Is the Universe a quantum fluctuation?

Space-time is doomed
Nima Arkani-Hamed

Subatomic madness
In physics equations, time is used to keep track of the sequence of things as events unfold. But he has come to believe that organizing particle collisions according to "when" unnecessarily complicates the mathematics. Instead, he's experimenting with abstract geometric shapes that can describe events without using time.

Arkani-Hamed says that these shapes can't yet replace the idea of time, but he believes that at some point time itself will be supplanted by some other theory of what makes the Universe tick.

"It's unlikely to survive in the fundamental principles of an even deeper understanding of physics," he says. no sense of,expansion is stretching time too.

What causes time folding specificity into unfold by specific things already existing as universally present changing form and shape that doesn't create or destroy the energy of the universe never same details twice between erosion and decomposition?

Intellect only compares current events going forward never same as what arrived so far of everything universally displaced now.
Space-time is doomed
Nima Arkani-Hamed

Subatomic madness
In physics equations, time is used to keep track of the sequence of things as events unfold. But he has come to believe that organizing particle collisions according to "when" unnecessarily complicates the mathematics. Instead, he's experimenting with abstract geometric shapes that can describe events without using time.

Arkani-Hamed says that these shapes can't yet replace the idea of time, but he believes that at some point time itself will be supplanted by some other theory of what makes the Universe tick.

"It's unlikely to survive in the fundamental principles of an even deeper understanding of physics," he says. no sense of,expansion is stretching time too.

The UFT is the Holy Grail of physics.
You were caught frantically googling "Freezing Point Depression" which you didn't know about before. Then you lied about knowing the right answer even though you gave the wrong one.

You also like to quote MASSIVE amounts of other people's stuff without use of quotation marks. Usually it's only because you provide a link at the bottom that anyone can tell you aren't just plagiarizing. But I get don't know how to quote people's work and you are a massive hypocrite.

That's what you did with regards to Freezing Point Depression. You and I both know it. (The hint was that you went directly to the entropic effect. You wanted to show off and appear smarter. Yes, it's true, it is related to entropy, but most people just refer to it as "freezing point depression". At least those people who have taken chemistry classes.

So you are a hypocrite and a liar. And you fancy yourself so smart. Too bad other people know more than you do.

Such rage, resentment, and anger -->

I'm familiar with how entropy depresses freezing point, I just didn't see the need to be a jackass and bluster about the finer details of thermodynamics.

The question asked was whether it's to cold for life. The answer is, no it's not. Whether it's freshwater freezing at 0 C or sea water freezing at -1.8 C. That is a miniscule difference as far as life is concerned, and the average person on the street doesn't give a shit about the finer points of chemistry; zero degrees centigrade is a convenient reference point most people will recognize .
If I have to Google anything I always cite my sources

I wasn't going to be a jackass to Nifty, who's question I was answering, by blustering about the finer points of thermodynamics.

Anyone who has seen videos of Antarctica glaciers calving into the sea knows intuitively there is a freezing point difference between freshwater and seawater

Liquid water always freezes at 32F or zero C under standard atmospheric conditions.


Seawater is not pure water, H2O.

Seawater is a solution, comprised of a solvent (H2O), and a dense concentration of many solutes (Na+, Cl-, Ca++, Mg++, etc.).

The presence of solutes in a solution increases the entropy and depresses the freezing point.

At least that's what I remember from freshman chemistry.

I leave you to stomp your feet, scream, and pout.
The UFT is the Holy Grail of physics.

Geometric forms to symbolize philosophy think outside a box and psychology to 7 degrees of separation on 3 axioms of 6 polarizations of individual universal constant changes arriving next now 24/7.

Same optics as the three rings one rotating vertically, one revolving horizontally, one spiraling diagonally, simultaneously. You show series parallel movements spontaneously separate, simultaneously converting, into inverting never same total sum twice. You show a repeating cycle no evolving. Life never duplicates another genetic result beyond the one time each arrives as conceived changing the entire population of the species the conception was born into or inception of a new one native to the same atmosphere as the previous species it came from.
Such rage, resentment, and anger -->

If I have to Google anything I always cite my sources

I wasn't going to be a jackass to Nifty, who's question I was answering, by blustering about the finer points of thermodynamics.

Anyone who has seen videos of Antarctica glaciers calving into the sea knows intuitively there is a freezing point difference between freshwater and seawater

Liquid water always freezes at 32F or zero C under standard atmospheric conditions.


Seawater is not pure water, H2O.

Seawater is a solution, comprised of a solvent (H2O), and a dense concentration of many solutes (Na+, Cl-, Ca++, Mg++, etc.).

The presence of solutes in a solution increases the entropy and depresses the freezing point.

At least that's what I remember from freshman chemistry.

I leave you to stomp your feet, scream, and pout.

You don't even know basic chemistry. I caught you. LOL. Now you are going to whine and pound your fists that you are so smart.

LOLOL. I know you for the fake ass "intellecshul" you fancy yourself. Frantic Googler that you are.

Remember: the first rule of YOUR TYPE OF PERSON is: all accusations are confessions.
You don't even know basic chemistry. I caught you. LOL. Now you are going to whine and pound your fists that you are so smart.

LOLOL. I know you for the fake ass "intellecshul" you fancy yourself. Frantic Googler that you are.

Remember: the first rule of YOUR TYPE OF PERSON is: all accusations are confessions.

I see you did not realize that chemically speaking seawater is not liquid H2O.

H2O freezes always at 32F at standard atmospheric conditions.

Your PhD graduate program should have taught you seawater is not merely H2O. It is a chemical solution combining a solvent and a dense concentration of solutes, resulting in a solution with different properties than the liquid H2O
You don't even know basic chemistry. I caught you. LOL. Now you are going to whine and pound your fists that you are so smart.

LOLOL. I know you for the fake ass "intellecshul" you fancy yourself. Frantic Googler that you are.

Remember: the first rule of YOUR TYPE OF PERSON is: all accusations are confessions.

Here we go again the same stupid pointless line that you keep repeating, because you are just too fucking stupid the have something worthwhile to post.
You don't even know basic chemistry. I caught you. LOL. Now you are going to whine and pound your fists that you are so smart.

LOLOL. I know you for the fake ass "intellecshul" you fancy yourself. Frantic Googler that you are.

Remember: the first rule of YOUR TYPE OF PERSON is: all accusations are confessions.

So much rage, anger, and resentment. You should see a doctor about why you resent me so much
Here we go again the same stupid pointless line that you keep repeating, because you are just too fucking stupid the have something worthwhile to post.

I thought it was useful to help you morons understand basic high school chemistry. Apparently that was too much for you.
Why are you so dishonest? I thought you had some principles, but apparently that was, like other things you post, just a lie.

This is the reason I gave up on Cypress. He is only interested proving he is the smartest person in every conversation. He is not interested in knowledge and learning.
Perhaps, you should consider educating yourself before trying to educate others.

I already know more chemistry than you do. If you were like Cypress and thought water couldn't exist as a liquid below 0degC you need to learn basic chemistry. Or do what Cypress did and frantically google it.
I already know more chemistry than you do. If you were like Cypress and thought water couldn't exist as a liquid below 0degC you need to learn basic chemistry. Or do what Cypress did and frantically google it.

Why are you so obsessed with this??????
What causes time folding specificity into unfold by specific things already existing as universally present changing form and shape that doesn't create or destroy the energy of the universe never same details twice between erosion and decomposition?

Intellect only compares current events going forward never same as what arrived so far of everything universally displaced now.
A chapter titled Subatomic Madness should tell us that time doesn't belong.