Is Racism Bad? Tell Me Why.

How about the spirits of the members of the White species who let tens of thousands of their children be murdered by another species of human. Here in the U.S. that is. And I'm not talking about fetuses. Also, look up this thread. "Black crime." Leave a reply in it and tell me you did so. I will reply to you there. We can discuss the negro spirit.

So certainly you could post how murderous blacks have been, amirite?

And I know they have, and I know you have that thing. Yessir! :D
I started a thread that said racism was good. But that didn't get very far. So let's try it this way. You tell me why it is bad.

Racism makes judgment calls about people based on surface level characteristics over which the person has no control. Intelligent people make decisions about others as individuals, not group criteria over which they have no control, and we should want to live in a country/world with intelligent people, not unintelligent people.
Racism makes judgment calls about people based on surface level characteristics over which the person has no control. Intelligent people make decisions about others as individuals, not group criteria over which they have no control, and we should want to live in a country/world with intelligent people, not unintelligent people.

Agreed.....kinda like people who choose to be faux Christians or Buddhists. LOL
Agreed.....kinda like people who choose to be faux Christians or Buddhists. LOL

Yes, claiming to be something that you are not is a legitimate reason to judge somebody. Claiming something about somebody else, when it is not true, is also a reason to judge another person. Since you can't show that I ever claim to be a buddhist, because I didn't, then you fall into the latter category of someone who makes false claims about others.
Yes, claiming to be something that you are not is a legitimate reason to judge somebody. Claiming something about somebody else, when it is not true, is also a reason to judge another person. Since you can't show that I ever claim to be a buddhist, because I didn't, then you fall into the latter category of someone who makes claims about others that aren't true.
It's in your username, dumbass.

How rational would I look if I became upset because someone called me an arrogant asshole....which happens a lot. LOL
Buddhism is in my username?

Wow. Were you drunk or drugged last night when Zen was discussed, son?

If you are under 35ish, I can forgive your idiocy. If you are older, then you should take this as a lesson on why your career has stalled.
Wow. Were you drunk or drugged last night when Zen was discussed, son?

If you are under 35ish, I can forgive your idiocy. If you are older, then you should take this as a lesson on why your career has stalled.

I am neither drugged nor drunk. However, all you would have to do is look back at my post to see the I specifically said that Zen is a reference to a specific type of meditation and not the religious aspects of Buddhism. So, how long do you plan to keep misrepresenting what I specifically said?
I am neither drugged nor drunk. However, all you would have to do is look back at my post to see the I specifically said that Zen is a reference to a specific type of meditation and not the religious aspects of Buddhism. So, how long do you plan to keep misrepresenting what I specifically said?

I referenced last night...which you seem to have forgotten about.

Fine, your choice, kid. Better start working on the meditation more because it doesn't seem to be making you calm nor mindful. :thup:
I referenced last night...which you seem to have forgotten about.

Fine, your choice, kid. Better start working on the meditation more because it doesn't seem to be making you calm nor mindful. :thup:

The fact that I spend my time exposing your dishonesty has nothing to do with my calmness or state of mind.
The fact that I spend my time exposing your dishonesty has nothing to do with my calmness or state of mind.

When you mature, maybe you'll understand the silliness of your remark.


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Maturity should make you more averse to dishonesty, not less averse. I don't foresee my attitude changing as I get older.

It does, kid. Why do you think I'm questioning your integrity?

Do you even remember how this conversation started?....without looking back, that is. I'm curious if you are as smart as you believe yourself to be.
It does, kid. Why do you think I'm questioning your integrity?

Do you even remember how this conversation started?....without looking back, that is. I'm curious if you are as smart as you believe yourself to be.

The discussion in this thread started because you, once again, dishonestly claimed that I said I was Buddhist.
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The discussion in this thread started because you, once again, dishonestly claimed that I said I was Buddhist.

Ooh, quibbling. LOL Now who's being dishonest, kid?

See, this is the kind of thing that indicates a person's maturity and education: when they say stupid shit and think they can get away with it.

It's much like observing a six-year-old blame an open cookie jar on the dog. They think they're being smart, but they are not. LOL

For the same reason the earliest disciples of Jesus did- they believed they had "the way" to salvation and wanted to get as many people on-board as possible.

