Is Racism Bad? Tell Me Why.

That invitation to go fuck yourself is still open. In fact, consider yourself to always be automatically invited to do that.

Nawww. I like it when your mommy does it. She's nicer. You're just a fucking neo-nazi jizzface. LOL

Time until Reletor badgers Damo to thread ban me as all neo-nazi chickenshits are wont to do.

its simple. it believe that if you threw the brains of these folks on the scale they would be a little lighter as well.


You are wrong. It is different species of human on the whole averaged out. For example, I have heard that orientals on average have a few more grams of brain than Whites. And they do seem to do well in school. Yet somehow, the vast majority of Nobel Laureates in science are Whites. And as a group, orientals are a bunch of idiots. Being the driving force behind rhinos going extinct because they consider rhino horn to be an aphrodisiac in their voodoo herbal medicine. And doing the same with tigers because they think that tiger penis is also good for that. Or helping elephants go extinct because they value ivory. Or breeding to the point that their populations are more like a plague of locusts. Etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.
You're a fucking moron, dumbass. Did your mother fuck a wallaby?

Intelligent, sane and educated Americans know that a few grams doesn't make a difference: Does Brain Size Matter?
The prevailing rule of thumb holds
that the bigger the animal, the bigger its
brain. After all, a bigger creature has
more skin that has to be innervated and
more muscles to control and requires a
larger brain to service its body. Thus, it
makes sense to control for overall size
when studying brain magnitude. By this
measure, humans have a relative brain-
to-body mass of about 2 percent. What
about the big mammals—elephants, dolphins and whales? Their brains far outweigh those of puny humans, up to 10 kilograms for some whales. Given their
body mass, ranging from 7,000 kg (for
male African elephants) up to 180,000
kg (for the blue whale), their brain-tobody ratio is under a tenth of a percent.
Our brains are far bigger relative to our
size than those of these creatures. Smugness is not in store, though. We are outclassed by shrews, molelike mammals,
whose brain takes up about 10 percent of
their entire body mass. Even some birds
beat us on this measure. Hmm

Read post #83. Then go fuck yourself again.
Probable WOKE Fuck claims to be conservative, but I tend to doubt it.

I am doubting your seem fake.

I see some insulting posts coming up. So maybe this video will interest you. Good on the spot interview. But after I bet the guy thought to himself, "Oh I which I had said this." Or, "I wish I had said that."

Racism is very bad for previously recounted reason, but it nonetheless clearly exists.

The very stupidest people among all ethnicities need to feel that they're smarter than somebody so they demean an entire race or two or three.
Humanity had been around an estimated 120,000 to 300,000 years and still hasn't come the slightest bit close as to what to do about this problem.

Those who wish to alleviate racism, however, try to do so by ignoring facts. Temperate climate races, i.e., Asians and Europeans, have progressed more rapidly than others,
but it's politically incorrect to study why. If we don't want to know, we should stop talking about it.
Who are the leeches in your analogy? Maybe a better strategy is not to jump in the swamp and American, Russians, and Germans should play nice.

First, look up this thread and leave a reply in it. Then tell me you did so. I'll find it and reply to you there. The title of the thread is "Black Crime." Next, how many White Americans are trying to sneak into mexico or countries further south. Or how many White Europeans are trying to sneak into Africa or the Middle East. Get the picture? Humanity has had a long history of conflict that was usually caused by one group trying to take what another group has. The same even goes on in the animal kingdom. Kill or be killed. Eat or be eaten. That is the reality of life. Life is a struggle to survive. It is unfortunate if what I have to say next strikes too close to home. But if so, you can change. Only the most vile of worthless scum wouldn't fight or kill to keep what they have from being taken from them. It goes against life itself. As such, those people aren't even deserving of life.
Wow! Isn't that a little telling? :rofl2:

