It Begins: Journalists start admitting Trump-Russia conspiracy was a fabricated lie

Well Frankie, I’ve been waiting, for about five pages, for someone to offer an explanation as to what Mullet would have to gain by NOT charging Page and allowing him to make the talk show circut lol.

Maybe you can help. Or not.

You didn't answer my question.

Was that an oversight...or did you realize your position is an insult to logic?
You didn't answer my question.

Was that an oversight...or did you realize your position is an insult to logic?

If you’ve been reading the thread you’ll see that I’ve answered it already.

Page is a free man—and an innocent man. Even after having a Mullet rectal exam.

What do you deduce from that, Frankie?
If you’ve been reading the thread you’ll see that I’ve answered it already.

Page is a free man—and an innocent man. Even after having a Mullet rectal exam.

What do you deduce from that, Frankie?

I've been right here...and I have NOT seen an answer to my question. (Actually two related questions.)

You still haven't.

Are you afraid of them?

Here they are again:

So you are of the opinion that if a person has not yet been charged by Mueller...

...that means that Mueller has nothing on him?

And you actually are offering that as "the most plausible inference?"

C'mon. Give us an answer.

Do you actually suppose that if Mueller has not yet charged someone with a crime...the "most plausible inference" is that he has nothing on him?


You have to be able to see that you argument is AN ABSURDITY, Darth.

There are all sorts of reasons for why no charges have yet been brought...and to suggest that the one you want to be the case is the most plausible... so goddam gratuitous, I am surprised even you are not revolted by it.

Anyway...let's actually hear your answer.
the truth is out there.
It is, indeed. Just open a reputable newspaper and you'll start to learn about it. But you won't find it in your carefully screened right-wing sources. They exist for the express purpose of shielding people like you from the truth.
I've been right here...and I have NOT seen an answer to my question. (Actually two related questions.)

You still haven't.

Are you afraid of them?

Here they are again:

So you are of the opinion that if a person has not yet been charged by Mueller...

...that means that Mueller has nothing on him?

And you actually are offering that as "the most plausible inference?"

C'mon. Give us an answer.

Do you actually suppose that if Mueller has not yet charged someone with a crime...the "most plausible inference" is that he has nothing on him?


You have to be able to see that you argument is AN ABSURDITY, Darth.

There are all sorts of reasons for why no charges have yet been brought...and to suggest that the one you want to be the case is the most plausible... so goddam gratuitous, I am surprised even you are not revolted by it.

Anyway...let's actually hear your answer.

You’re absurd, Frankie lol.

I said it ‘was the most plausible provisional conclusion’ that Mullet has nothing on Page—for reasons I’m tired of stating and I refuse to do it again. Other people’s ‘what ifs’ have been something less than convincing.

Read the thread please.

And, Page is an innocent man.
You’re absurd, Frankie lol.

No, I am not absurd, Darth.

Your "logic" and "reasoning" are absurd.
I said it ‘was the most plausible provisional conclusion’ that Mullet has nothing on Page—for reasons I’m tired of stating and I refuse to do it again. Other people’s ‘what ifs’ have been something less than convincing.

Actually, what I saw in your #272: "Are you honest enough to draw the most plausible inference? Namely: Page is a free man because Mullet had nothing to charge him with."

And in your #273: "Page is a free man because Mullet had nothing to charge him with."

BOTH OF THOSE ARE CONSIDERABLY DIFFERENT FROM "...‘was the most plausible provisional conclusion’ that Mullet has nothing on Page."

So stop bullshitting, Your words are right here for anyone to read.

And "he is an innocent man" IS FAR FROM THE MOST PLAUSIBLE EXPLANATION FOR WHY HE HAS NOT BEEN CHARGED YET. There may be all sorts of reason why he has not been charged yet besides his innocence...and there may be all sorts of reason why HE MAY NEVER BE CHARGED besides his innocence.

Get off the tortured logic. You are not good at it.

Read the thread please.

I have. I am quoting you from it.

And, Page is an innocent man.

Page MAY BE AN INNOCENT MAN. You do not know if he is or not.

Why are you so determined to prove that you are full of shit?
No, I am not absurd, Darth.

Your "logic" and "reasoning" are absurd.

Actually, what I saw in your #272: "Are you honest enough to draw the most plausible inference? Namely: Page is a free man because Mullet had nothing to charge him with."

And in your #273: "Page is a free man because Mullet had nothing to charge him with."

BOTH OF THOSE ARE CONSIDERABLY DIFFERENT FROM "...‘was the most plausible provisional conclusion’ that Mullet has nothing on Page."

So stop bullshitting, Your words are right here for anyone to read.

And "he is an innocent man" IS FAR FROM THE MOST PLAUSIBLE EXPLANATION FOR WHY HE HAS NOT BEEN CHARGED YET. There may be all sorts of reason why he has not been charged yet besides his innocence...and there may be all sorts of reason why HE MAY NEVER BE CHARGED besides his innocence.

Get off the tortured logic. You are not good at it.

I have. I am quoting you from it.

Page MAY BE AN INNOCENT MAN. You do not know if he is or not.

Why are you so determined to prove that you are full of shit?

Page IS an innocent man until proven guilty by a jury of his peers.

Why do you have to torture the basic principles of justice this country was founded on—just to ‘stop Trump’.

THAT is an abomination, Frankie.
Page IS an innocent man until proven guilty by a jury of his peers.

