Is the time of Liberty at hand?

What is the specific socially conservative policy that restricts your freedom? How does it restrict your freedom?

if ANY specific policy restricts the freedom of ONE individual, it restricts the freedom of ALL individuals. This strawman argument of 'how does it affect you personally' is crap. and you know it.
Which of these policies is reality?

* Limited government and balanced budgets
* Capitalism and free markets
* Classroom prayer
* Prohibition of abortion and respect for human life
* Abstinence education
* Traditional marriage, not same-sex marriage
* Respect for differences between men and women, boys and girls
* Laws against pornography
* The Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms
* Economic allocative efficiency (as opposed to popular equity)
* The death penalty
* Parental control of education
* Private medical care and retirement plans
* Canceling failed social support programs
* No world government
* Enforcement of current laws regarding immigration
* Respect for our military ... past and present
* Rejection of junk science such as evolution and global warming
* Low taxes, especially for families
* Confederationism (less power for the federal government and more for local and state governments)
* A strong national defense

The bold are reality. The rest is hypothetical.
if ANY specific policy restricts the freedom of ONE individual, it restricts the freedom of ALL individuals. This strawman argument of 'how does it affect you personally' is crap. and you know it.
No, crap is setting government policy to benefit a few at the expense of the majority and children.
No, crap is setting government policy to benefit a few at the expense of the majority and children.

Crap is claiming to be for individual freedom & smaller gov't, and then wanting the gov't to set policy that restricts the freedoms of individuals.
Not when its at the expense of the majority and children. Why do you hate kids?

Spare me the "why do you hate kids" strawman crap.

You put up a list and then refused to answer any questions about any of the items on it, and have refused to discuss the impact those items have on individual libertys.

Now you try and use some ridiculous strawman argument to avoid the discussion yet again.

You asked which of those limited our personal freedoms. You were given an answer. Now either dispute the answers or accept that your political ideals are not about individual liberty and smaller, less intrusive gov't. I don't care that you oppose libertarians. I am simply seeking the truth.
The truth is that you can't give a real life example of these policies impacts on personal freedom.

Laws against pornography - A couple enjoys watching porn videos as part of their sex life. A porn actress makes a living doing what she does. A guy has a store selling porn videos. This "policy" impacts the personal freedoms of 4 people in that scenario.
It's a local issue, not federal or state. So if you don't want to live with zoning, you don't have to.
Right. So I have the "freedom" to move to avoid the rules government decides how I can use MY property so YOU can enjoy a profit on YOUR property. Nice definition of freedom you have. Stalin would be proud.
The mark of a person who really favors individual freedom is that they want freedom whether it benefits them or not. Wanting freedoms for yourself (or specific groups) and leaving others out is not what this nation needs. But it is what the Repubs and the Dems keep offering us.
The mark of a person who really favors individual freedom is that they want freedom whether it benefits them or not. Wanting freedoms for yourself (or specific groups) and leaving others out is not what this nation needs. But it is what the Repubs and the Dems keep offering us.

Indeed. One group would like to impose their religon; the other their version of charity. Both think their versions would improve the world for the betterment of 'all.' The problem is they all are blinded to their own hubris.
Laws against pornography - A couple enjoys watching porn videos as part of their sex life. A porn actress makes a living doing what she does. A guy has a store selling porn videos. This "policy" impacts the personal freedoms of 4 people in that scenario.

Not to mention the vile and absurd laws allowing graphic war videos while condemning porn. It's fine to show a child with his/her arms blown off but God help any TV news program that shows two adults making love.

Society is much sicker than most realize.
Not to mention the vile and absurd laws allowing graphic war videos while condemning porn. It's fine to show a child with his/her arms blown off but God help any TV news program that shows two adults making love.

Society is much sicker than most realize.

It has always amazed me that the same people who want to ban porn are fine with bloody, violent movies.
It has always amazed me that the same people who want to ban porn are fine with bloody, violent movies.
Within a certain context, I can understand (though not necessarily agree with) the notion. Frankly children understand the concept of pain, at least at the fundamentally primal level. Therefore they are more easily able to understand the idea that violence as portrayed in movies and other media is wrong. Porn on the other hand does not depict an experience with which children might be familiar. And the fact that the participants in porn generally enjoy the act they put on, means that it can give a greater distortion in reality than a violent movie might. Not saying there is realistic difference though.