Is FoxNews biased?

Well being a college student I'm sure you know what the burden of proof is. I'd love to see the reaction of a professor of yours if you were giving an argument and didn't have the citation and told the professor to look it up themselves. I know this is an internet message board but still. If you have read so much of it you should be able to get it easily. You made the claim so yeah.

I have no problem explaining how talk radio became dominated by conservatives as I've read much about it. As is often the case in politics "proof" provided by one 'side' may not be considered "proof" by the other 'side'. Thus my laziness at the moment to look it up. And with all due respect if you really were interested in the subject you yourself could look up and find what I stated.
Well being a college student I'm sure you know what the burden of proof is. I'd love to see the reaction of a professor of yours if you were giving an argument and didn't have the citation and told the professor to look it up themselves. I know this is an internet message board but still. If you have read so much of it you should be able to get it easily. You made the claim so yeah.

Ms. SouthernBelle if I may ask a question. You have questioned me to show citations and evidence. However you have not asked Desh for the citations or evidence to back up her comments. I would surmise it is because you agree with her and therefore don't see a reason to ask for supporting evidence. Here are the three questions she asked and later made statements for without any backup evidence.

""""Why did all the networks beat the drums to war with Iraq ?

Why did they fire people like Phil Donahue who had the fastest climbing ratings?

The corporate media wanted Bush to be elected and they wanted him to succede so they could do more consolidating and get some great tax cuts.""""

Before I jump to conclusions is there a reason you asked me for evidence and proof but not Desh?
On FOX you get both left and right wing views. While many of their most popular hosts are Conservative they certainly allow both sides their time to speak, and that's why liberals absolutely hate FOX news, they're only satisfied if their point is the only view expressed. I swear MSNBC, you get literally half of every story, it's laughable.

Fox is a joke. They dont even hide what they do anymore. Its not just the way they cover stories, its what they focus on. Missing white girls and terror, as if there were no other news around. Its using fear for ratings.
Its using the media to LIE to the American voter.

Follow the money.

Are you referring to my post? You are showing no evidence or citations or proof. Same thing SothernBelle is trying to call me out on. You have shown or proven nothing.
Because you're talking about history of something. Desh is asking you question's about things that happened. And again if you know you're right then you should be able to prove it if someone asks you to cite what you're saying. What Desh says or doesn't say etc. has nothing to do with you proving YOUR comments. This is about you. Don't change the subject. Can you prove it or not when someone asks you to? If you can't admit it's just your opinion and not fact and move on.

Ms. SouthernBelle if I may ask a question. You have questioned me to show citations and evidence. However you have not asked Desh for the citations or evidence to back up her comments. I would surmise it is because you agree with her and therefore don't see a reason to ask for supporting evidence. Here are the three questions she asked and later made statements for without any backup evidence.

""""Why did all the networks beat the drums to war with Iraq ?

Why did they fire people like Phil Donahue who had the fastest climbing ratings?

The corporate media wanted Bush to be elected and they wanted him to succede so they could do more consolidating and get some great tax cuts.""""

Before I jump to conclusions is there a reason you asked me for evidence and proof but not Desh?
Don't forget Bill O'Reilly's sex/boob stories. :rolleyes:

Fox is a joke. They dont even hide what they do anymore. Its not just the way they cover stories, its what they focus on. Missing white girls and terror, as if there were no other news around. Its using fear for ratings.
So you still can't prove your citations. Now you're trying to get out of it by going on someone else. I didn't ask them. I asked YOU. Can you do it or not? If not then admit it's your opinion and move on.

Are you referring to my post? You are showing no evidence or citations or proof. Same thing SothernBelle is trying to call me out on. You have shown or proven nothing.
On FOX you get both left and right wing views. While many of their most popular hosts are Conservative they certainly allow both sides their time to speak, and that's why liberals absolutely hate FOX news, they're only satisfied if their point is the only view expressed. I swear MSNBC, you get literally half of every story, it's laughable.

Oh Willie. What utter dumb ass non-sense. First. Fuchs Nichtrichten (That's Fox News in your native fascism) isn't a news station. Fox does not present biased news and never have. Even a 4th rate moron can see that. The fact is, they don't present news at all. They present propaganda and what's really disgusting is that their brand of propaganda is based on the Joseph Goebbels model (just take out Jew and insert liberal) though certainly Fuch's has a softer form of fascism as they throw liberals under the bus instead of jews into an over, the intent is still the same.

Now do the professional journalist have bias as opposed to the propagandist on Fuch's? Well that depends on how you define bias. The professional journalist at least understand what bias and objectivity are and attempt to maintain a standard of objectivity. The fact that it is their job to criticise those in goverment does not make them biased. The fact that they don't support a particular ideology does not make them either biased or liberal and that's the big lie that Fuch's sells.