And you're a worthless piece of shit. Need proof? Here it is. Feel free to look it up for yourself if you don't believe it. In total, Russian communists are said to have caused the untimely deaths of 80 to 100 million people! Need more? There is a thread around here called, "Eisenhower's Holocaust." Look it up and leave a reply. Then tell me you did so. I'll go there and reply to you about it. That is, if you DARE!!!
First, look up this thread and leave a reply in it. Then tell me you did so. I'll find it and reply to you there. The title of the thread is "Black Crime." Next, how many White Americans are trying to sneak into mexico or countries further south. Or how many White Europeans are trying to sneak into Africa or the Middle East. Get the picture? Humanity has had a long history of conflict that was usually caused by one group trying to take what another group has. The same even goes on in the animal kingdom. Kill or be killed. Eat or be eaten. That is the reality of life. Life is a struggle to survive. It is unfortunate if what I have to say next strikes too close to home. But if so, you can change. Only the most vile of worthless scum wouldn't fight or kill to keep what they have from being taken from them. It goes against life itself. As such, those people aren't even deserving of life.

I understand. That is who I thought the leeches represented.
I see some insulting posts coming up. So maybe this video will interest you. Good on the spot interview. But after I bet the guy thought to himself, "Oh I which I had said this." Or, "I wish I had said that."

You must do better if you desire to earn my attention.
Racism is very bad for previously recounted reason, but it nonetheless clearly exists.

The very stupidest people among all ethnicities need to feel that they're smarter than somebody so they demean an entire race or two or three.
Humanity had been around an estimated 120,000 to 300,000 years and still hasn't come the slightest bit close as to what to do about this problem.

Those who wish to alleviate racism, however, try to do so by ignoring facts. Temperate climate races, i.e., Asians and Europeans, have progressed more rapidly than others,
but it's politically incorrect to study why. If we don't want to know, we should stop talking about it.

You know, if I were to start a thread something along the lines of, "Are you guilty of murdering White children?" I would probably get banned. And it wouldn't be referring to fetuses. The number of murdered White children here in the U.S. would number into the tens of thousands! I could even show you some pictures of them. Only the very stupidest of people would allow that to happen. "Luckily," they have a shield of ignorance to protect them.
You fucked up the quote, jizzface. You didn't catch your mistake, which is on par with most neo-nazi fuckups. The result being the mistake is left for someone better educated than you to unfuck it. LOL

Are you talking about a typo I made, dickbreath?
You know, if I were to start a thread something along the lines of, "Are you guilty of murdering White children?" I would probably get banned. And it wouldn't be referring to fetuses. The number of murdered White children here in the U.S. would number into the tens of thousands! I could even show you some pictures of them. Only the very stupidest of people would allow that to happen. "Luckily," they have a shield of ignorance to protect them.

Wrong again, just like all neo-nazi jizzfaces. Start it, I'll thank you for it and participate by claiming "No way, dipshit. Only neo-nazi fuckwits murder children, white or otherwise."

Because the spirit of people is more than their race.

How about the spirits of the members of the White species who let tens of thousands of their children be murdered by another species of human. Here in the U.S. that is. And I'm not talking about fetuses. Also, look up this thread. "Black crime." Leave a reply in it and tell me you did so. I will reply to you there. We can discuss the negro spirit.
Wow! Isn't that a little telling? :rofl2:

And you're a worthless piece of shit. Need proof? Here it is. Feel free to look it up for yourself if you don't believe it. In total, Russian communists are said to have caused the untimely deaths of 80 to 100 million people! Need more? There is a thread around here called, "Eisenhower's Holocaust." Look it up and leave a reply. Then tell me you did so. I'll go there and reply to you about it. That is, if you DARE!!!

ROFLMAO. You did it again, jizzface. Close the quote, Nazi moron.

Go suck Soviet cock, asshole. Only a foreigner, I'm guessing you kiss monarchist ass, thinks the 39M Russians Stalin murdered is equal to the Nazis and Japanese the United States killed in a war they started.

Are you a Limey, Aussie, Canuck or Welsh POS, mate? For you:
