Islam is the Religion of Pinheads!

but don't think for a moment that we all didn't know that about you long before today.

Again, it doesn't make any difference to me whatsoever, how you view my Christianity, or what kind of person you think I am. There is only one entity I am concerned with how they feel about me as a Christian, and He is sitting on a throne in Heaven, not on a political message board.

has not one scintilla to do with predicting the moment that God gives souls to infants

There is no predicting, it's clear, concise, and unambiguous, that God gives humans a soul as soon as they are living. You can't present anything to contradict this, you can't even give a Biblical reference to support any other view, and you've been shown where the Bible clearly indicates, God knows you before even your own mother knows you are there, when you are still a secret.

And your wonderful slip about being "Christian-like" as opposed to "Christ-like" was quite telling.

There was no slip, I meant what I said, exactly. The comment was not made about myself, it was made about you.
has not one scintilla to do with predicting the moment that God gives souls to infants

There is no predicting, it's clear, concise, and unambiguous, that God gives humans a soul as soon as they are living. You can't present anything to contradict this, you can't even give a Biblical reference to support any other view, and you've been shown where the Bible clearly indicates, God knows you before even your own mother knows you are there, when you are still a secret.

there is nothing in the bible that clearly concisely and unambiguously states that souls are placed into embryos at the instant of conception. That's a fact.... so any "interpretation" you make is just that, and prone to all the errors that sinful humans make

And your wonderful slip about being "Christian-like" as opposed to "Christ-like" was quite telling.

There was no slip, I meant what I said, exactly. The comment was not made about myself, it was made about you.

Why am I supposed to act "Christian-like"? I called you a moron and a gadfly....those are my opinions of you. Did you ever wonder what Jesus called the money changers as he was booting their asses out of the temple? Do you really think that he was not colorful and descriptive in his condemnation of them? But this goes back to my original point about your inability to understand James. Being a Christian to you is all about SAYING the right things.... for me, it is about DOING the right things. Paul versus James. Now I realize that Paul got a lot more ink in the Bible and over the years, but I still prefer the hands on good works brand of Christianity preached by James, the brother of Jesus.... I really think that God is going to judge me on what I did and what I got done, and not on what I said, or what I said I would do.
And as a prime example, I offer up:

Dixie's Pinhead Quote of the Moment:
"Jesus would not have a problem with calling people assholes..."
Maine preaches the message of Jesus' love, and how he follows it.

You really think that the message of Jesus's love is passed from Christians to the world predominately with words. You think that my calling YOU an asshole means that I am not a good Christian, that calling you a "word" is somehow sinful or less than Christ-like. I could not disagree more.

Not feeding you if you were hungry would be less than Christ-like. Not giving you shelter if you were homeless would be less than Christ-like. Not comforting you if you were heartsick and forlorn would be less than Christ-like. I have done none of those things to you, nor would I.

Jesus was not namby-pamby. He did not mince words or fail to expose hypocrisy. I have no intentions of ever failing to expose your hypocrisy as long as you continue to display it.
there is nothing in the bible that clearly concisely and unambiguously states that souls are placed into embryos at the instant of conception.

Does that mean it isn't so? I think it's pretty clear to me, if a human is created in God's image, he would logically have a soul. I think it's a fairly safe bet that if God knows you before your mama knows she's pregnant, you indeed have a soul. I think it's unmistakable, according to James, if you are not dead, and are living, you have a soul.

Your misinterpretation of this is interesting. Perhaps it explains why you don't feel compelled to live your life consistent with the teachings of Christ? Just as a body without a spirit is dead, so is faith without works... so, if a body can be un-dead, and not have a spirit, as you believe, so can you do works without true faith. That explains a lot.
there is nothing in the bible that clearly concisely and unambiguously states that souls are placed into embryos at the instant of conception.

Does that mean it isn't so? I think it's pretty clear to me, if a human is created in God's image, he would logically have a soul. I think it's a fairly safe bet that if God knows you before your mama knows she's pregnant, you indeed have a soul. I think it's unmistakable, according to James, if you are not dead, and are living, you have a soul.

Your misinterpretation of this is interesting. Perhaps it explains why you don't feel compelled to live your life consistent with the teachings of Christ? Just as a body without a spirit is dead, so is faith without works... so, if a body can be un-dead, and not have a spirit, as you believe, so can you do works without true faith. That explains a lot.

Does it mean it is not so? No..of course not.... nor does your interpretation of scripture mean that your version IS so.... that is pretty clear to me. James is not talking about your soul but the presence of the spirit of Christ in your heart. That is what gives you "life" as James is talking about it. You take it far too literally and simplisticly...but then, you are a simpleton, so that is to be expected.

And I actually DO feel compelled to live my life consistent with the teachings of Christ. And I know a lot more about the interpretations of James than you do, that is obvious. I do works AND I have faith...AND I have God's grace. THE TRIFECTA. Unlike you.
to your knowledge, did He ever say that if anyone called anyone else an asshole that they would be doing a bad thing?