Since the professional mainstream journalist do not buy into Fuch's extremist right wing propaganda, fuchs attempts to marginalize them as biased liberals. Only and idiot of the lowest mentality can't see through that ploy and obviously there are a lot of them, aren't there Willie?
The whole "liberal Bias" of the news media is a joke. It's a myth and always has been. Some right wing wacko accuses a centrist media of being biased becuase they don't support their extremist agenda and it's accepted at face value. The fact is, bias, in the news business, is bad business. This fact should be patently obvious by Fox's plummeting ratings. People want facts and information and want to decide for themselves what it means. The strongest evidence that the major media outlets are centrist is the criticism they recieve. Fascist like little willie accuse them of being biased to the far left while those on the far left, like Desh, accuse them of being corporate lap dogs. This fact alone is strong proof that most journalist are smack dab in the middle where they ought to be.

The so called "Liberal Bias" is just another great example of "If you say something often enough, people will begin to beleive it is true."
The whole "liberal Bias" of the news media is a joke. It's a myth and always has been. Some right wing wacko accuses a centrist media of being biased becuase they don't support their extremist agenda and it's accepted at face value. The fact is, bias, in the news business, is bad business. This fact should be patently obvious by Fox's plummeting ratings. People want facts and information and want to decide for themselves what it means. The strongest evidence that the major media outlets are centrist is the criticism they recieve. Fascist like little willie accuse them of being biased to the far left while those on the far left, like Desh, accuse them of being corporate lap dogs. This fact alone is strong proof that most journalist are smack dab in the middle where they ought to be.

The so called "Liberal Bias" is just another great example of "If you say something often enough, people will begin to beleive it is true."

The media is owned by huge corps. There is a corp bias in all news. It's a product, it aint the truth. If you think you're well informed by any news outlet, you're a fucking moron.
Oh Willie. What utter dumb ass non-sense. First. Fuchs Nichtrichten (That's Fox News in your native fascism) isn't a news station. Fox does not present biased news and never have. Even a 4th rate moron can see that. The fact is, they don't present news at all. They present propaganda and what's really disgusting is that their brand of propaganda is based on the Joseph Goebbels model (just take out Jew and insert liberal) though certainly Fuch's has a softer form of fascism as they throw liberals under the bus instead of jews into an over, the intent is still the same.

Now do the professional journalist have bias as opposed to the propagandist on Fuch's? Well that depends on how you define bias. The professional journalist at least understand what bias and objectivity are and attempt to maintain a standard of objectivity. The fact that it is their job to criticise those in goverment does not make them biased. The fact that they don't support a particular ideology does not make them either biased or liberal and that's the big lie that Fuch's sells.

Since the professional mainstream journalist do not buy into Fuch's extremist right wing propaganda, fuchs attempts to marginalize them as biased liberals. Only and idiot of the lowest mentality can't see through that ploy and obviously there are a lot of them, aren't there Willie?

Why you're an idiot: You see fox news workers as "biased" but somehow in your warped little brain the same word, "biased", becomes blurry and undefinable when used to describe non-fox newsworkers.
I find it annoying with conservatives say, oh the LIBERAL media is not telling the good's that have come out of Iraq, just the bad. If you ask me, they don't report all that much bad either. It's fairly factual most of the time if you ask me. Also I do not find CNN liberal to say the least.
Because you're talking about history of something. Desh is asking you question's about things that happened. And again if you know you're right then you should be able to prove it if someone asks you to cite what you're saying. What Desh says or doesn't say etc. has nothing to do with you proving YOUR comments. This is about you. Don't change the subject. Can you prove it or not when someone asks you to? If you can't admit it's just your opinion and not fact and move on.

SouthernBelle, since I am a partisan hack I have learned how to see it in others as well. As I said, you question me because you support or believe what Desh says (which is your right). My point is it is transparent this calling me out while accepting her 'follow the money' as sufficient "proof" for all her comments.

My suggestion Ms. Belle is enjoy watching USC in today's Rose Bowl and seeing true beauty at work on the field. :)
Why you're an idiot: You see fox news workers as "biased" but somehow in your warped little brain the same word, "biased", becomes blurry and undefinable when used to describe non-fox newsworkers.

No you are mistaken.

They are all corporate owned and lean to the right.

During the lead up to the war it became obvious to anyone who had a brain and a computor.

There was soooo many world wide stories that they refused to run on the US media that it was very clear why 70% of the US public thought Sadam himself bombed the towers.

The US media has one goal and that is to make money. They were helping the guy who gave them tax cuts and allowed them to further consolidate equaling more money. Then when their guy was about to be out of office and the American minnions were realising they had been lied to they started pointing thier finger and Bush and saying "Gee he lied to you". The next admin needs to hack away at the moster and chop it up into small pieces and make sure it stays that way. Press is one area this country does not want monopolised.

You allow too few people to deside what Americans get to know. You allow too few voices speaking out and you will destroy freedom.
Are you darlas.........

No dumbass. I pointed out your abusive behavior. Big difference. You're an abuser. All you do is come in threads and attack people. What do you add? Shit that's what. No wonder I call you baka.

alter ego...get a life love to dish it but can't take it...what a loser your are...:rolleyes:
alter ego...get a life love to dish it but can't take it...what a loser your are...:rolleyes:

Listen you creepy old fuck leave the young girl alone or she will think you are some hunched back ,comb over, halfzipped, pocked marked, dirty fingernailed stocker.

You know how much we love you here BB but it takes one a while to appreciate just what a real sweetie you are:tongout: