Is Racism Bad? Tell Me Why.

How about the spirits of the members of the White species who let tens of thousands of their children be murdered by another species of human. Here in the U.S. that is. And I'm not talking about fetuses. Also, look up this thread. "Black crime." Leave a reply in it and tell me you did so. I will reply to you there. We can discuss the negro spirit.

Show us that picture, brah. I wanna save that one. The one where the niggers are animals and kill little white kids n stuff for no reason. That big picture. I've seen it a couple times. Still got it? Ho! My neighborhood was different. The big picture history of where innocent whites were killed by blacks. It takes up about a page.
IMO, I think it's good info and should not be censored.
You are wrong. It is different species of human on the whole averaged out. For example, I have heard that orientals on average have a few more grams of brain than Whites. And they do seem to do well in school. Yet somehow, the vast majority of Nobel Laureates in science are Whites. And as a group, orientals are a bunch of idiots. Being the driving force behind rhinos going extinct because they consider rhino horn to be an aphrodisiac in their voodoo herbal medicine. And doing the same with tigers because they think that tiger penis is also good for that. Or helping elephants go extinct because they value ivory. Or breeding to the point that their populations are more like a plague of locusts. Etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.

Try not to mistake societal phenomena for biology, scientists who get all those Nobel prizes know the difference. There are more than a few halfwitted asians as well.

And while asians were inventing writing tracking stars and doing math europeans were running naked through painted blue and worshiping oak trees.
Try not to mistake societal phenomena for biology, scientists who get all those Nobel prizes know the difference. There are more than a few halfwitted asians as well.

And while asians were inventing writing tracking stars and doing math europeans were running naked through painted blue and worshiping oak trees.

Reletor thinks IQ is measured by weight. Since Asians are smaller than Euros, by his logic, they must be dumber that Euros....dyed blue or not. :)
ROFLMAO. You did it again, jizzface. Close the quote, Nazi moron.

Go suck Soviet cock, asshole. Only a foreigner, I'm guessing you kiss monarchist ass, thinks the 39M Russians Stalin murdered is equal to the Nazis and Japanese the United States killed in a war they started.

Are you a Limey, Aussie, Canuck or Welsh POS, mate? For you:


Well, if you refust to debate rationally, there's no sense in looking at your insulting bullshit. Welcome to ignore land.
Show us that picture, brah. I wanna save that one. The one where the niggers are animals and kill little white kids n stuff for no reason. That big picture. I've seen it a couple times. Still got it? Ho! My neighborhood was different. The big picture history of where innocent whites were killed by blacks. It takes up about a page.
IMO, I think it's good info and should not be censored.

If you want some good info, do as I suggested. Look up the thread, "Black crime" and leave a reply in it. Then let me know you did so. I'll join in the discussion. As to posting anything else, even the person who wrote the thread I spoke of got banned. And you want me to get more truthful?! Stop being such a jack off.
If you want some good info, do as I suggested. Look up the thread, "Black crime" and leave a reply in it. Then let me know you did so. I'll join in the discussion. As to posting anything else, even the person who wrote the thread I spoke of got banned. And you want me to get more truthful?! Stop being such a jack off.

You forgot the Jews, monarchist. :)
Try not to mistake societal phenomena for biology, scientists who get all those Nobel prizes know the difference. There are more than a few halfwitted asians as well.

And while asians were inventing writing tracking stars and doing math europeans were running naked through painted blue and worshiping oak trees.

How would you know whether or not biology was the driving force behind "societal phenomena." I say biology is the cause of it. To me, regular chimpanzees and bonobo chimpanzees are basically the same kind of critter. But the way that they go about handling strife between different groups is WAY different. As for orientals, they are said to be an older species of human than the other types. So it's no wonder that they may have come up with writing earlier than anybody else. But what they call writing is pure garbage. Ever see (for example) a keyboard meant for writing in Chinese? Those people were smart enough to see the superiority of numbers as we use them and adopted it. What they also need to do is adopt our alphabet. That would definitely make their keyboards much simpler. Also, what's up with the chopsticks. Surely they must know the superiority of a knife and fork. And having normal spoons instead of those small scoops they use. Or sporks. Strange that nobody is painted blue and running around naked, but orientals still stick to their old, inferior ways.
If you want some good info, do as I suggested. Look up the thread, "Black crime" and leave a reply in it. Then let me know you did so. I'll join in the discussion. As to posting anything else, even the person who wrote the thread I spoke of got banned. And you want me to get more truthful?! Stop being such a jack off.

Sorry my little Nazi friend.

You remain a sharp cookie, though.
Oh come on. Don't be a stick in the mud.

Dude, if you're who I think you are, you've known my position on this for a long time.

I ain't the one to go along with some shit like that. You're free to think your way, but I don't.

I let you connect to some black girl in Kansas in a library and post an upside down Hitler while she was searching for MLK Jr...but that was just one thing.

It was kinda outrageous and funny, but I have black friends. Multi-generational American black friends that are like family to me. And they are good people.

And they have my back, and I have theirs and that's something that's been proven over time. Over several different conflicts, and decades, baby.

Conflicts where we kicked the fuck out of some niggers. Our crew ain't the one to fuck with, we stick together like glue. Race is not important, what you can do and who you are is.

Are you real, or are you a snitch or a pussy?

I think Dutch is a snitch and a pussy.
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Dude, if you're who I think you are, you've known my position on this for a long time.

I ain't the one to go along with some shit like that. You're free to think your way, but I don't.

I let you connect to some black girl in Kansas in a library and post an upside down Hitler while she was searching for MLK Jr...but that was just one thing.

It was kinda outrageous and funny, but I have black friends. Multi-generational American black friends that are like family to me. And they are good people.

And they have my back, and I have theirs and that's something that's been proven over time. Over several different conflicts, and decades, baby.

Conflicts where we kicked the fuck out of some niggers. Our crew ain't the one to fuck with, we stick together like glue. Race is not important, what you can do and who you are is.

Are you real, or are you a snitch or a pussy?

I think Dutch is a snitch and a pussy.

If you are White, you are a traitor. Do you also listen to rap music and wear the back of your pants down below your ass?
Well then, don't insult me. If you do, put your money where your mouth is. Or shut the fuck up. Care to work on that?

Your obsession with insults is interesting given that you choose to be at one of the last free mind meeting places on the internet where a huge portion of the content is insults.

Sounds to me like one of the many safe spaces would suit you better.

Or maybe you are gaslighting.
Your obsession with insults is interesting given that you choose to be at one of the last free mind meeting places on the internet where a huge portion of the content is insults.

Sounds to me like one of the many safe spaces would suit you better.

Or maybe you are gaslighting.

Oh, I don't care about insults. But when people are unwilling to back up their insults, that does bother me. Next, I'm not aware of any forum out there that isn't a ghost town where people are free to speak their mind. And debate the matter. On that point, how many people are you aware of that have been banned from this forum. In looking around, I found some.
Oh, I don't care about insults. But when people are unwilling to back up their insults, that does bother me. Next, I'm not aware of any forum out there that isn't a ghost town where people are free to speak their mind. And debate the matter. On that point, how many people are you aware of that have been banned from this forum. In looking around, I found some.

You sure do talk about being offended by insults a lot.

I dont believe you.