Is the time of Liberty at hand?

Within a certain context, I can understand (though not necessarily agree with) the notion. Frankly children understand the concept of pain, at least at the fundamentally primal level. Therefore they are more easily able to understand the idea that violence as portrayed in movies and other media is wrong. Porn on the other hand does not depict an experience with which children might be familiar. And the fact that the participants in porn generally enjoy the act they put on, means that it can give a greater distortion in reality than a violent movie might. Not saying there is realistic difference though.

I think what bothers me as much as anything is the idea that people who watch porn will be effected and will repeat what they see, and yet somehow seeing people get killed in violent, bloody ways will not have the same effect.

It is a subtle acceptance of violence and a rejection of physical love. Weird to me.
Not to mention the vile and absurd laws allowing graphic war videos while condemning porn. It's fine to show a child with his/her arms blown off but God help any TV news program that shows two adults making love.

Society is much sicker than most realize.

Sorry, but you don't get to decide what's decadent and what's not, Libtard.
Indeed. One group would like to impose their religon; the other their version of charity. Both think their versions would improve the world for the betterment of 'all.' The problem is they all are blinded to their own hubris.
I've never tried to impose my religion on you, liar.
Sorry, but you don't get to decide what's decadent and what's not, Libtard.

But you get to decide what gov't interference is ok and what is not?

Tell us all how much you love freedom and smaller gov't again?
I've never tried to impose my religion on you, liar.

But you insist we base laws of religious based moral doctrines, and not logical freedoms based on not harming anyone? Nice double standard.

Banning porn is one of your social conservative principles. And so is maintaining a ban on gay marriages.
Sorry, but America was founded on religion. We are the vast majority, loser.

Sorry, but the majority does not rule here. That prevents mobs from taking over.

No, we were not founded as a theocracy. The founding fathers went to great lengths to make sure religion didn't rule this nation.