only entered the city on April 2, a day after the dead civilians were discovered. Investigators such as Human Rights Watch link the killings to the Russian military. Ritter was suspended from Twitter for violating its rule on "harassment and abuse" after this, but his account was reinstated the next day.

Ritter is a contributor to Russian government-owned media outlets RT and Sputnik. He compared Ukraine to a "rabid dog" that needed to be shot. He compared the treatment of Russians under Ukraine law to Nazi Germany's treatment of Jews. In October 2022, he posted a provocative tweet about Bucha to test the reaction of Twitter. The tweet stated "Bucha was a war crime, Ukraine did it". DisInfoChronicle (the website of NGO Detector Media that claims to refute Russian disinformation) wrote that Ritter was being used by Russia to "promote narratives needed by the Kremlin".
Here we go folks

Nuttinbuttayahoo has destroyed the peace in the Middle East

Evil men make evil leaders

Now two evil men are heaving bombs at each other


What peace, you fucking cretin? There will never be peace whilst Hezbollah, Hamas and the evil Iranian regime exists. Israel intends to make an announcement tonight, let's hope they target Iranian drone factories and other military facilities. Maybe they could save a few bombs for McMoonshi'ite while they are about it?
Here we go folks

Nuttinbuttayahoo has destroyed the peace in the Middle East

Evil men make evil leaders

Now two evil men are heaving bombs at each other


What peace fool? There will never be peace whilst Hezbollah, Hamas and the evil Iranian regime exists. Israel intends to make an announcement let's hope they target Iranian drone factories and other military facilities. Maybe they could save a few bombs for McMoonshi'ite?
What men and women are you talking about? Do you know of an American troop buildup somewhere?

The United States maintains a strategic military presence in Israel, characterized primarily by rotational deployments, the use of pre-positioned equipment and under the guise of joint exercises which amounts to thousands of troops at any given time but constant. This presence includes personnel from various branches of the U.S. military, including the Navy, Air Force, and Army. These personnel participate in a range of activities, from managing advanced radar systems and overseeing stockpiles of equipment to engaging in joint military exercises with Israeli forces to include exercises on land and sea. All of that is code for US military readiness. We have had troops there for many years.
The United States maintains a strategic military presence in Israel, characterized primarily by rotational deployments, the use of pre-positioned equipment and under the guise of joint exercises which amounts to thousands of troops at any given time but constant. This presence includes personnel from various branches of the U.S. military, including the Navy, Air Force, and Army. These personnel participate in a range of activities, from managing advanced radar systems and overseeing stockpiles of equipment to engaging in joint military exercises with Israeli forces to include exercises on land and sea. All of that is code for US military readiness. We have had troops there for many years.

Fuck we have 750 bases around the world. That is who we are.
The United States maintains a strategic military presence in Israel, characterized primarily by rotational deployments, the use of pre-positioned equipment and under the guise of joint exercises which amounts to thousands of troops at any given time but constant. This presence includes personnel from various branches of the U.S. military, including the Navy, Air Force, and Army. These personnel participate in a range of activities, from managing advanced radar systems and overseeing stockpiles of equipment to engaging in joint military exercises with Israeli forces to include exercises on land and sea. All of that is code for US military readiness. We have had troops there for many years.
For some reason, we still have very small numbers of troops in various Mid East nations.

Whereas there might or might not be between 1000/2000 troops in Israel, are you saying that they are contributing to the genocide in Palestine?