Why do you have to torture the basic principles of justice this country was founded on—just to ‘stop Trump’.

THAT is an abomination, Frankie.

Stop with the fucking bullshit, Darth.

You were not referring to the concept of "innocent until proven guilty" were saying Page is innocent (on its face) because Mueller has not charged him with anything. That is what the discussion has been about until now, you asshole.

Yeah...I would love to stop Donald Trump. I do not deny that. But I want it done in the election of 2020...and I have mentioned that many times. I do NOT want him impeached (Pence is every bit as much an abomination) and I do NOT want him to go to prison. I just want him out of the office. I want him to stop turning this nation into a swamp...the way he has been for the last two years. I want America to be GREAT him being out of office.

By the are a fucking idiot...and I am only continuing this discussion because I enjoy watching you grovel before your Dear Leader and prove to the entire community that you are a fucking idiot.

Thanks for that.
It is, indeed. Just open a reputable newspaper and you'll start to learn about it. But you won't find it in your carefully screened right-wing sources. They exist for the express purpose of shielding people like you from the truth.

ok, chucklehead.
No. It is a matter of record at this point that the DNC-funded dossier was a completely staged political hit used to illegally spy on a presidential campaign in the middle of a major national election (about a thousand times worse than Watergate, but zero consequences because it was Obama) and then to endlessly hamstring (overthrow) a duly elected president (who is the threat to 'our democracy' here?).

Comey’s confession: dossier not verified before, or after, FISA warrant

Says the people who benefit from endless, provably false scandal-mongering against a president for getting in the way of Democrat power.

I will save you the suspense. Politicians are almost always criminals (Obama and Hillary top among them). They are the scum of the Earth, which is why those who comprehend human nature and learn from history always try to stop idiot liberals from concentrating maximum power into the hands of the few. And considering the news sources you take seriously, I would wager there is a great deal that you will be surprised about in the end.
Proving only, yet again, that your grip on reality is hampered by the position of your head up Trump's behind. Your only source, besides your own fake news sites, are leaked secondhand comments, leaked by Comey's political enemies and Trump's cultists. But they're what you want in believe, so reality doesn't matter. It's the GOP that doesn't believe in democracy, as evidenced by the voter obstruction that won them the EC. All you've got are the usual right-wing delusions about conspiracies and the belief that your 'enemies' are just as dishonest as you are.

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Stop with the fucking bullshit, Darth.

You were not referring to the concept of "innocent until proven guilty" were saying Page is innocent (on its face) because Mueller has not charged him with anything. That is what the discussion has been about until now, you asshole.

Yeah...I would love to stop Donald Trump. I do not deny that. But I want it done in the election of 2020...and I have mentioned that many times. I do NOT want him impeached (Pence is every bit as much an abomination) and I do NOT want him to go to prison. I just want him out of the office. I want him to stop turning this nation into a swamp...the way he has been for the last two years. I want America to be GREAT him being out of office.

By the are a fucking idiot...and I am only continuing this discussion because I enjoy watching you grovel before your Dear Leader and prove to the entire community that you are a fucking idiot.

Thanks for that.

no. he's not referring to the concept of innocent until proven, he's implementing it in his thinking. you should try that too. its not just a notion to be discussed. freedom is a life to be lived, a reality to be embraced.
Hint: Don't put a lying criminal in charge of an endless political witch hunt to overthrow a duly-elected president for getting in the way of Democrat power and people will stop pointing it out.

New Facts Indicate Mueller Destroyed Evidence, Obstructed Justice
Trump was hardly "duly-elected". The GOP stole the election. As for "political witch hunt"s, we've seen endless such hunts from Republicans. And Trump is a nutcase, and a danger to everything that makes America great.

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no. he's not referring to the concept of innocent until proven, he's implementing it in his thinking. you should try that too. its not just a notion to be discussed. freedom is a life to be lived, a reality to be embraced.

Well he was trying to pretend he was...and the only reason for any supposed "implementing" (I think you meant incorporating) is because he does not have the ethical wherewithal to acknowledge he is full of shit.

I guess he thought he was talking to another American conservative. They'll buy anything.

He was wrong.
Well he was trying to pretend he was...and the only reason for any supposed "implementing" (I think you meant incorporating) is because he does not have the ethical wherewithal to acknowledge he is full of shit.

I guess he thought he was talking to another American conservative. They'll buy anything.

He was wrong.

no. I fully mean "implementing", you half-witted hack.
It's bigger than that. A blatantly fraudulent, DNC-funded partisan stunt being at the base of this thing means that illegal warrants were secured and criminal spying on a presidential campaign during a major national election was conducted. Serious crimes have been committed that make Watergate look like jaywalking. People need to end up in jail for it.
Of course, much of what is in the dossier has been confirmed by other intelligence agencies. Its just that you don't want to believe it. OTOH, you're desperate to believe all of the unfounded accusations against Hillary. Yet, after years of witch hunts aimed at her by the GOP. you've still got nothing.

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I don't think that's what he's saying. If this does turn out to be something other than Democrats projecting their own trademark disloyalty and treason onto their opponents, no one is going to believe it from a discredited liar.
You mean, of course, that you're only going to believe what you want to believe. You've made that quite clear. Go back to gorging on infowars.

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Exactly. The person changing the subject at every turn is the one who needs to be answering the questions about whether or not they care about exposing the crimes that have been committed.
Purely imaginary crimes, concocted to divert from Trump's very real crimes.

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