It Begins: Journalists start admitting Trump-Russia conspiracy was a fabricated lie

Well he was trying to pretend he was...and the only reason for any supposed "implementing" (I think you meant incorporating) is because he does not have the ethical wherewithal to acknowledge he is full of shit.

I guess he thought he was talking to another American conservative. They'll buy anything.

He was wrong.

I’ll happily concede I’m wrong when I’m proven wrong, Frankie.

Sadly, your efforts thus far have been wanting. As is your ‘supposed’ prowess at logic.
Instead, you made it Putin's turn.

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But crimes don't affect Democrats because they own the DOJ. Aren't you glad the Chicago thug ACORN president spent 8 years corrupting and politicizing every government institution to rig everything for Democrats?

Yet another crazy conspiracy theory. Of the type that the right thrives on.

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This whole invented scandal is a classic case of political jiu-jitsu. When your opponent is psychotically deranged with hyperventilating misinformed hate beyond reason and incapable being strategic, just let them fall over each other hurling any and every accusation they can at you, and laugh as they fall on their face and annihilate their own credibility. The best way to defeat an idiot is to let him speak. And I would like to thank McCain-Feingold for delivering the left into the hands of 501c extremist groups, so the consequently increasingly unhinged left could be so further brainwashed and blinded to the flaws in their own BS. I would also like to thank George Soros and the other handful of socialist billionaires who violently shoved the left so far off the cliff of hysterical ultra-partisanship that no one on that side can perform even the most basic adult analysis of facts and evidence.

You, sirs, have made our job effortless and entertaining.

You're describing most of the right and a relatively few extremists on the left. The right has done .more to discredit itself over the last decade than they could dream of the left doing.

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Presumably the illegal spying was intended to uncover stuff that could be used against Trump in the campaign. So what did they find out and why the hell didn't it work?

Or failing that, why didn't they just splash the dossier all over the media? That would have done the trick, eh?

Seems to me those IC globalist deep-state democrats were pretty bungling conspirators after all.
But the conspiracy is necessary to their belief in Trump.

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^gross violation of Woods Procedure and FISA requirements.

Comey is saying Steele is a reliable source,so the FISA was OK.. But as usual Comey is a LIAR.
Simply having a reliable source is NOT sufficient for the FISA ex parte court
As usual, you don't seem to know what you're talking about.

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hey Frank. why don't you stop spewing posts and READ and THINK for once for some edification.
FBI is specifically regulated under Woods Procedure for FISC
You don't appear capable of reading and thinking. Edification is beyond your ability. You are drowning in the right-wing koolaid.

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what kina crap is this? it completely ignores Woods.

Andy McCabe: "there would be no FISA without Steele"

FBI Had Only ‘Medium Confidence’ In Steele Dossier
“After Steele was terminated, a source validation report conducted by an independent unit within FBI assessed Steele’s reporting as only minimally corroborated,” Republicans asserted in the memo released on Feb. 2.

The FBI had only “medium confidence” in former British spy Christopher Steele and deemed his infamous anti-Trump dossier to be “minimally corroborated,” according to newly released government documents.

The assessment is made in a document known as a Human Source Validation Report. The FBI published the report to its online records vault earlier this week.
“After Steele was terminated, a source validation report conducted by an independent unit within FBI assessed Steele’s reporting as only minimally corroborated,” Republicans asserted in the memo released on Feb. 2.
Again, the Daily Caller is a right-wing propaganda outlet, no more reliable than Trump. Try sources other than your fake news.

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Carter Page was an FBI Under-Cover Employee in 2013, and remained the primary FBI witness through May of 2016 throughout the case.

If Carter Page was working as a UCE (FBI undercover employee), responsible for the bust of a high level Russian agent in 2013 -and remained a UCE- throughout the court case UP TO May of 2016, how is it possible that on October 21st 2016 Carter Page is put under a FISA Title 1 surveillance warrant as an alleged Russian agent?

Conclusion: He wasn’t. The DOJ National Security Division and the FBI Counterintelligence Division, knew he wasn’t. The DOJ-NSD and FBI flat-out LIED

The same John P Carlin who, together with the FBI counterintelligence unit, conscripted Carter Page as an FBI Under-Cover Employee, gains a guilty plea, then turns around and six months later accuses Page of being a Russian Spy.

Why? Likely because the DOJ-NSD and FBI CoIntel needed to find a legal way to spy on the Trump campaign. The 2016 FISA Title 1 surveillance of former FBI employee Carter Page became that legal way. [“The Insurance Policy”]
The usual wacko conspiracy theory.

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It came out of his “inter-agency taskforce” at Langley.

As Trump won primary after primary in 2016, a rattled John Brennan started claiming to colleagues at the CIA that Estonia’s intelligence agency had alerted him to an intercepted phone call suggesting Putin was pouring money into the Trump campaign. The tip was bogus, but Brennan bit on it with opportunistic relish.

Out of Brennan’s alarmist chatter about the bogus tip came an extraordinary leak to the BBC: that Brennan had used it, along with later half-baked tips from British intelligence, as the justification to form a multi-agency spy operation (given the Orwellian designation of an “inter-agency taskforce”) on the Trump campaign, which he was running right out of CIA headquarters.

The CIA was furious about the leak, but never denied the BBC’s story. To Congress earlier this year, Brennan acknowledged the existence of the group, but cast his role in it as the mere conduit of tips about Trump-Russia collusion: “It was well beyond my mandate as director of CIA to follow on any of those leads that involved U.S. persons. But I made sure that anything that was involving U.S. persons, including anything involving the individuals involved in the Trump campaign, was shared with the bureau.”

