Iran launched drone attack on Isreal

Members of Congress in both parties called for immediate U.S. response to a wide-ranging Iranian drone attack against Israel on Saturday.

Why it matters: The attack, launched directly from Iranian soil, represents an unprecedented escalation in what had previously been a proxy war between the two nations, Axios' Barak Ravid reported.
A Biden administration spokesperson said the U.S. "will stand with the people of Israel and support their defense against these threats from Iran."
House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-La.) said the House's schedule for next week will be changed to include votes on "legislation that supports our ally Israel and holds Iran and its terrorist proxies accountable."
Members of Congress in both parties called for immediate U.S. response to a wide-ranging Iranian drone attack against Israel on Saturday.

Why it matters: The attack, launched directly from Iranian soil, represents an unprecedented escalation in what had previously been a proxy war between the two nations, Axios' Barak Ravid reported.
A Biden administration spokesperson said the U.S. "will stand with the people of Israel and support their defense against these threats from Iran."
House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-La.) said the House's schedule for next week will be changed to include votes on "legislation that supports our ally Israel and holds Iran and its terrorist proxies accountable."

Biden is wrong!

I oppose American involvement in the situation between Israel and its neighbors. I believe the U.S. should pull out our diplomats, us nonmilitary citizens who wish to leave, and all military personnel from the region so that not one of our men or women is killed in this mess. We should stop sending military support and money to Israel and focus our resources on providing humanitarian aid globally, rather than for military engagements. This is not our fight. This is about land, religion, political ideologies and power struggles and oil and gas. Keep in mind Netanyahu has tried unsuccessfully to gain power so as to influence his stay in power. This is a dictatorial move. So, once again it is not Americas business to fight dictator's or even wannabe dictators' wars. For democracy and for human rights and for freedom yes. Fight like hell.

In this case our priority should be the safety of our troops and citizens and ensuring that our efforts are directed towards helping people in need around the world, without getting involved in military actions.
Here we go folks

Nuttinbuttayahoo has destroyed the peace in the Middle East

Evil men make evil leaders

Now two evil men are heaving bombs at each other


There hasn't been peace in the Middle East for thousands of years, my friend.
Biden is wrong!

I oppose American involvement in the situation between Israel and its neighbors. I believe the U.S. should pull out our diplomats, us nonmilitary citizens who wish to leave, and all military personnel from the region so that not one of our men or women is killed in this mess. We should stop sending military support and money to Israel and focus our resources on providing humanitarian aid globally, rather than for military engagements. This is not our fight. This is about land, religion, political ideologies and power struggles and oil and gas. Keep in mind Netanyahu has tried unsuccessfully to gain power so as to influence his stay in power. This is a dictatorial move. So, once again it is not Americas business to fight dictator's or even wannabe dictators' wars. For democracy and for human rights and for freedom yes. Fight like hell.

In this case our priority should be the safety of our troops and citizens and ensuring that our efforts are directed towards helping people in need around the world, without getting involved in military actions.

For what reason(s)?
Its looking increasingly to me that the goal here was not to massively damage Israel, but rather to serve as a warning and to remove large numbers of Iron Dome and Aegis interceptors. Look at Russians systematic remove of air defense assets from Ukraine leaving them defenseless as illustration.

Western military industrial capacity is rather shit...very expensive but shit.
I heard someone on X say that this is a training exercise, to see what works and what does not, to see what Israels and Americas capacity via Navy is defensively...that if Iran ever does this again it will be much more successful at damaging Israel.

This sounds right to me.