It Begins: Journalists start admitting Trump-Russia conspiracy was a fabricated lie

no. he's not referring to the concept of innocent until proven, he's implementing it in his thinking. you should try that too. its not just a notion to be discussed. freedom is a life to be lived, a reality to be embraced.
No, he's not "implementing it in his thinking", he's claiming that Page is innocent no matter what the facts are, just because, like you, that's what he wants to believe. And you are not free, you are in thrall to your TDS. You are a prisoner of the cult of Trump.

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No, he's not "implementing it in his thinking", he's claiming that Park is innocent no matter what the facts are, just because, like you, that's what he wants to believe. And you are not free, you are in thrall to your TDS. You are a prisoner of the cult of Trump.

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The fact is, Carter Page is innocent lol.

He’s every bit as innocent as Kavanaugh is. Do you have any facts to the contrary?
I’ll happily concede I’m wrong when I’m proven wrong, Frankie.

Sadly, your efforts thus far have been wanting. As is your ‘supposed’ prowess at logic.

You are wrong...I have shown you are wrong...

...and you simply are unable to acknowledge when you are wrong.
Frank, they're all full of shit. You know it, I know it, hell, they know it. They just can't accept reality. They're living in a fantasy world and they know it, but they are so invested in the fantasy that they can't return to reality. Trump is their God, and they can only believe good of their God.

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They are divorced from reality, rj. They seem frightened of it. And the more I think about it...the more I come to understand why the truth would frighten them.

Imagine having the reality that you are defending and enabling Donald Trump to turn our Republic into a swamp!
Mullet may pull the collusion rabbit out of his hat at the 11th hour, but more and more it looks like Russian collusion is the whacko conspiracy theory.

More and more, it’s beginning to appear that Russian collusion was a pretext to open an investigation into Trump and/or his campaign. It’s looks more and more as if ‘the insurance policy’ really IS the ‘Russian’ investigation.

And the problem is, Mullet subsumed it [the insurance policy] when he was appointed by Rosenstein. If you don’t see that as a potential problem then think of the political price democrats will pay if that cat ever gets out of the bag.

Even if they succeed in getting rid of Trump some people will be guilty of bigger crimes than anything they will hang on Trump. And we aren’t talking process crimes or campaign finance laws here. It will make Watergate look like a joke.

Lefties need to be pulling for Mullet to pull the rabbit out of the hat—and not just for the ‘sticking it to Trump’ points.

There is no rabbit needed.

Obviously the possibility that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians...even if just by taking that meeting...exists. That requires investigation.

You sycophants simply will not acknowledge that.

But you are willing to back investigation after investigation into Hillary Clinton...always coming up with ZERO.

Wake the hell up.

Become Americans again.
The fact is, Carter Page is innocent lol.

He’s every bit as innocent as Kavanaugh is. Do you have any facts to the contrary?

You are pathetic, Darth.

You were wrong...and now you are attempting to avoid having to acknowledge that by adding lipstick to the pig, so to speak.

It only makes you look worse.
"implementing" is english, half-wit. is discombobulate. But using an English word in the wrong context is the mark of a moron.

Oh...and spelling the word "English" without capitalizing the "E"...and then calling someone else a "half-wit" too. is discombobulate. But using an English word in the wrong context is the mark of a moron.

Oh...and spelling the word "English" without capitalizing the "E"...and then calling someone else a "half-wit" too.

the context is fine, ya smarmy fucktard.
the context is fine, ya smarmy fucktard. used the wrong word.

But you used the wrong word because you apparently are not especially bright...

...and since you are are doubling down on your error.


I enjoy watching someone set out to prove himself wrong. used the wrong word.

But you used the wrong word because you apparently are not especially bright...

...and since you are are doubling down on your error.


I enjoy watching someone set out to prove himself wrong.

I wrote it and it's the right word, trust me.