Is It Time To Take Up Arms?

If there was a contract with your state to allow you to build a tourist trap there for a fee your state could allow that. If you owed them money the STATE could lien your property and seize liquid assets like any other collector as they would have to pay the Feds the contracted fee regardless per the contract. The debt is the state's to collect, not Federal Marshals with military snipers holding his family at gunpoint.

Sending in the troops to start pointing guns at your family is not within the realm of debt collections in a nation where we do not have debtors prison.

They did not send in troops to start pointing guns at this guys family. They sent officers to remove the cattle that was trespassing, the guy and his family pulled guns and the Feds retreated.

Do you have a cite that anything different happened?
Excuse me... I should remember you never hold a conversation unless you are the one using descriptive phrases... I should have said armed agents seizing cattle was not the appropriate response, nor was locking people away from filming the seizure. Apparently the BLM realized this eventually and agreed with me. It gave Clive Bundy the appearance of a "victim"... You can pretend that armed men taking your stuff would be okay with you... Nobody said there was an altercation, that is your pretense.

The Court told them to remove the cattle... Gave them the authority, they had guns because Bundy and family had issued threats. Sounds reasonable to me. If I stopped paying for my car, I would bet money and expect that the repo guy who came to get it would be carrying.
Again... Clive stated this:

“I love you people. And I love this land, and I love freedom and liberty,” Bundy said. “I know without doubt that our Constitution didn’t provide for anything like the federal government owning this land, and so when I pay my grazing fees—if I owe any grazing fees—I will sure pay it to the right landlord, and that will be to Clark County, Nevada.”

The easiest method of collection would be to simply allow, as they agreed to in 1998 for the grazing fees for that area, the state of Nevada to collect their fees for them.

So I should call my bank and tell them that I am going to start paying the old bank that used to hold my mortgage, and they better be oklay with that. If they try to evict me, they better not bring guns!
The Court told them to remove the cattle... Gave them the authority, they had guns because Bundy and family had issued threats. Sounds reasonable to me. If I stopped paying for my car, I would bet money and expect that the repo guy who came to get it would be carrying.

Telling the federalis you will defend your family and property is hardly a threat....get real.

and your ridiculous analogy makes you look a little stupid.
So I should call my bank and tell them that I am going to start paying the old bank that used to hold my mortgage, and they better be oklay with that. If they try to evict me, they better not bring guns!

Someone else who makes ridiculous analogies....must run in the family. You boys just do not get more time...I hope it sticks this time because my patience with your ignorance has its limits.

WHEREAS the Constitution of the United States clearly authorizes the federal government to only own such land as is necessary for a seat of government and such land as is necessary for the erection of forts, docks and shipyards, etc.: (See the United States Constitution, Section 9, paragraph 17),

Got Dat? Deal wid it chumps.
1. Nobody is going to take this guys life, unless he starts shooting at federal officers or something.
2. They did the legal equivalent of putting a lien on his property and the Court told them to evict the cattle.
3. This is not for a debt that occurred in 1998, its for an on going trespass.

You are smarter than this shit you are spouting.

Naive should have a conversation with Randy Weaver.

Senator Reid is on record saying something was going to happen to Clive Bundy to stop him...sounds like a threat to me.
"...the people inhabiting said territory do agree and declare, that they forever disclaim all right and title to the unappropriated public lands lying within said territory, and that the same shall be and remain at the sole and entire disposition of the United States; and that lands belonging to citizens of the United States, residing without the said state, shall never be taxed higher than the land belonging to the residents thereof; and that no taxes shall be imposed by said state on lands or property therein belonging to, or which may hereafter be purchased by, the United States, unless otherwise provided by the congress of the United States." - Constitution of the State of Nevada.

So who is it that claimed that The Federal Land became that of the State of Nevada when it became a state?

What a dumbass.............and stop posting stuff out of intentionally attempt to deceive...but I caught you this time and someone will catch you next time.

Now for the truth>>>>>>>>>
Rich people demanding welfare with an automatic rifle.... Patriot.

Poor people looking for food stamps... Lazy scumbag full of entitlement.

