Is the Universe a quantum fluctuation?

The UFT is the Holy Grail of physics.
Cyberia was a vacuum when I got my first modem. The only thing that interested me was conspiracy theories and string theory. I was curious about a finite universe but the grad students were demanding credentials and pedigree back then. I couldn't keep my mouth shut once I found out string theory is TOE (Theory of Everything) so I had to call bullshit and take my beatings.

It was a lot of fun and the older guys would give me papers to read to help me understand. I was OK with the absence of empirical evidence because it's all philosophy to me. Plus I knew of some the published work and their argument against time made a lot of sense.
A chapter titled Subatomic Madness should tell us that time doesn't belong.

The time one is evolving is relative to being alive now. The stage of evolving ancestrally forward changes when a person adds another generation gap or not. I measure haves and have nots differently than anyone I ever met. I look to see if people became parents or they lived their whole time as last generation gap added their DNA specificity.

Those that have become [parents followed universal constant of becoming 50% each child they add to the species lasting another biological generation, unless a natural or man made disaster ends this species ever reproducing again. It is why I focus on kinetic evolving, not speculating how evolution could have came about differently then building societies on those different opinions were everyone each generation limits their thinking to constantly compromising on never agreeing about anything specific as now has always been where genetics perpetually balancing outcomes of lineages come and gone and what is left is last 5 generation gaps never same people conceived again.

That is natural eternal separation without an intellectual designer. Thermodynamics matches my thinking.
You like to talk science you don't understand. Why can't you handle someone who DOES understand chemistry pointing out errors?

Not all science is based upon chemistry or any other one channel mentality. Evolving is an inclusive process, not a theory of anything else is possible.
Not all science is based upon chemistry or any other one channel mentality. Evolving is an inclusive process, not a theory of anything else is possible.

But you can't talk biochemistry without knowing basic chemistry. I know that a LOT of folks on here like to fancy themselves really deep thinkers, but it's mostly just mental masturbation.
But you can't talk biochemistry without knowing basic chemistry. I know that a LOT of folks on here like to fancy themselves really deep thinkers, but it's mostly just mental masturbation.

When you discuss facts created by speculation, when was the time that chemical chain reactions were understood to be genetic outcomes eternally separate in plain sight naturally occurring without manifested destiny and Divine providence as cold fusion and fission evolving never duplicated DNA results populating space to the specificity of each lifetime present within thermodynamic principle universally balancing to be what is taking place now, without exception?
When you discuss facts created by speculation, when was the time that chemical chain reactions were understood to be genetic outcomes eternally separate in plain sight naturally occurring without manifested destiny and Divine providence as cold fusion and fission evolving never duplicated DNA results populating space to the specificity of each lifetime present within thermodynamic principle universally balancing to be what is taking place now, without exception?

Instead of using a Markov Chain text generator like the autocomplete function on your phone, go ahead and use ChatGPT. It will render a more readable thing and make people think your point is actually worth responding to.

Just a helpful protip.
Instead of using a Markov Chain text generator like the autocomplete function on your phone, go ahead and use ChatGPT. It will render a more readable thing and make people think your point is actually worth responding to.

Just a helpful protip.

Wow great diversion. Bet those that never want to know how life actually evolves, believe you. Careers are on the the line, same as survival of the species honoring self deception as moral high ground of intellectual planning tomorrows when genetics eternally separates ancestral progression of last 5 generation gaps living forward here now.

5th wave of reproductions are classified as each great great grandchild added already born one at a time with the equal opportunity to evolve reproducing another 4 generation gaps of sequenced events developing forward in plain sight, or not.

2nd generation after arriving a great great grandchild is becoming 1 of 2 parents. 3rd generation is an added grandchild/ren, 4th generation forward becoming 1 of 8 great grandparents, 5th generation one's great great grandchildren carrying 6.25% each great great grandparent's genetic code to their unique time evolving forward since conceived to replace their previous 4 generation gaps as anything with a lifetime present. Past, current, future only adds into existing now.
Wow great diversion. Bet those that never want to know how life actually evolves, believe you. Careers are on the the line, same as survival of the species honoring self deception as moral high ground of intellectual planning tomorrows when genetics eternally separates ancestral progression of last 5 generation gaps living forward here now.

5th wave of reproductions are classified as each great great grandchild added already born one at a time with the equal opportunity to evolve reproducing another 4 generation gaps of sequenced events developing forward in plain sight, or not.

2nd generation after arriving a great great grandchild is becoming 1 of 2 parents. 3rd generation is an added grandchild/ren, 4th generation forward becoming 1 of 8 great grandparents, 5th generation one's great great grandchildren carrying 6.25% each great great grandparent's genetic code to their unique time evolving forward since conceived to replace their previous 4 generation gaps as anything with a lifetime present. Past, current, future only adds into existing now.

So fucking dull and unoriginal. Get a new schtick. There's already another autocomplete composer on here.
It's weird watching socks rub each other off in public. They always get sticky with each other.

Which socks are rubbing each other? Since when is evolving not a constant fluctuation of results within ancestral positions never same total sum displaced as before.

again in a universe nothing more than compounding cycles never staying same form or shape with energy is never created or destroyed flowing the paths of least resistance existing spontaneously here since conceived to replace and simultaneously living one at a time?