Is Racism Bad? Tell Me Why.

Because women of mixed race tend to be hotter, and racism gets in the way of the mixing.

Now you're hallucinating. A hot looking White woman is far better looking than a "hot" looking woman of any other species. Also, with my own eyes I have seen that about 98% of the time that I see a negro male out in public with a female, it is a white female. I could go FAR more into this. But that will suffice.
Because the Han, our ach enemies, are some of the most racist fucks on the planet....lets not be like them....lets give people a reason to root for us.

You speak of a particular group of Chinese. Who are the enemies of the Han. And if you were to put a group of both together, I couldn't tell one from the other. But I bet that any Chinese could tell the difference between a White person and a mexican. Or a White person and a negro. And definitely a White person from an Oriental.
I started a thread that said racism was good. But that didn't get very far. So let's try it this way. You tell me why it is bad.

Racism has many forms, but the heart of it to me is treating any group or class as if they are all the same, and treating individuals of that group or class as if they have the characteristic you assume without giving them equal opportunity. The government treating individuals in a class or group as if they’ll share the same characteristics.

The reason it is bad to do this is because always there are individuals who do not match the characteristic one might ascribe to an entire group. When you do that you deny specific individuals the opportunity to live up to their full potential because you hold them back based on an untrue assumption about their potential.

Racism is also bad because it enables large classes of humans to dehumanize other classes of humans, resulting in slavery or genocide. It was racism that caused millions of Americans to tolerate enslavement and murder of African Americans.
Because overcoming racism to a large degree was one of the Wests crowning achievements before the Regressive WOKE decided that the West must die.

We have made significant progress, but no way have we gotten rid of racism. If you think we got rid of racism you have your eyes closed. Just look at this board? Can’t you see racism is alive and well here
"Better people?" You have to be kidding. Does a bobcat make room for a lynx? Hell no! Does a white tail deer make room for a mule deer? Hell no! Does a spotted dolphin make room for a bottle nose dolphin? Hell no! There are zillions of closely related species on Earth. Feel free to take this to whatever lengths you want. You can include the different species of human in that. It is just the way that nature works. Also, throughout history there have been areas of the earth that were populated by a specific species of human. They got along just fine. Just because humans have come up with the ability to travel great distances en masse doesn't toss nature and reality into the shit can.

I want absolutely nothing from the non-White species of human. And I would prefer it if they left us the fuck alone. But they latch onto the White mans ass like a leech. How many White people are trying to sneak into mexico or countries further south. Or how many White Europeans are trying to sneak into Africa or the Middle East. Humanity has had a long history of conflict. Where one group tried to take what another group has. Only the criminally insane, or severely brainwashed traitors would actually allow it.

Classic example of why those who say racism is dead are idiots.
Because there is no hardwired inferiority related to race.
There are brilliant blacks, there are stupid Asians, there are whites that can jump and not all indians are drunks.
Its not the race, its the individual.

I could go on and on and on about how wrong you are. But I will say this. Negroes on average have a few less grams of brain than Whites. That is beyond hardwired. That is speaking of something that isn't even there to wire. Also, there isn't a negro populated country on the planet that is worth a damn. That is despite the "monkey see, monkey do" example set for them by developed countries. Now, lay your best "blame Whity" crap on me.
First thing is, there is no such thing as race, we are human beings, Race is a social construct that divides people for no real reason. So then arguing that racism is bad only makes sense if you accept the fiction. What race is a person who is the child of the many fictions that are race. So the simple answer is racism categorizes people and defines humans due to meaningless categories. It divides and in the case of hate makes discrimination and hate possible.

"The main hypothesis concerning group-think is this: the more amiability and espirt de corps among the members of an in-group of policymakers the greater the danger that independent critical thinking will be replaced by groupthink, which is likely to result in irrational and the dehumanizing actions directed at out-groups." Irving L. Janis in 'Sanctions for Evil'

'In the biological and social sciences, the consensus is clear: race is a social construct, not a biological attribute. Today, scientists prefer to use the term “ancestry” to describe human diversity (Figure 3). “Ancestry” reflects the fact that human variations do have a connection to the geographical origins of our ancestors—with enough information about a person’s DNA, scientists can make a reasonable guess about their ancestry. However, unlike the term “race,” it focuses on understanding how a person’s history unfolded, not how they fit into one category and not another. In a clinical setting, for instance, scientists would say that diseases such as sickle-cell anemia and cystic fibrosis are common in those of “sub-Saharan African” or “Northern European” descent, respectively, rather than in those who are “black” or “white”.'

Different "races" of human are in fact different species of human. You could find 100 of the absolutely most intelligent people on the planet and direct them here to debate me on this matter. If they disagree with me, I will intellectually destroy them. So give links to all the bullshit you want. It means nothing.
I am not kidding.

Knowing what the better life is and who the better people are is what the education was for, guided by the conclusions of our ancestors in both the East and the West going back thousands of years. I was smart enough to listen and pay attention.

Well now you can consider what you said to have been kidding. You also jokingly bring up history. There has been conflict going on between various groups of humans long before there were even any humans. Let alone recorded history. If you were taught any other "conclusions," somebody has been bullshitting the hell out of you. You have drank the Kool Aid. In a way, you have been victimized by a sort of Stockholm Syndrome. If these truths anger you, then change.
It's bad because it's divisive to be bigoted against someone by a circumstance of birth.

Example; it's wrong of me to dislike you for being a retarded cocksucker. Being retarded isn't your fault and the jury is still out on why some like you love to suck dick.

OTOH, it's perfectly fine for me to dislike you because you're a hateful little shit. :thup:

I hope that helps.

What can I say to somebody who is proudly stupid like yourself. And if insults are the best you have, go haunt somebody elses thread.
Did you notice that I tried to help you with your thread?

Do I get to know what your name means?

Post number 2 wasn't very helpful. But your other posts were helpful. In dismantling what others might have said along those lines. I also already went into what my name means.
Racism has many forms, but the heart of it to me is treating any group or class as if they are all the same, and treating individuals of that group or class as if they have the characteristic you assume without giving them equal opportunity. The government treating individuals in a class or group as if they’ll share the same characteristics.

The reason it is bad to do this is because always there are individuals who do not match the characteristic one might ascribe to an entire group. When you do that you deny specific individuals the opportunity to live up to their full potential because you hold them back based on an untrue assumption about their potential.

Racism is also bad because it enables large classes of humans to dehumanize other classes of humans, resulting in slavery or genocide. It was racism that caused millions of Americans to tolerate enslavement and murder of African Americans.

Screw "equal opportunity." There isn't a negro populated country on the planet that is worth a damn. That is despite the "monkey see, monkey do" example set for them by developed countries. I'm sure they gave each other all the opportunity they were capable of. But we should do more? Maybe. If we were their bitch. But "we're" not. Also, post #31 might be of some interest to you. You could also learn something by looking up these two threads. "White supremacy explained" and "Black crime." If you need more, I've got more.