Is There Any Federal Department/Agency that you trust in US government?

Anything put otgerher by people will be subject to fraud and abuse.

Its our responsibility as citizens to force it to work for us and not the monied interests.
The Libertarians do. I already know that I am not mainstream. That doesn't negate my opinion, nor my belief that the more we rely on the government the less we are as individuals.

“The libertarians” are a fringe group. You say you are a republican, don’t you? Haven’t I seen you on here scolding me for ever insinuating that you were anything other than a Republican? Don’t you get mad when I say you are a not a republican republican?

So if you are a republican, then why don’t you pressure your party, not some fringe party, to run on the “abolish the FAA and the FDA!” platform?
That's why our government should be as small and accountable as possible.

True and that is where the eternal vigilance part comes in. Big govt is good for Businesses. Kinda hard to slide stuff by in a small efficiently run organization, but in a massive beaucracy....
Darla, why do you think that libertarianism appeals almost exclusively to highly educated and informed elements of society?
We need our government strong enough to fight the corporate interests from taking our power to run our own country.

If it does too little on our behalf we will be owned tby them.
Anything put otgerher by people will be subject to fraud and abuse.

Its our responsibility as citizens to force it to work for us and not the monied interests.
The monied interest was created by us too. The reality is we fight ourselves and ignore the damage to us as individuals as we create more reliance on that which is "outside". Creating a new "God" to take over as the belief changes to more secularism. This new "God" even provides the same things.... It watches over animals, it cares when you live or die, it "provides" in your time of need. It demands loyalty, in the form of "patriotism".

We even pray to it in the form of letters and votes. It judges and punishes accordingly. And holds our very existence within its power. It was created in "our" image...

It is a new "crutch" spoken of in another thread. A new thing that demands not only our loyalty and worship, but attempts to create a level of dependence so that its existence is never threatened. It's priests are self-appointed, and sometimes are even born to it.
Darla, why do you think that libertarianism appeals almost exclusively to highly educated and informed elements of society?

So does Obama, and he has a lot more supporters. Many, many millions more.

So does true, “radical” leftism, which has about the same amount of supporters as Libertarians do.

Your point?
You know usc, you just pointed out something of interest. Libertarians ARE the only group I’ve ever seen or heard claim that they are the kids with all the mad skills.

Look no further than obfuscate’s posts to see what I mean. They do all have a certain arrogance about them, but I attribute that more to their youth. I have yet to meet an old libertarian. Not saying they don’t exist, but you don’t run into them much.
The monied interest was created by us too. The reality is we fight ourselves and ignore the damage to us as individuals as we create more reliance on that which is "outside". Creating a new "God" to take over as the belief changes to more secularism. This new "God" even provides the same things.... It watches over animals, it cares when you live or die, it "provides" in your time of need.

We even pray to it in the form of letters and votes. It judges and punishes accordingly. And holds our very existence within its power. It was created in "our" image...

It is a new "crutch" spoken of in another thread.

Its not a god its a tool.

When your tool is insufficeint to do the job at hand you invent new tools to have in your toolbox to fix the problem.

Saying everything can be done with a hammer is not the answer.
Its not a god its a tool.

When your tool is insufficeint to do the job at hand you invent new tools to have in your toolbox to fix the problem.

Saying everything can be done with a hammer is not the answer.
So is that "crutch" you so disdained in another thread.

It is disguised as a tool, acts as a god, and its insidious influence prevails upon us in almost all aspects of our lives building further dependence and taking from us in almost unnoticeable ways. It is more than "1984" we should fear, it is that dependence.

This is the God of the secularist, that which replaces the God of the religious. It is that thing which humans determine they always "need", that thing above them.
So does Obama, and he has a lot more supporters. Many, many millions more.

So does true, “radical” leftism, which has about the same amount of supporters as Libertarians do.

Your point?

I agree about radical leftism but not about Obama.

But that is not my point. My point is not a partisan one it is a genuine question.

Followers of libertarianism are almost always college educated.

Self identified libertarians are more likely to have a doctoral degree than self-identified liberals, conservatives, or populists. This is just a fact.

I'm curious how you explain that to yourself. Maybe you don't have any better reason than the mindless one liners you and USC posted, but I usually have more respect for you so I would hope you have an actual reason.


Note to usc: This is not for you. I already know that you are a redneck with little formal education in political theory. You better believe that when I'm buying a tractor, you'll be the first call I make.
You know usc, you just pointed out something of interest. Libertarians ARE the only group I’ve ever seen or heard claim that they are the kids with all the mad skills.

Look no further than obfuscate’s posts to see what I mean. They do all have a certain arrogance about them, but I attribute that more to their youth. I have yet to meet an old libertarian. Not saying they don’t exist, but you don’t run into them much.

I think its more of an obscurity issue. Their 'leaders' are all small time and haven't had the power or been under the microscope as much as the two major party candidates and elected officials. Therefore, they have an inflated sense of righteousness that they like to rub in everyone's face.

Boy did I love watching them crawl from under the collective rock from wence they came when Ron "Grand Dragon" Paul was scrutinized.

Coincidentally, if he had said what hillary said about hard working white folk, he would have been crucified.
You know usc, you just pointed out something of interest. Libertarians ARE the only group I’ve ever seen or heard claim that they are the kids with all the mad skills.

Look no further than obfuscate’s posts to see what I mean. They do all have a certain arrogance about them, but I attribute that more to their youth. I have yet to meet an old libertarian. Not saying they don’t exist, but you don’t run into them much.

Yep :clink:

If you meet an old libertarian, stay away from them they are nutz. Ron Paul even ran as a Republican.
It is disguised as a tool, acts as a god, and its insidious influence prevails upon us in almost all aspects of our lives building further dependence and taking from us in almost unnoticeable ways. It is more than "1984" we should fear, it is that dependence.

A hammer can not fix everything. Your simplistic solutions would have us fighting our own demise with a hammer.
A hammer can not fix everything. Your simplistic solutions would have us fighting our own demise with a hammer.
It is not simplistic to take control of your own life. It is far more simplistic to demand from the replacement crutch "miracles" in the form of "help".

You apply the crutch where there is no cripple. We cripple ourselves with dependence on that we perceive to be "greater".