It Begins: Journalists start admitting Trump-Russia conspiracy was a fabricated lie

Divine Providence is raining down on America. Jobs, jobs, jobs...not mobs. Food on the table. "It's a Wonderful Life."
I have noted that liberals are a melancholy group. Always complaining and angry about something. Perhaps a bit of Thoreau's "Walden" ("simplify, simplify, simplify") would soothe the savage beast or Beethoven.

And Cons are, by and large, a hateful group. Whadayagonnado? ;)
No problem, Darth. You seldom do a decent job of it anyway.

If you want to assume the investigation is a ruse...and that the antecedents were pretext...fine with me. I prefer the opinions of the FBI, the CIA, the courts, and the DoJ.

As I said, I prefer the opinions of the FBI, the CIA, the courts, and the DoJ.

So far, I think everything has been done legitimately and legally.

You seem to be fearing the worst from the Mueller you are doing your best to make it seem illegitimate.

Sorry you are being fearful.

I’m decidedly ‘unfearful’ that Mullet will get Trump for colluding with the Russians lol.

Did you fall for that ruse, Frankie?

That said, Mullet has a good chance of finding something on Trump. Or not. Who knows. Whether Trump will finally be ‘stopped’ like the lead investigators in the ‘Russian’ investigation are *on record talking about* will depend on what the ‘something’ is.

With 63 million Trump supporters out there, democrats should be careful what they wish for. And it better be for something good.
Umm...scatological insults? Rhodes Scholar?

Drip, drip, drip off the chin.

There was no "scatology" in my remark.

I was suggesting that you go back to jerking off...spanking the monkey...greasing your bone.

No scat at all.

No...I am not a Rhodes Scholar...but back when it was difficult to get an opinion out...I was adept at doing so. I had LOTS of opinion published in major publications back then.

ASIDE: About your Beethoven remark: It happens that I listen to some Beethoven, Mozart, or Verdi almost every day. In fact...every day! Yes it soothes...better than aloe. But I am pretty sure I could be listening to them...and still find your posts to be pompous, arrogant, and laughable.

I do thank you for that last item!

Well, no, we love America and Americans...not so much for illegals (non-citizens).

What a bullshit statement considering how Cons (generally a good ole boys club for white men) speak of women and other minorities who also happen to be Americans. You don't love Americans, you love people just like you. Period.
I’m decidedly ‘unfearful’ that Mullet will get Trump for colluding with the Russians lol.

You sound as though you are terrified of it, Darth.

Did you fall for that ruse, Frankie?

What ruse, Darth. Why don't you learn to write questions coherently?

That said, Mullet has a good chance of finding something on Trump. Or not. Who knows. Whether Trump will finally be ‘stopped’ like the lead investigators in the ‘Russian’ investigation are *on record talking about* will depend on what the ‘something’ is.

Thank you for sharing that.

With 63 million Trump supporters out there, democrats should be careful what they wish for. And it better be for something good.

Oh, my. That sounds threatening.

Are you going to harm us...imprison us...send us to gulag or stalags...or kill us?

Adolf Hitler would have loved people like you.
How do you know "not today," old timer?

"We know not the day or the hour."

Have you calmed down yet?
What a bullshit statement considering how Cons (generally a good ole boys club for white men) speak of women and other minorities who also happen to be Americans. You don't love Americans, you love people just like you. Period.

You appear to be a racist. Are you a racist?

My esposa is Latina.
You sound as though you are terrified of it, Darth.

What ruse, Darth. Why don't you learn to write questions coherently?

Thank you for sharing that.

Oh, my. That sounds threatening.

Are you going to harm us...imprison us...send us to gulag or stalags...or kill us?

Adolf Hitler would have loved people like you.

I’m talking about political blowback, Frankie. I don’t see righties getting their Antifa on. The lefties own that Hitler-esque nonsense. You don’t really think democrats can impeach and remove Trump over a process crime or campaign finance law violation—and get away with it, politically, do you?

There’s already noise being made about another SP appointment to look into it. I know of a really good way to get it over the hump.

I wonder if Mullet fears that?
There was no "scatology" in my remark.

I was suggesting that you go back to jerking off...spanking the monkey...greasing your bone.

No scat at all.

No...I am not a Rhodes Scholar...but back when it was difficult to get an opinion out...I was adept at doing so. I had LOTS of opinion published in major publications back then.

ASIDE: About your Beethoven remark: It happens that I listen to some Beethoven, Mozart, or Verdi almost every day. In fact...every day! Yes it soothes...better than aloe. But I am pretty sure I could be listening to them...and still find your posts to be pompous, arrogant, and laughable.

I do thank you for that last item!

Your quote:

"Go back into the bathroom..."

This is a scatological reference to what one does in the B/R, old timer. Defecation. A very scatological post.
From F.A.:

"Are you going to harm us...imprison us...send us to gulag or stalags...or kill us?"

Perhaps you should read the "Gulag Archipelago" by Solzhenitsyn. You would then learn not to demean or devalue the word, "Gulag," old timer.

From F.A.:

" Pompous, arrogant."

that was mean and hateful, take it back, old timer. Lol.

Self-aggrandizement is not my bag. Yours?
Nope. Not a racist and nothing in my comment indicated as such. Extrapolating much?

Any other bullshit questions?
"What a bullshit statement considering how Cons (generally a good ole boys club for white men) speak of women and other minorities who also happen to be Americans. You don't love Americans, you love people just like you. Period."

Sounds racist to me.

I do belong to a Country Club and I am on the Board...along with three black lawyers. Lol
How do you know "not today," old timer?

"We know not the day or the hour."

Have you calmed down yet?

Not today!

I have not calmed down...because I was not "not calm."

I am in a terrific mood. I have a new toy to play with.


I own you.