Is the Universe a quantum fluctuation?

Seems like a routine, yes.

When socially trained intellectual minds collaborate corrupting genetic instinctive brains there arrives the tyranny by passive aggressives sustaining shadows of doubt to those loyal to economic better tomorrows than evolving establishes ever changing population today.

Beware the chain of commands among people demanding human rights to stay in character defined by laws ordering ancestries to comply or else.
Cypress can be forced to think, Dutch cannot.

Neither is willing to understand self evident evolving because their character wouldn't exist in all honesty about why and how living happens in plain sight of their ancestral displacement existing within thermodynamic principles. So many principals leading people into contextual tomorrows defined by theories and theologies combined anyone not believing in humanities will by prosecuted to full extent of the law typecasting ancestries by race, creed, color, national origin, gender bias and etc, social narrative, economic status to rank gets privileges of diplomatic immunity to laws foreign and domestic sustaining ideas until extinction arrives 90% self inflicted by the society itself.

Oops I did quantum entanglement, not quantum fluctuation(evolving in plain sight). instinctively there isn't any difference. Intellectually pretending now isn't eternity it designs parallel universes and alternate real1ties within current ancestral lineage generation gaps accounting for any living human in this atmosphere, past, current, arriving one at a time as 5th generation since inception being each great great grandchild with the "potential to become 1 of 16 great great grandparents for generations after their birth.

More than 4th won't make it to becoming a parent. niew than a 3rd won't become a grandparent, more than half won't become a great grandparent.

Anyone know that each reproduction is scientifically a compounding half life series parallel displacement to a universal sequence of events evolving forward in plain sight the whole universe is self contained to the moment here the past folds results into details unfolding as never duplicated twice between molecular changes to inorganic mass and numbers within genetic results located native to one universal position like Earth?

Evolving is kinetic, evolution is staic ideas that are always incomplete of the whole process.
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You have the originality of a college dropout, Perry. Where did your life go wrong? Drugs? Mental illness? No money and had to get a job working for college graduates?

You have the originality of a college Graduate repeating social mantra that was developed 7,000 years ago to corrupt every added great great grandchild being born today. Originality begins with conceived to replace your own previous 4 generation gaps like any lifetime was and is currently here.

Your equity of mind over matter is imploding because ancestries are regaining their instinctive skills navigating life where genetics keeps ancestors eternally separated in plain sight now.
You have the originality of a college dropout, Perry. Where did your life go wrong? Drugs? Mental illness? No money and had to get a job working for college graduates?

I love how you have to diagnose. You really must be sad that you failed so badly at school you couldn't become a professional psychologist. And to be so bad at it you failed at COMMUNITY COLLEGE must be even more galling.
Thanks, Perry. Even more fun is seeing how losers, liars and loons like you have a conniption over what others think. :)

Look, it's gotta be tough to have washed out at the community college level. You shouldn't feel bad...I'm sure janitorial work pays well. Well enough for you.
Thanks, Perry. Even more fun is seeing how losers, liars and loons like you have a conniption over what others think. :)

In the quantum fluctuation of compounding chromosomes living one ancestor at a time in series parallel space occupied as ancestrally present now really has a difference between social losers defined by intellectual lost souls pretending their body exceed the time they get to live evolving conceived to dead ignoring why they exist in the first place was always self evident for each brain developed from their original fertilized cell's nucleus.

that object of joined reproductive cells that merged two ancestral lineage results to the specific event as one's time began as reproductively added to eternity living genetically eternally separated here, native to this atmosphere nowhere else possible.

You do know how to calculate simple compounding results by rule of 72 to match the yield of the outcome to rate of interest and time combining total sum periodically. Ancestries work like this since inception of your species and ancestral lineage alike. orignal inception of first generation human individuals that after birth matured into adults that did or didn't reproduce a 2nd generation. No two ancestors alike since chromosomes combined into a new total sum each added generation of specific conceptions changing current population occupying time inhabiting space specifically here.

Now left us add a 3rd generation where not all second generation replacements became parents either. This i9s where adapt or become extinct works in ancestral progression of compounding chromosomes that create that illusion of life after death, reincarnation since next generations are the results of previous combinations.

now after the original parenting members since inception became grandparents, their grandchildren age to some becoming 1 of 2 parents. 4th generation arrives ssdd. Simple universal formula 16, 8, 4, 2, each great great grandchild become 50% 6th generation, 25% 7th generation, 12.5% 8th generation, and 6.25% 9th generation where the original arriving great great grandchildren reach 1 of 16 dead great great grandparents.

Quantum fertilizations eternally separating active lifetimes occupying space here.

Accountability like no society ever allowed to be used socially controlling outcomes never same twice controlled creating better tomorrow scenarios today. Incomplete facts people of character are allowed to know and anyone not keeping natural evolving a secret will be eliminated from any alternate reality governing tomorrows, today saving humanity's greater good intentions of economic use of reverse psychology every lifetime occupying space cradle to grave.

Source of tyranny regardless dictatorship or democracy serving God or country.
Look, it's gotta be tough to have washed out at the community college level. You shouldn't feel bad...I'm sure janitorial work pays well. Well enough for you.
Your juvenile level of posting is very revealing, Perry. Thanks for the insights to your intellect. :)

Thanks for the insights, Sock. :thup:

The more you post, the better.

Don't do drugs, dumbass
I never did. I saw what happened to people I knew that did. They tend to become tyrants demanding everyone else join or else. Why I always was opposed to legalizing marijuana. No good will come out of it, and it hasn't.

Thanks for the insights, Sock. :thup:

The more you post, the better.


no matter what method of diversion you go, you only circle around to yourself ignoring life for the time you get being naturally here. You won't accept your time existing is eternally separated equally occupying space as this planet exists 3rd from the star 5 billion revolutions so far.

All you do is cast doubt reciting social consensus of Some group believing anything else is possible never admitting the one thing never will be possible. Evolving outside the space you are evolving in as ancestrally here.
I'm just amazed that I was able to hit you where it seems to have counted! You seem really upset that I know you for the Community College failure you are. LOL.
You're free to have your fantasies, Perry. Even rubbing yourself when you type them out. :thup:
Yuppers...I've nailed it! LOL.

Community College failure.
Let's say I did fail in college and dropped out, Perry. Why does that make you happy? You dodged that question on the other thread, but since you keep repeating the claim, will you answer it now?