Iran launched drone attack on Isreal

The United States maintains a strategic military presence in Israel, characterized primarily by rotational deployments, the use of pre-positioned equipment and under the guise of joint exercises which amounts to thousands of troops at any given time but constant. This presence includes personnel from various branches of the U.S. military, including the Navy, Air Force, and Army. These personnel participate in a range of activities, from managing advanced radar systems and overseeing stockpiles of equipment to engaging in joint military exercises with Israeli forces to include exercises on land and sea. All of that is code for US military readiness. We have had troops there for many years.

The important part for the US is that Israeli defense industries, like IAI and such, along with US-Israeli defense industries like GE or Raytheon, make substantial contributions to US defense technology and losing that partnership would result in Israel taking their advanced R&D elsewhere in search of allies and partners that will defend them. We leave and somebody else WILL move in.
The important part for the US is that Israeli defense industries, like IAI and such, along with US-Israeli defense industries like GE or Raytheon, make substantial contributions to US defense technology and losing that partnership would result in Israel taking their advanced R&D elsewhere in search of allies and partners that will defend them. We leave and somebody else WILL move in.
israel has only one ally and is dependent on US taxpayers for its survival.
israel has only one ally and is dependent on US taxpayers for its survival.

You are an idiot. Israel's GDP is about $55 billion and the US gives them about $3.4 billion in foreign aid. That's about 5% of Israel's GDP, with somewhere close to 80% of that being military aid. The Palestinians are far more dependent on foreign aid with a GDP of about $3 billion and foreign aid (all sources) of about $1.5 billion or about 50% of their economy.

Israel has numerous advanced technology exports along with defense exports and other items, while the Palestinians export next to nothing.
You are an idiot. Israel's GDP is about $55 billion and the US gives them about $3.4 billion in foreign aid. That's about 5% of Israel's GDP, with somewhere close to 80% of that being military aid. The Palestinians are far more dependent on foreign aid with a GDP of about $3 billion and foreign aid (all sources) of about $1.5 billion or about 50% of their economy.

Israel has numerous advanced technology exports along with defense exports and other items, while the Palestinians export next to nothing.
Honey, israel's GDP is down 50% since 7.Oct. jews are getting their ass kicked by barefoot tribes. You war pigs are in for another defeat.

You are a noble blue blooded monarchist.

"October 2023
Expired: U.N. restrictions on Iran’s research, development and production of ballistic missiles designed to be capable of delivering nuclear weapons.
Expired: U.N. ban on Iran’s on import and export of missile-related technology, including missiles and drones with a range of 300 kilometers (186 miles) or more.
Iran was supposed to seek parliamentary ratification of the Additional Protocol, which grants the IAEA more intrusive access to facilities and information about Iran’s nuclear fuel cycle, from mining the uranium to enriching it and eventual disposal of it.
The U.S. was required to seek congressional legislation that ends sanctions on key economic sectors that Washington “suspended” as part of the nuclear deal.
The U.S. was required to remove certain individuals and entities linked to Iran’s nuclear program from its sanctioned list. It did not remove sanctions.
The E.U. was required to lift its remaining sanctions on Iran’s nuclear program. It kept restrictions in place.

July 2024
The JCPOA to lift some limits on Iran’s testing of advanced IR-6 and IR-8 centrifuges that enrich uranium.
The JCPOA and U.N. bans due to expire on Iranian production of IR-6 and IR-8 centrifuges, although still without the rotors used to spin and enrich uranium.

January 2026
U.N. Security Council Resolution 2231 due to expire, thus terminating its provisions, including the so-called “snapback” mechanism. The process would allow the swift reimposition of U.N. sanctions on Iran in the event of “significant non-performance of commitments under the JCPOA.”
The U.N. Security Council due to “end consideration” of Iran’s nuclear program.
The E.U. due to lift its remaining economic sanctions on Iran.
The JCPOA to lift restrictions on the number of IR-1 centrifuges that Iran is allowed operate to enrich uranium.
The JCPOA to lift restrictions on Iranian testing of advanced IR-6 and IR-8 centrifuges.
The JCPOA to lift restrictions on Iranian production of IR-6 and IR-8 centrifuges with rotors.
The JCPOA to end procurement channel for approving Iran’s nuclear-related imports.

January 2031
The JCPOA to lift the 3.67 percent cap on Iranian uranium enrichment.
The JCPOA to allow Iran to stockpile more than 300 kilograms—or 660 pounds—of enriched uranium.