Yes, in fact, he had an entire sermon on a mountain about it...

In the Law men are told, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But here is my teaching: love your enemies. Be kind to those who hate you and pray for your persecutors. That's the kind of behavior that distinguishes God's family. Doesn't God let his sun shine equally on good and evil men and doesn't he let the rain fall indiscriminately on the honest and the dishonest? Treat others the way you'd like them to treat you. If you love only those who love you, what's commendable about that? Scoundrels do that. If you're only friendly with your friends, what is exceptional about that? The pagans do that. If you lend money only to those who are a good risk, how is that to your credit? The wicked do that. You are to be different. You are to love your enemies, to be good to them, and to lend them money without any assurance that you'll get it back. Do that and what a reward you'll get! Best of all, you'll be sons of the Most High. You see, in the same way that your heavenly Father is perfect you're to be perfect. In the same way that he's merciful you're to be merciful. Your Father is kind even to ingrates and to the grasping.

Take care not to do your good deeds in such a way as to draw attention to yourself; you could lose the reward your Father has for you. When you help people, do it without fanfare, without that ostentation hypocrites employ to get the admiration of others. The truth is, they've already had all the reward they're going to get. That way is not for you. When you help someone, don't let your left hand know what your right is doing. Keep it secret, and your Father who knows all secrets will reward you.
In scientific research re: past life regressions, subjects often describe a sensation of entering their new body shortly before the birth process. This is documented if you want to google around about it.

Makes sense to me; why would a soul hang out in a womb for 9 or so months? Even if it did & was aborted, another body would just be chosen. What do people think? That these poor souls go to hell or some netherworld because a fetus is aborted?
James is not talking about your soul but the presence of the spirit of Christ in your heart. That is what gives you "life" as James is talking about it.

I don't think so. He is comparing your spirituality with the example of a physical body and spirit. He is saying, just as you can't be alive and not have a spirit, you can't claim you're a Christian and not uphold the standards of Christ and do His work. I agree that the context relates to your spiritual relationship with God, but his example was a comparative one.

This is just one single indication that your soul is present if you are living, there are many more references as well. I am not a Biblical Theologian, so I am not the best person to present a case for this, but I know what I believe, and I know what I've read in the Bible, and you haven't presented a single bit of evidence to contradict what I've said. Instead, you continue to stubbornly insist you know better than me, and are a better Christian, and you seem to think that is all you need to win the debate. I'm sorry to disappoint you, but that is never how a debate works.
"you can't claim you're a Christian and not uphold the standards of Christ and do His work."

Hey! I actually agree with that. Which is why I found your spin on another thread about ceasing to think or act like Christ when it comes to something like Iraq (i.e. when it becomes inconvenient) so expedient & absurd....
I don't see anything in there that says that calling an someone an asshole when that is what they are is a bad thing in any way. Jesus certainly referred to scoundrels and pagans as just that. are so wrapped around WORDS and not WORKS..... it's all about talking the talk with you.... and with me, it's not about talking the talk at all...but all about walking the walk.
James is not talking about your soul but the presence of the spirit of Christ in your heart. That is what gives you "life" as James is talking about it.

I don't think so. He is comparing your spirituality with the example of a physical body and spirit. He is saying, just as you can't be alive and not have a spirit, you can't claim you're a Christian and not uphold the standards of Christ and do His work. I agree that the context relates to your spiritual relationship with God, but his example was a comparative one.

This is just one single indication that your soul is present if you are living, there are many more references as well. I am not a Biblical Theologian, so I am not the best person to present a case for this, but I know what I believe, and I know what I've read in the Bible, and you haven't presented a single bit of evidence to contradict what I've said. Instead, you continue to stubbornly insist you know better than me, and are a better Christian, and you seem to think that is all you need to win the debate. I'm sorry to disappoint you, but that is never how a debate works.

I have no concrete knowledge as to when the soul enters the body...and neither do you.... you can interpret scripture one way and I can honestly and sincerely interpret it in another way.

The proof of that is your belief that the war in Iraq would be something that Jesus would have agreed with and wanted his followers to start.
Again, anyone who believes that Jesus would have wanted America to rain down "shock and awe" on a densely populated urban area really is not in a position to be telling ME what the correct interpretation of scripture is.
n the Law men are told, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But here is my teaching: love your enemies. Be kind to those who hate you and pray for your persecutors.

Hmm I think you need to review the james scripture about now dix .....
Faith without works....
Or do you truely believe ?
exactly! Dixie thinks he just needs to SAY the right things and God will totally ignore the terrible things he DOES to his enemies. All his pious PRONOUNCEMENTS will not obscure his prior pompom waving for shock and awe.
Why because a "child"'s father is a rapist should it be legal to "kill" that child. No answer yet, you just keep saying its justifyable... I am asking what is the justification?
The deeper meaning to Jesus' teaching "love your enemies" is, of course "Have no enemies". By loving an enemy, they cease to be enemies. Thus when you have enemies within your own heart, you are not abiding by the teachings of Jesus.