Is Racism Bad? Tell Me Why.

Why do you think so, #10? I'm truly curious to see if you have an intelligent reply.

Please provide one if you are able, sir.

That you believe what you have been told when five minutes of thinking should indicate to you that you are being lied to.
That you believe what you have been told when five minutes of thinking should indicate to you that you are being lied to.

You only have insults? That's okay, #10. I believe in giving people a chance to explain themselves. Some can, some can't.

If you ever feel up to explaining yourself, I'm all ears, sir.
You only have insults? That's okay, #10. I believe in giving people a chance to explain themselves. Some can, some can't.

I was being are a well known lying Prick...that you believe what you claim to believe is iffy to say the least.
I was being are a well known lying Prick...that you believe what you claim to believe is iffy to say the least.

Again, sir, you are free to lie and insult all you like. You are free to hate your life, hate America and seek to die an early death. All your choice.

First thing is, there is no such thing as race, we are human beings, Race is a social construct that divides people for no real reason. So then arguing that racism is bad only makes sense if you accept the fiction. What race is a person who is the child of the many fictions that are race. So the simple answer is racism categorizes people and defines humans due to meaningless categories. It divides and in the case of hate makes discrimination and hate possible.

"The main hypothesis concerning group-think is this: the more amiability and espirt de corps among the members of an in-group of policymakers the greater the danger that independent critical thinking will be replaced by groupthink, which is likely to result in irrational and the dehumanizing actions directed at out-groups." Irving L. Janis in 'Sanctions for Evil'

'In the biological and social sciences, the consensus is clear: race is a social construct, not a biological attribute. Today, scientists prefer to use the term “ancestry” to describe human diversity (Figure 3). “Ancestry” reflects the fact that human variations do have a connection to the geographical origins of our ancestors—with enough information about a person’s DNA, scientists can make a reasonable guess about their ancestry. However, unlike the term “race,” it focuses on understanding how a person’s history unfolded, not how they fit into one category and not another. In a clinical setting, for instance, scientists would say that diseases such as sickle-cell anemia and cystic fibrosis are common in those of “sub-Saharan African” or “Northern European” descent, respectively, rather than in those who are “black” or “white”.'
Because the Better People make room for others to the best of their ability, hoping for the same gift in return.

"Better people?" You have to be kidding. Does a bobcat make room for a lynx? Hell no! Does a white tail deer make room for a mule deer? Hell no! Does a spotted dolphin make room for a bottle nose dolphin? Hell no! There are zillions of closely related species on Earth. Feel free to take this to whatever lengths you want. You can include the different species of human in that. It is just the way that nature works. Also, throughout history there have been areas of the earth that were populated by a specific species of human. They got along just fine. Just because humans have come up with the ability to travel great distances en masse doesn't toss nature and reality into the shit can.

I want absolutely nothing from the non-White species of human. And I would prefer it if they left us the fuck alone. But they latch onto the White mans ass like a leech. How many White people are trying to sneak into mexico or countries further south. Or how many White Europeans are trying to sneak into Africa or the Middle East. Humanity has had a long history of conflict. Where one group tried to take what another group has. Only the criminally insane, or severely brainwashed traitors would actually allow it.
"Better people?" You have to be kidding. Does a bobcat make room for a lynx? Hell no! Does a white tail deer make room for a mule deer? Hell no! Does a spotted dolphin make room for a bottle nose dolphin? Hell no! There are zillions of closely related species on Earth. Feel free to take this to whatever lengths you want. You can include the different species of human in that. It is just the way that nature works. Also, throughout history there have been areas of the earth that were populated by a specific species of human. They got along just fine. Just because humans have come up with the ability to travel great distances en masse doesn't toss nature and reality into the shit can.

I want absolutely nothing from the non-White species of human. And I would prefer it if they left us the fuck alone. But they latch onto the White mans ass like a leech. How many White people are trying to sneak into mexico or countries further south. Or how many White Europeans are trying to sneak into Africa or the Middle East. Humanity has had a long history of conflict. Where one group tried to take what another group has. Only the criminally insane, or severely brainwashed traitors would actually allow it.

I am not kidding.

Knowing what the better life is and who the better people are is what the education was for, guided by the conclusions of our ancestors in both the East and the West going back thousands of years. I was smart enough to listen and pay attention.
Because judging people by their race is dumb.

Race doesn't exist. Species does. In regards to humans, race is just a politically correct way of saying species. And judging people by their species is natural, necessary and good. In my lifetime I have seen many flocks of birds. Either in person or on some nature show. And in my entire lifetime I have seen many different schools of fish on various nature shows. All of the flocks of birds were made up of the same species of bird. All the schools of fish were made up of the same species of fish. They don't do this out of any sense of supremacy. They do so because evolution has taught them that it is the right way to be. Also, I wish I could give you some things on which to judge non-Whites. The jew run anti-White media sure as hell isn't going to tell you such things.
I started a thread that said racism was good. But that didn't get very far. So let's try it this way. You tell me why it is bad.

It's bad because it's divisive to be bigoted against someone by a circumstance of birth.

Example; it's wrong of me to dislike you for being a retarded cocksucker. Being retarded isn't your fault and the jury is still out on why some like you love to suck dick.

OTOH, it's perfectly fine for me to dislike you because you're a hateful little shit. :thup:

I hope that helps.
Because Zen might be right that we must keep doing it till we figure it out.

I don't know about zen. And there is nothing to figure out. All you have to do is open your eyes. Also, I wonder if this Oriental guy was into whatever zen is all about.

Lao Tzu.jpg
Because if the Christians are right you will eventually be called to accounts, and will receive a demerit for your poor performance.

For lack of a better word, I am an Atheist. I HATE religion. I would rather be cooking eternally in the fires of HELL with my dignity rather than living a "blissful" eternity in heaven without it.
For lack of a better word, I am an Atheist. I HATE religion. I would rather be cooking eternally in the fires of HELL with my dignity rather than living a "blissful" eternity in heaven without it.

Did you notice that I tried to help you with your thread?

Do I get to know what your name means?
Because look at the you really want to be like them?

You mean look at how the jew controlled media portrays racists. And jews are the most racist group out there! For an orthodox jew, if a goyim even touched the bottle that a drink was pored from, that drink is unclean.