Jesus is coming back any day now :thinking:
Ridiculing people isn't in "zen mode", dumbass. LOL
Yes, claiming to be something that you are not is a legitimate reason to judge somebody. Claiming something about somebody else, when it is not true, is also a reason to judge another person. Since you can't show that I ever claim to be a buddhist, because I didn't, then you fall into the latter category of someone who makes false claims about others.
It's in your username, dumbass.

How rational would I look if I became upset because someone called me an arrogant asshole....which happens a lot. LOL

A reminder who was poking the bear on this thread. :laugh:

The sooner you man-up, kid, the better you'll be in the long run, both on this forum and IRL. I promise. :)
A reminder who was poking the bear on this thread. :laugh:

The sooner you man-up, kid, the better you'll be in the long run, both on this forum and IRL. I promise. :)

You didn't specify what you meant by how this "started" . The discussion has spanned two threads. The fact that I clarified what I was responding to does not make me dishonest. If you disagree, feel free to explain how I am dishonest by making it known that I was referencing This Thread and not the other.

I now know that you are talking about the actual beginning.

Yes, I made a snarky comment about the biblical claims of Jesus return. What does that have to do with my utilizing Zen meditation or my integrity?
You didn't specify what you meant by how this "started" . The discussion has spanned two threads. The fact that I clarified what I was responding to does not make me dishonest. If you disagree, feel free to explain how I am dishonest by making it known that I was referencing This Thread and not the other...

This is just another reason why I think you are under 35 as opposed to being a stupid geezer - you seem to lack life experience and maturity of an older adult American male albeit with a distinctly more feminine argumentative style -
You make untrue accusations, then, when called on your hypocrisy, you dance all around the truth without ever trying to hit the mark.

Yes, I made a snarky comment about the biblical claims of Jesus return. What does that have to do with my utilizing Zen meditation or my integrity?
Thanks; the starting point I'd originally hoped this would have begun.

Perhaps I have a different understanding of Zen than you. I see it as a philosophy of aiming to being "in the moment". Human beings, by their nature, cannot help but think about the past or, the smarter ones, the future, but it's always very important to live in the present. The assholes at the Insurrection? They were living in the past...mostly a fantasy of the past, but the past nonetheless. Living in the present while only reflecting upon the past or the future is a Zen lifestyle.

At least in my opinion. Why do you think you are "zen". Saying five Hail Marys and counting rosary beads is meditation. Say the same words in another language and removing the cross doesn't change the fact it's meditation, just like saffron robes or whatever you're doing.

On the specific subject of your snark, like Pastor Martin Niemoller poem is famous for stating, I believe it's important to stand up for everyone's rights in order to more securely protect our own. It also irritated me that you were giving Zen a bad name. :)
This is just another reason why I think you are under 35 as opposed to being a stupid geezer - you seem to lack life experience and maturity of an older adult American male albeit with a distinctly more feminine argumentative style -
You make untrue accusations, then, when called on your hypocrisy, you dance all around the truth without ever trying to hit the mark.

To clarify, the above thoughts are because I was unsure of what "start" you were referring to and called out which one I thought it was, to give you a chance to clarify?

Thanks; the starting point I'd originally hoped this would have begun.

Perhaps I have a different understanding of Zen than you. I see it as a philosophy of aiming to being "in the moment". Human beings, by their nature, cannot help but think about the past or, the smarter ones, the future, but it's always very important to live in the present. The assholes at the Insurrection? They were living in the past...mostly a fantasy of the past, but the past nonetheless. Living in the present while only reflecting upon the past or the future is a Zen lifestyle.

At least in my opinion. Why do you think you are "zen". Saying five Hail Marys and counting rosary beads is meditation. Say the same words in another language and removing the cross doesn't change the fact it's meditation, just like saffron robes or whatever you're doing.

On the specific subject of your snark, like Pastor Martin Niemoller poem is famous for stating, I believe it's important to stand up for everyone's rights in order to more securely protect our own. It also irritated me that you were giving Zen a bad name. :)

The above paragraphs only show how little you understand meditation/mindfulness/consciousness and makes your accusations of my lack of Zen even more vacuous. You think doing Hail Mary's is meditation? In your entire life, you have never meditated.