Is Florida in play for Biden?

Florida is definitely in play, and that is bad for trump. Biden does not have to win Florida, but he might. trump definitely does have to win Florida, and he might not.

The sobbing of alt right posters changes none of this.

I can tell that they believe it’s true by how angry and panicked they got.
I can tell that they believe it’s true by how angry and panicked they got.

We are just saying Florida is in play. Not that Biden will win Florida, but just that he might win Florida. And they are having a nervous breakdown about it.
You do realize abortion is a very ugly business that damages the mothers who get them and kills the babies inside of them.

Do you realize that the vast majority of peope in this country are for a woman's right to choose and don't give a shit about what ignorant fuckwads like you think?

Americans' preference for the pro-choice label, support for abortion being legal under any or in most circumstances shows the largest increase among Democrats, jumping from 69% to 82%, as well as adults aged 18 to 34, rising from 52% to 63%. It has also increased more among women (up eight points to 59%) than among men (increasing five points to 45%).

And that is under ANY circumstance. You want to talk about it being available the first 12 weeks the number is more like 80%. What you believe is fucking worthless.
Florida is definitely in play, and that is bad for trump. Biden does not have to win Florida, but he might. trump definitely does have to win Florida, and he might not.

The sobbing of alt right posters changes none of this.

One thing is certain, if Biden wins FL (or is even close) the country will know that Trump lost very early on. We won't be waiting on western states, they will call it early.
Do you realize that the vast majority of peope in this country are for a woman's right to choose and don't give a shit about what ignorant fuckwads like you think?

Americans' preference for the pro-choice label, support for abortion being legal under any or in most circumstances shows the largest increase among Democrats, jumping from 69% to 82%, as well as adults aged 18 to 34, rising from 52% to 63%. It has also increased more among women (up eight points to 59%) than among men (increasing five points to 45%).

And that is under ANY circumstance. You want to talk about it being available the first 12 weeks the number is more like 80%. What you believe is fucking worthless.

This debate isn't about a woman's choice. The debate is about whether we want to be a society of barbarians who think killing unborn babies is a fantastic way to engage in birth control.

This debate is about the moral decay being led by progressive leftists who moronically insist that men can menstruate and should compete in women's sports.

You, being a simple minded, low IQ, uneducated dullard on the left, lack the mental capacity to comprehend the OBVIOUS.

P.S. The anti-abortion campaign is led by WOMEN. I guess they don't get a choice right? Moron.
One thing is certain, if Biden wins FL (or is even close) the country will know that Trump lost very early on. We won't be waiting on western states, they will call it early.

If Biden wins Florida????

One thing is certain, if Biden wins FL (or is even close) the country will know that Trump lost very early on. We won't be waiting on western states, they will call it early.

Correct. There are plenty of paths to victory for Biden that do not pass through Florida. The only paths to victory for trump pass through Florida. trump has to play defense to keep Florida, or he will lose.
This is the method of genocide. Censored claims to be the victim, in order to excuse genocide. It is the old, "Jews want the Nazis dead, therefore it is OK to murder Jewish children in self defense." But what if they do not want you dead?

You must have been awfully drunk when you posted that.

BTW, how is that "final solution" to the white people problem that your party is working on coming along?
I think they know that the majority of republicans are for the woman's right to choose. Florida is very much in play.


The only thing democrats hate more than America, is democracy.

Dobbs put the issue of abortion in the hands of the voters, rather than in the hands of 9 unelected jurists. If the people of Florida want abortion up until birth - they merely need vote for it.

It's called "Democracy."
BTW, how is that "final solution" to the white people problem that your party is working on coming along?

I am white. Biden is white. The majority of the Democratic Party is white. The Democratic Party is not trying to kill whites... nor are Blacks, or anyone else.

You are just saying that to try to excuse your desire for genocide.
I seriously doubt all floridians are stupid enough to think that inflation is the result of Biden.

Inflation occurs when the volume of fiat currency increases at a faster rate than the pool of available goods and services.

Dumping $8 trillion into the market at a time that goods and services were contracting will cause inflation.

$3 trillion of this was Covid "relief" under Trump - the rest is just reckless spending by Xi's Biden Regime.

They damn sure don't want you fucking shitheads telling them they can't get an abortion if they want to.

I know you hate democracy - but the only people who have any say over abortion in Florida are voters in Florida.
I am white. Biden is white. The majority of the Democratic Party is white.

I don't think that's true, about the Bolshevik party.

If the 150 million voters are evenly split between the two parties, and 63% are white. That means there 91 million white and 59 million non-white votes. Christophobic bigots and racists like you DEMAND that Republicans are all white - as Guno/TigerRed puts it "the party of white people." So that would be 75 million white Republicans, leaving 16 million white Communists along with 59 million non-white.

The Democratic Party is not trying to kill whites...

Lack of capability is not lack of desire.

democrats are pretty open about the desire to not only eradicate whites, but erase us from history altogether - "end whiteness" as your party puts it.

nor are Blacks, or anyone else.

You are just saying that to try to excuse your desire for genocide.

Okay PeeWee - show where I have ever promoted, supported, or suggested genocide of anyone?

No? All you can do is scream;

This debate isn't about a woman's choice. The debate is about whether we want to be a society of barbarians who think killing unborn babies is a fantastic way to engage in birth control.

Then you must really despise someone who says it's up to the states and if they want to kill unborn babies that is fine.

The only thing democrats hate more than America, is democracy.

Dobbs put the issue of abortion in the hands of the voters, rather than in the hands of 9 unelected jurists. If the people of Florida want abortion up until birth - they merely need vote for it.

It's called "Democracy."

I don't know about up until birth but they certainly don't want a fucking 6 week ban on them.
Inflation occurs when the volume of fiat currency increases at a faster rate than the pool of available goods and services.

Dumping $8 trillion into the market at a time that goods and services were contracting will cause inflation.

$3 trillion of this was Covid "relief" under Trump - the rest is just reckless spending by Xi's Biden Regime.

Our inflation rate now is lower than every other developed country, I guess their covid relief was larger than ours?

I know you hate democracy - but the only people who have any say over abortion in Florida are voters in Florida.
Fine, I thought the right was against abortion, seems your guy thinks it's fine if a state practices it?