Sir, With all due you not understand how simple minded you are?

Most stupid people have enough sense to shut up when their ignorance has been exposed. Must be that movie playing in your head....shuts out reality.
"whensoever any portion of the States, or people thereof attempt to secede from the Federal Union, or forcibly resist the Execution of its laws, the Federal Government may, by warrant of the Constitution, employ armed force in compelling obedience to its Authority."

From Section 2 of the Constitution of Nevada.

You obviously have difficulty understand law and this has already been covered....try and keep up or STFU got dat chump?

Here is the deal for anyone interested in the truth>>>>
Sir, With all due you not understand how simple minded you are?

Most stupid people have enough sense to shut up when their ignorance has been exposed. Must be that movie playing in your head....shuts out reality.

Too bad you are not like most stupid people. Your ignorance has been exposed. Every single point you have made has been proven wrong, every link debunked, yet you blather on.

Here's the deal, retard; sell your clap trap bullshit elsewhere, no one is buying it here.
Too bad you are not like most stupid people. Your ignorance has been exposed. Every single point you have made has been proven wrong, every link debunked, yet you blather on.

Here's the deal, retard; sell your clap trap bullshit elsewhere, no one is buying it here.

bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I knew this dude had delusions of grandeur....git back to yo movie boy....yo watchin birth of a nation again? keeps you motivated eh? bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Listen up need to send in a pinch hitter for runny....he had to run. heh heh What a coward.

Where dat rune go? here rune? here rune? bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I knew this dude had delusions of grandeur....git back to yo movie boy....yo watchin birth of a nation again? keeps you motivated eh? bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

1. You suck at debate.
2. You are proposing insurrection based upon a lie.
3. You are dumb as hell.
4. You totally lost.
5. You are committing treason and could be arrested and (thanks to neocons and the conservatards such as yourself that empowered them) held as an enemy combatant with no rights.
1. You suck at debate.
2. You are proposing insurrection based upon a lie.
3. You are dumb as hell.
4. You totally lost.
5. You are committing treason and could be arrested and (thanks to neocons and the conservatards such as yourself that empowered them) held as an enemy combatant with no rights.

delusional much?

I am LMAO but seriously someone call a ambulance for dis here dud rune.

Jus jokin rune...dont go away. This is fun.
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A friend sent me this:

NY Times Reporter Who Twisted Bundys Statement Is Radical Liberal Openly Gay Sodomite

His name is Adam Nagourney, a liberal Jew, who also is a radical openly gay sodomite who is now bureau chief at the NY Times Los Angeles section. He has a history of following the “progressive” Alisnky playbook of demonizing those against whom you can’t argue. His brother, Eric Nagourney, is also an editor and writer for The New York Times. I would only note that Bundy didn’t actually make any “racist” comments as Nagourney took his statements and twisted them out of context by selectively editing them. Instead, what Bundy he DID do that Nagourney refused to praise, was point out how terribly, terribly destructive that Democrats and the rest of the “progressive” movement have been for negroes over the past few decades. If there’s anything racist going on, it involves trapping negroes in a grinding cycle of poverty and despair, while psychologically bullying them into continuing to support the very people—the Democrats—who trapped them in the first place. But Adam Nagourney couldn't allow himself to point that out. No, when it comes to gay sodomite Nagourney, he knew exactly what he was doing. He knew by experience, if he put the story out, the knee jerk reponses from low information voters would overreact in this morally wrong politically correct climate without checking the facts and getting second hand sources. It worked............that is up until a point that it was found out that he deceived his readers. What he did was entrap Bundy and then immediately turned around and contacted politicians in support of him for a quick response before the facts could be verified causing them to distance themselves in a foolish manner. It worked. But nothing about Bundy changes the fact that the fedgov’s response to the situation was nothing other than thuggish intimidation and a violation of the spirit of the Posse Comitatus Act. Never the less, what we witnesses yesterday is the deception that gays pull all the time to get their way to further a insidious agenda and it is further proof that gays can't be trusted at all, especially around children. They should be denounced as a threat to society and our traditional Christian family value system.