But if his role had truly been passive, the “inter-agency taskforce” wouldn’t have been meeting at CIA headquarters. By keeping its discussions at Langley, Brennan could keep his finger wedged in the pie. Both before and after the FBI’s official probe began in late July 2016, Brennan was bringing together into the same room at CIA headquarters a cast of Trump haters across the Obama administration whose activities he could direct — from Peter Strzok, the FBI liaison to Brennan, to the doltish Jim Clapper, Brennan’s errand boy, to an assortment of Brennan’s buddies at the Treasury Department, Justice Department, and White House.

The bogus tip from Estonia led the group into its first cock-up: sending FBI agents to sniff around the computer server connected to Trump Tower. After that effort flopped, Brennan’s group had to go back to the drawing board (on the electronic intelligence front, it had already hatched plans for national security letters and FISA warrants). Someone in the group must have proposed blasting a swampy old CIA source and Hillary supporter, Stefan Halper, into the Trump campaign orbit to see if he could catch a couple of minor campaign volunteers out in collusion.

Brennan’s Langley group had access to Halper’s file and sized him up as the perfect embed: a Republican-oriented foreign policy scholar who could plausibly interact with Trump officials while serving as a nexus between the CIA and Brennan’s friends in British intelligence. Halper’s ties to Richard Dearlove, a former head of British intelligence, are well known, and Halper knows Alexander Downer, the pub-crawling Aussie diplomat, through a mutual association with Cambridge University.

That Halper came out of the brainstorming of Brennan’s group is clear from the fact that his first known meeting with Carter Page preceded the formal opening of the FBI’s probe. The Washington Post hinted at the role of Brennan’s group in hatching Halper:

Many questions about the informant’s role in the Russia investigation remain unanswered. It is unclear how he first became involved in the case, the extent of the information he provided and the actions he took to obtain intelligence for the FBI. It is also unknown whether his July 2016 interaction with [Carter] Page was brokered by the FBI or another intelligence agency [italics added].

The FBI commonly uses sources and informants to gather evidence and its regulations allow for use of informants even before a formal investigation has been opened. In many law enforcement investigations, the use of sources and informants precedes more invasive techniques such as electronic surveillance.

A veteran of the intelligence community tells TAS that Brennan’s CIA was full of Hillary supporters, some of whom decorated their desks with her campaign paraphernalia. Brennan, whom the press noted would walk the halls of the CIA in an LGBT rainbow lanyard, encouraged this open political atmosphere. While Brennan knew his spying operation on the Trump campaign was an “exceptionally, exceptionally sensitive” matter (as reported by journalists David Corn and Michael Isikoff), he assumed its machinations would never come to light.

The members of Brennan’s working group at Langley “were just a bunch of out-of-control idiots,” says a former high-ranking CIA official to TAS. He finds it flabbergasting that Brennan would bring CIA officials and FBI officials into the same room to cook up schemes to send a spy into the Trump campaign’s ranks. One of those schemes involved money (Halper paid George Papadopoulos $3,000 for a phony research paper as a way of luring him into a London meeting); another involved sex (Halper’s assistant, with a name out of a bad spy novel, Azra Turk, tried to coax information from Papadopoulos at flirty bar outings, according to the Daily Caller’s Chuck Ross).

Like Brennan, Halper didn’t bother to hide his support for Hillary even as he conducted this infiltration. He told the press that he feared a Trump presidency, as it could harm the “special relationship” between the United States and Great Britain.
That rationale must have figured into Alexander Downer’s motivation for working with Brennan’s Langley group too. Downer traveled in the same elitist circles as Christopher Steele, Halper, and John Kerry. It appears he sent word of his boozy evening with Papadopoulos back to Brennan’s group through these circles — either through Hillary partisans at the State Department or through Clinton Foundation channels, for whom he had worked as a kind of bag man.

Halper had come up empty, so Brennan’s group at Langley went with Downer’s tale, as feeble as it was. But it at least had the advantage of coming from a “diplomat.” Yet if Congressman Nunes is right and the originating document for the FBI probe doesn’t even contain a reference to an official intelligence product passed to Brennan from the Australian government, Downer’s hearsay must have been exceedingly flaky, so flaky no one would want to be on the record treating it as “evidence” for something as momentous as a probe into a presidential campaign.

According to press accounts, Downer’s bumptiousness caused a diplomatic row of sorts between the two countries. Who resolved it? John Kerry? Susan Rice? Or was this another case of Obama leading from behind — behind a CIA director briefing him daily on “Russian interference” while running an anti-Trump spy ring out of Langley.
John Brennan’s Plot to Infiltrate the Trump Campaign
And yet another wacko conspiracy theory, which again references rotten sources such as the Daily Caller.

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We can only speak truth to the "investigation" if we admit it's genesis, IMO.

The existing administration and their biased support for one candidate led to some pretty nefarious goings on in the "justice" department.
The FISA warrant was obtained to spy on her opponent based on unverified information. And that should never happen.

Now what was uncovered afterwards is an entirely different matter,
if ends justify the means in your opinion.

But continuing to deny the FISA warrant was a crime in the way it was obtained is a non starter
You continue to be blinded by your TDS.

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I addressed it TO YOU, Darth.

I am asking why Getin is not addressing her posts to anyone. She posted her last two comments without addressing them to anyone.

She is better than that.
She is? I've seen nothing to support that notion.

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