It Begins: Journalists start admitting Trump-Russia conspiracy was a fabricated lie

Well, not a very optimistic reply. I have great...well, some, faith that posters have a desire to improve their debate skills. Or, perhaps, they would rather watch the upcoming NFL football games.

"An elective despotism" is not extant at this time in this country. Perhaps in Venezuela, Cuba or some Socialist countries but not in my patria.
Well, not a very optimistic reply. I have great...well, some, faith that posters have a desire to improve their debate skills. Or, perhaps, they would rather watch the upcoming NFL football games.

"An elective despotism" is not extant at this time in this country. Perhaps in Venezuela, Cuba or some Socialist countries but not in my patria.
Frankie can actually be pretty congenial when he wants to be lol.

But he does invoke the Hitler fallacy quite a bit. Mostly attributable to TDS.

As soon as the appellations, "Hitler. Nazi, Fascist" etc... appear, there is no useful debate to follow. I am new to this tread but not to internet forums. I was on the Topix forums until they faded into the sunset. They were getting redundant with the schoolyard insults. Lots of nice folks though that I enjoyed chatting with. Most posters know that these forums are for entertainment. This one appears to be relatively innocuous.

The poster "Phantasmal" uses "Super Moderator."
Does this thread use actual live moderators instead of the usual software to screen posts?
"Hillary Clinton meets with Dem 2020 hopefuls seeking her support, gives advice: report"

Umm...say what?
Using the Rubric Template for grading debate, the score for this post would be very low. No refutation or validated facts. Just ""Adolf Hitler."

Peals of derisive laughter as the "debater" is escorted off the stage.

Liberals are involved. Of course it's low-brow emotional hysteria and name-calling. I am kind of shocked coming back and seeing how much of it was used to keep this thread going, however. I appear to have touched a nerve.

Using the Rubric Template for grading debate, the score for this post would be very low. No refutation or validated facts. Just ""Adolf Hitler."

Peals of derisive laughter as the "debater" is escorted off the stage. think this is debate.

Oh, well. Stick around. You'll wake up. think this is debate.

Oh, well. Stick around. You'll wake up.

I haven't seen much debate from you. When "Hitler" appears,debate ends. I assume that validated facts or refutations of posters are not part of your yes, no debate on your part.
I haven't seen much debate from you. When "Hitler" appears,debate ends. I assume that validated facts or refutations of posters are not part of your yes, no debate on your part.

except when the comparisons are apt

Hes more like a want to be Mussolini to me though

hes evil and stupid

If you support trump you are an idiot or a soviet
except when the comparisons are apt

Hes more like a want to be Mussolini to me though

hes evil and stupid

If you support trump you are an idiot or a soviet

Mussolini was part of the Axis powers that initiated a war that resulted in the extermination of 6 million Jews and the deaths of millions more. Not much correlation to our president.

President Trump has a degree from an Ivy League University.

"Stupid" might be an apt appellation for someone who improperly uses the upper case and punctuation.
I haven't seen much debate from you. When "Hitler" appears,debate ends. I assume that validated facts or refutations of posters are not part of your yes, no debate on your part.

This is RARELY a debate site.

Some morons think that when "Hitler" appears...debate ends. That is not so.

In any case, if you do not see the similarity of Trump supporters with supporters of Adolf Hitler... probably are in over your head by engaging in Internet discussions of this kind.
About the same time Trump stopped watching hookers pee on the bed. About the same time Trump stopped colluding with Russians.

You’re being evasive, Frankie.

I am not being are being a horse's ass. really do not have much choice, do you!
Mussolini was part of the Axis powers that initiated a war that resulted in the extermination of 6 million Jews and the deaths of millions more. Not much correlation to our president.

President Trump has a degree from an Ivy League University.

"Stupid" might be an apt appellation for someone who improperly uses the upper case and punctuation.

Trumpf, if he has one, bought a degree, I suppose. He is certainly a bigger rogue than Mussolini, but hugely less competent, surely? The Italian is supposed to have made the trains run on time: Trumpf wouldn't even be able to find the station.
I am not being are being a horse's ass. really do not have much choice, do you!

So, you’re okay with taking some made-up shit and using it as a pretext to appoint an SP to do a crime search on any president?

Sure seems that way, Frankie.