Is It Time To Take Up Arms?

Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa like to spin eh? heh heh da libtards are the ones coming out on the short end of the stick in regards to this controversy and it is plain to see.

aka....anytime someone starts playing the race card....accusing their opponent of racism they have ceded the field as in admitting defeat.

Because, of course, Bundy's comments about "Negros being better off when they picked cotton" was in no way OUTRIGHT RACISM.

The race card got played because Cliven Bundy is an outright RACIST.
"whensoever any portion of the States, or people thereof attempt to secede from the Federal Union, or forcibly resist the Execution of its laws, the Federal Government may, by warrant of the Constitution, employ armed force in compelling obedience to its Authority."

From Section 2 of the Constitution of Nevada.

Because, of course, Bundy's comments about "Negros being better off when they picked cotton" was in no way OUTRIGHT RACISM.

The race card got played because Cliven Bundy is an outright RACIST.

Bundy was just telling the truth and everybody knows it .....irregardless his views on that subject has nothing to do with the controversy concerning our public lands, a corrupt U.S. Senator aka dirty harry, and a renegade outfit called the BLM and certainly nothing to do with posters on here playing the race card....those who do that are simply avoiding the real controversy here and one that is exceedingly important to anyone who lives out west.

When all else fails Libtards always assume their default position....kneeling on the ground with their tails between their legs screaming waycist! waycist! waycist! bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
I just keep wondering their position if this was the Black Panthers? Lol

Incoherent babble....just more proof this nation has more fools than we know what do do with....obsessed with playing the race card or if not that homersexual marriage and or who is gay and who is not gay....whopppeeeee meanwhile the nation continues to unravel.

Try and stay on really is not that hard.
Where does any of that refute what Jarod posted?

Jarod is a idiot and irrelevant and you are little better.

If you can think of something relevant post it, have something to contribute to this topic post it...this lame stuff you are spewing is a waste of board space....suggestion.....actually read what has been posted, the links etc. and you might then get a clue as to what is actually going on in Nevada and actually many Western States where a renegade outfit...the BLM....has abused its powers.
Jarod is a idiot and irrelevant and you are little better.

If you can think of something relevant post it, have something to contribute to this topic post it...this lame stuff you are spewing is a waste of board space....suggestion.....actually read what has been posted, the links etc. and you might then get a clue as to what is actually going on in Nevada and actually many Western States where a renegade outfit...the BLM....has abused its powers.

Are you attacking the messenger, again? Lol, you know what you think of people attacking others, lol
Obviously this topic is too complicated for most of the Libtards to comprehend. Their heads start spinning and all they can do is to try and play the race card or accuse a hard working rancher of wanting welfare rights....absolutely ridiculous but that is how they operate.

Let me try and simplify it for them...............there are 3 main issues in this controversy 1. A corrupt U.S. Senator--Harry Reid in cahoots with the BLM to steal Public Land. 2. A renagade outfit(THE BLM) who has abused its power. 3. The legal issue of The Federal government claiming land that rightfully belongs to the States.
"...the people inhabiting said territory do agree and declare, that they forever disclaim all right and title to the unappropriated public lands lying within said territory, and that the same shall be and remain at the sole and entire disposition of the United States; and that lands belonging to citizens of the United States, residing without the said state, shall never be taxed higher than the land belonging to the residents thereof; and that no taxes shall be imposed by said state on lands or property therein belonging to, or which may hereafter be purchased by, the United States, unless otherwise provided by the congress of the United States." - Constitution of the State of Nevada.

So who is it that claimed that The Federal Land became that of the State of Nevada when it became a state?
Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa like to spin eh? heh heh da libtards are the ones coming out on the short end of the stick in regards to this controversy and it is plain to see.

aka....anytime someone starts playing the race card....accusing their opponent of racism they have ceded the field as in admitting defeat.