The JCPOA to lift the ban on Iranian uranium enrichment at the Fordo facility.
The JCPOA to lift the ban on Iranian research and development on uranium and plutonium metal.
The JCPOA to lift the ban on Iranian reprocessing of spent fuel from a nuclear reactor.
The JCPOA to lift the limits on Iranian accumulation of heavy water.
The JCPOA to allow Iran to construct new heavy water reactors.
The JCPOA to lift some IAEA monitoring of Iran’s nuclear activities.

January 2036
The JCPOA to lift IAEA monitoring of Iranian production, assembly and storage of centrifuges.

January 2041
The JCPOA to end IAEA monitoring on Iran’s uranium mines and mills."

Legal nukes for Iran was always the goal of Jew hating democrats and Hussein Obama.
Only around 90 billion dollars. The Drones and ballistic missiles are courtesy of Joe Biden.

Yes, Biden let the missile ban expire last year.

Let me add ...

"Back in June 2023, Bloomberg reported that the production and export of Iranian oil in 2023 reached record highs since the country came under U.S. sanctions more than five years ago.

The report published in late June 2023 stated that Iran was shipping the highest amount of crude in almost five years despite U.S. sanctions.

Bloomberg cited energy analysts as saying that Iran’s oil exports have surged to the highest level since the U.S. unilaterally re-imposed sanctions on the country in 2018.

A Reuters report, also said in June last year, that Iranian crude shipments continued to rise in 2023 with higher shipments to China, Syria, and Venezuela. The report quoted consultants, shipping data, and a source familiar with the matter.

A large chunk of Iran’s crude oil goes to China which is the world’s major importer of energy. Several European customers including Germany, Spain, and Bulgaria also imported oil from Iran.

Iran has not released official figures about its oil exports over the past years amid efforts to evade Washington’s illegal sanctions."
The U.S. is the only thing preventing Israel from nuking Iran.

Abandon Israel and watch what happens.
israel has been testing their mini nukes on their neighbors for decades. israel is a rogue state that needs to be stopped like the nazis of Germany. Your tax dollars are being used to support the most racist country in world history.
Iran attacked Israel on the night of April 13-14. Iran's operation is called "True Promise" and is Iran's response to Israel's attack on the Iranian consulate in Damascus. This is Iran's first direct attack on Israel from its territory, reportedly targeting Israeli military targets. The strike on Israel was carried out using kamikaze drones Shahed-136, Shahed-131 and jet drones Shahed-238. Sumar cruise missiles and Fateh-110 and Khaybar ballistic missiles are also used, capable of carrying different types of warheads, including multiple warheads. Other types of missiles are also used. Data on the number of Iranian missiles and drones are contradictory, with some media reporting that Iran has used 185 drones, 36 cruise missiles and 110 surface-to-surface missiles. The Iranian attack is currently considered the most massive drone attack in world history. In repelling an attack by Iran, Israel is assisted by aircraft from the United States, Great Britain and France. Jordan also intercepts missiles; the video shows debris from a downed Iranian missile in Aman. Israel has reported intercepting 99% of Iran's missiles and drones, but this cannot be true as Israeli residents film Iranian missile strikes. The video shows rare footage of an Iranian ballistic missile interception taking place outside the Earth's atmosphere. Footage of Iranian missile attacks on the Ramon airbase in the Negev desert was also published. According to the latest data, Israel reported that the damage from the attacks was insignificant and that it would launch a retaliatory strike against Iran within 48 hours. The United States announced that it would not support Israel's attack on Iran. The commander of the Iranian IRGC said that Iran's operation against Israel was more successful than expected and he does not plan to continue it, but in case of an Israeli strike, he will strike back with a more powerful strike. The following shows the work of Israeli air defense and attacks by Iranian missiles and drones.

All this mind and voice traffic when all I am saying is I just don't want to see our military men and women and our citizens in harm's way and in a hotbed situation, like Israel is right now our people should be brought home and kept safe while the dealings being done.
America's multilayered air-defense system in Israel, played a crucial role in protecting it from Iran’s recent drone and missile strike. This American bought, built and paid for defense system, intercepted over 300 Iranian drones and ballistic missiles. Key components of this system include the Arrow, designed to intercept long-range missiles; David's Sling for medium-range missiles; and the Patriot, an older American-made system. Furthermore, the Iron Dome, renowned for its effectiveness against short-range rockets, and the developing Iron Beam system, also financially and technologically backed by the United States.