Who dat say sumptin bout dat Supreme Ct. in Washington? heh heh

fr. the following link

"The Supreme Court has ruled multiple times on the federal government having too much state land. It is called the equal footing doctrine and it is time that Nevada and all the other states that are buried under from too much federal presence get it enforced. This would bring about a major shift in the west and give the states more freedom for development. This will also mean less need for federal intrusion there."

Read and weep all you misguided libtards>>>>>>>

Yet that has yet to occur and is thetefore meaningless retard.
Incoherent babble....just more proof this nation has more fools than we know what do do with....obsessed with playing the race card or if not that homersexual marriage and or who is gay and who is not gay....whopppeeeee meanwhile the nation continues to unravel.

Try and stay on really is not that hard.

It's not playing the race card when the subject is a racist you ignorant retard.
Bundy was just telling the truth and everybody knows it .....irregardless his views on that subject has nothing to do with the controversy concerning our public lands, a corrupt U.S. Senator aka dirty harry, and a renegade outfit called the BLM and certainly nothing to do with posters on here playing the race card....those who do that are simply avoiding the real controversy here and one that is exceedingly important to anyone who lives out west.

When all else fails Libtards always assume their default position....kneeling on the ground with their tails between their legs screaming waycist! waycist! waycist! bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

And finally, when they've failed to convince anyone that their extremist fringe lunacy is factual, the petty Rightie will trot out his arsenal of taunts and insults.

Bundy exhibited outright RACISM with his comments about "negros picking cotton" and your refusal to admit as much regarding your hero speaks volumes.
Jarod is a idiot and irrelevant and you are little better.

If you can think of something relevant post it, have something to contribute to this topic post it...this lame stuff you are spewing is a waste of board space....suggestion.....actually read what has been posted, the links etc. and you might then get a clue as to what is actually going on in Nevada and actually many Western States where a renegade outfit...the BLM....has abused its powers.


I ask you a simple question and this is the response I get...ROFL!

It does prove the veracity of my claim that, as support for your racist hero dwindles, you angry Righties increasingly resort to taunts and vulgarity.

I guess if you COULD refute what Jarod posted you would and that's why all we've gotten from you over the last 3-4 pages are petty insults.
Obviously this topic is too complicated for most of the Libtards to comprehend. Their heads start spinning and all they can do is to try and play the race card or accuse a hard working rancher of wanting welfare rights....absolutely ridiculous but that is how they operate.

Let me try and simplify it for them...............there are 3 main issues in this controversy 1. A corrupt U.S. Senator--Harry Reid in cahoots with the BLM to steal Public Land. 2. A renagade outfit(THE BLM) who has abused its power. 3. The legal issue of The Federal government claiming land that rightfully belongs to the States.

You forgot issue #4.

4. A hypocritical Rightie whined about Liberals "attacking the messenger" then turned right around and did just that a few pages later.
If you don't go through the right avenues, absolutely. I don't get to go to your house and take your stuff at gunpoint simply because I believe you owe me money, that is theft plain and simple, direct robbery. Especially so for something you owed from back in 1998 (in CO it would actually be illegal to try to collect on a debt over 7 years old). (in 1998 Nevada took over the billing, etc. for the land in question.)

He owes money, not a life.

Put a lien on his property if the laws allow for you to attempt to collect money owed from that far back.

1. Nobody is going to take this guys life, unless he starts shooting at federal officers or something.
2. They did the legal equivalent of putting a lien on his property and the Court told them to evict the cattle.
3. This is not for a debt that occurred in 1998, its for an on going trespass.

You are smarter than this shit you are spouting.
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Again, the Feds gave that collection authority to Nevada in 1998, they held it only for 5 years (1993 to 1998) and now Nevada has the authority to collect the fees. What the Feds are doing is not within their authority per the contract with Nevada. The gentleman agreed, long ago, to pay Nevada. The BLM just decided to take matters into their own hands and made a poor showing of it.

Do you have a cite for your claim that the feds gave that collection authority to Nevada in 1998.

Do you have a cite for these allegations?