This American defense system for Israels protection, brings into focus questions about the selective international focus and assistance provided by the U.S. Why is there a pronounced emphasis on securing Israel, a relatively young nation-state established in 1948, while other regions facing severe crises, such as certain African nations or Myanmar during its military coup, appear to receive less attention? Money, power, energy resources, politics? This query raises significant ethical considerations about the allocation of international aid and military support, challenging the global community to reflect on equity and the value placed on human lives across different geopolitical landscapes. WTF! If we are going to rescue Israel every time, they get themselves into some kind of BS trouble then why not rescue the rest of the world's nations when they get into messes or are attacked by unfriendly nations. What the hell! Don't mind me it just frustrates the hell out of me.
All this mind and voice traffic when all I am saying is I just don't want to see our military men and women and our citizens in harm's way and in a hotbed situation, like Israel is right now our people should be brought home and kept safe while the dealings being done.

...and let the region devolve into nuclear warfare? Israel nukes Tehran, Tehran shoots up the Saudi oil industry and closes the Straits of Hormuz, the world economy goes into the shitter?

Do you realize that yours is the same attitude Americans had about Europe in the 1930s? How did that turn out?
Iran attacked Israel on the night of April 13-14. Iran's operation is called "True Promise" and is Iran's response to Israel's attack on the Iranian consulate in Damascus. This is Iran's first direct attack on Israel from its territory, reportedly targeting Israeli military targets. The strike on Israel was carried out using kamikaze drones Shahed-136, Shahed-131 and jet drones Shahed-238. Sumar cruise missiles and Fateh-110 and Khaybar ballistic missiles are also used, capable of carrying different types of warheads, including multiple warheads. Other types of missiles are also used. Data on the number of Iranian missiles and drones are contradictory, with some media reporting that Iran has used 185 drones, 36 cruise missiles and 110 surface-to-surface missiles. The Iranian attack is currently considered the most massive drone attack in world history. In repelling an attack by Iran, Israel is assisted by aircraft from the United States, Great Britain and France. Jordan also intercepts missiles; the video shows debris from a downed Iranian missile in Aman. Israel has reported intercepting 99% of Iran's missiles and drones, but this cannot be true as Israeli residents film Iranian missile strikes. The video shows rare footage of an Iranian ballistic missile interception taking place outside the Earth's atmosphere. Footage of Iranian missile attacks on the Ramon airbase in the Negev desert was also published. According to the latest data, Israel reported that the damage from the attacks was insignificant and that it would launch a retaliatory strike against Iran within 48 hours. The United States announced that it would not support Israel's attack on Iran. The commander of the Iranian IRGC said that Iran's operation against Israel was more successful than expected and he does not plan to continue it, but in case of an Israeli strike, he will strike back with a more powerful strike. The following shows the work of Israeli air defense and attacks by Iranian missiles and drones.

Putin is pleased his Axis of Evil is taking action.
israel has been testing their mini nukes on their neighbors for decades. israel is a rogue state that needs to be stopped like the nazis of Germany. Your tax dollars are being used to support the most racist country in world history.

You're dying and you want the world to die with you, CO/goat. That's the kind of selfish little fuckwad you've become. Sad.
...and let the region devolve into nuclear warfare? Israel nukes Tehran, Tehran shoots up the Saudi oil industry and closes the Straits of Hormuz, the world economy goes into the shitter?

Do you realize that yours is the same attitude Americans had about Europe in the 1930s? How did that turn out?

That's not what I am saying. I am saying if you help one then help all. In other words, Israel and its people are no more or less deserving of our protection and care than any other nation on the planet in similar situations and we need to stop playing favorites and help all.
That's not what I am saying. I am saying if you help one then help all. In other words, Israel and its people are no more or less deserving of our protection and care than any other nation on the planet in similar situations and we need to stop playing favorites and help all.
Iran doesn't want our help. Like their ally Russia, they want power and domination of the region.

We're not helping Israel per se, we're helping ourselves. Like England during WWII, Israel is an unsinkable aircraft carrier in the region. The other Arab nations are afraid of another Arab Spring* and would rather not antagonize the radical Muslims in their population with more US military bases. Israel can be counted upon to provide a place for our aircraft to land, refuel and rearm.

*something I think is inevitable
Things have to go how they have to go. We are in the beginnings of the end times. Better to be strong , have faith and be good to one another then to breed more hatred. The world has quite enuff of that already dont you think?