It Begins: Journalists start admitting Trump-Russia conspiracy was a fabricated lie

I’m talking about political blowback, Frankie. I don’t see righties getting their Antifa on. The lefties own that Hitler-esque nonsense.

Try to get real for once, Darth.

You Trump supporters are so like the supporters of Adolf Hitler...even people like you should be able to see it.

You don’t really think democrats can impeach and remove Trump over a process crime or campaign finance law violation—and get away with it, politically, do you?

The very last thing in the world I want right now is an impeachment...or even an attempt at an impeachment. I have said that dozens of times during the last many months. What is your problem?

I do not think the Democrats could get away with it...and I do think it would be more harmful politically than helpful for them. IF impeachment MUST be initiated by the Republicans...and I don't think they have the spine for anything that disses Donald Trump in any way. He owns them now.

There’s already noise being made about another SP appointment to look into it. I know of a really good way to get it over the hump.

I wonder if Mullet fears that?

My opinion: I doubt Bob Mueller fears anything from the crud that is the American far-right.
"What a bullshit statement considering how Cons (generally a good ole boys club for white men) speak of women and other minorities who also happen to be Americans. You don't love Americans, you love people just like you. Period."

Sounds racist to me.

I do belong to a Country Club and I am on the Board...along with three black lawyers. Lol

How is that a racist statement? What you personally do, accept, or believe is but one data point up against decades of data points.
Your quote:

"Go back into the bathroom..."

This is a scatological reference to what one does in the B/R, old timer. Defecation. A very scatological post.

There was no scatological reference in my post. None whatsoever.

In the can take a shower, brush one's teeth, apply make-up, get a Band-Aid...and all sorts of other things that are not scatological in nature.

You made a mistake...and now you have shown me that you do not have the ethical wherewithal to simply acknowledge a mistake.

That makes this even more fun. I so look forward to your posts. But...a word of advice:

Go beat your meat. It will be MUCH more fun than what is going to happen to you here.
How is that a racist statement? What you personally do, accept, or believe is but one data point up against decades of data points.

Well, you infer that there are no black conservatives...there are many. The three on the board at my club are more conservative than I.

Did I mention that my esposa is Latina?
There was no scatological reference in my post. None whatsoever.

In the can take a shower, brush one's teeth, apply make-up, get a Band-Aid...and all sorts of other things that are not scatological in nature.

You made a mistake...and now you have shown me that you do not have the ethical wherewithal to simply acknowledge a mistake.

That makes this even more fun. I so look forward to your posts. But...a word of advice:

Go beat your meat. It will be MUCH more fun than what is going to happen to you here.
Yes, you made a scatological post...B/R...poop, old timer.

Umm... self aggrandizement is unattractive...and not merited on your part, old timer.
From F.A.:

"Are you going to harm us...imprison us...send us to gulag or stalags...or kill us?"

Perhaps you should read the "Gulag Archipelago" by Solzhenitsyn. You would then learn not to demean or devalue the word, "Gulag," old timer.


I do not demean nor devalue any words, Earl.

And since I own you...I certainly would not start doing so with you.

Solzhenitsyn is boring...most Russian authors are. His fame came primarily because the Nobel Committee decided to insult the Soviets by awarding him the Literature prize.
There was no scatological reference in my post. None whatsoever.

In the can take a shower, brush one's teeth, apply make-up, get a Band-Aid...and all sorts of other things that are not scatological in nature.

You made a mistake...and now you have shown me that you do not have the ethical wherewithal to simply acknowledge a mistake.

That makes this even more fun. I so look forward to your posts. But...a word of advice:

Go beat your meat. It will be MUCH more fun than what is going to happen to you here.

I'm having a grand old time, old timer...oatmeal...chin.
I do not demean nor devalue any words, Earl.

And since I own you...I certainly would not start doing so with you.

Solzhenitsyn is boring...most Russian authors are. His fame came primarily because the Nobel Committee decided to insult the Soviets by awarding him the Literature prize.

I see that you are not familiar with the works of this great Russian hero, old timer. Que lastima.
From F.A.:

" Pompous, arrogant."

that was mean and hateful, take it back, old timer. Lol.

Self-aggrandizement is not my bag.

You are both pompous and arrogant...and my guess would be that "self-aggrandizement" is indeed "your bag."

Jury still out on that. We'll see.

And, Asshole, isn't it about time for you to learn how to use the quote feature?

If the quality of my writing is challenged, I am more than willing to list my accomplishments. But only when challenged...rather than to toot my own horn, so to speak.

You seemed to mention your schooling for no particular reason. Strange...since you claim self-aggrandizement is not your thing.
I once saw a college student in a South Georgia peach orchard reading Solzhenitsyn. I asked if it was an elective reading assignment She replied that it wasn't, she just admired the courage of this great Russian author.
Really? You own someone? A slave owner, no less.


I own YOU.

Not a forced slavery, though.

You willingly came to me to become my slave. You begged me to take you as a slave...and are begging me to keep you in bondage.
You are both pompous and arrogant...and my guess would be that "self-aggrandizement" is indeed "your bag."

Jury still out on that. We'll see.

And, Asshole, isn't it about time for you to learn how to use the quote feature?

If the quality of my writing is challenged, I am more than willing to list my accomplishments. But only when challenged...rather than to toot my own horn, so to speak.

You seemed to mention your schooling for no particular reason. Strange...since you claim self-aggrandizement is not your thing.
When the words "stupid and uneducated" are flung my way, I respond with my resume and ask for theirs, old timer.

Have you calmed down yet?
Yes, you made a scatological post...B/R...poop, old timer.

No...there was no scatology in that post.

But...I see you are willing to double down on your lack of ethics.

Great. This is shaping up to be more fun than I thought.

Umm... self aggrandizement is unattractive...and not merited on your part, old timer.

If you think think it.

No problem.

I'm going to toy with you no matter what you think.

I own YOU.

Not a forced slavery, though.

You willingly came to me to become my slave. You begged me to take you as a slave...and are begging me to keep you in bondage.

Ahh, you can not own someone without being a slave owner, old timer. You should know that is a no no.
I see that you are not familiar with the works of this great Russian hero, old timer. Que lastima.

He is boring. Most Russian writers are. They drone on and on about bullshit...and have a tough time getting to the point. Only French authors are more boring.
I once saw a college student in a South Georgia peach orchard reading Solzhenitsyn. I asked if it was an elective reading assignment She replied that it wasn't, she just admired the courage of this great Russian author.

I admire his courage also.

But reading his work is more boring than watching grass grow.
That is terrific.

We are both having a good time.

It is win/win. My favorite kind of Internet encounter.

Ahh, but the actuarial tables indicate that I will have a grand time longer than you...barring an encounter with a Mack truck.Lol.
When the words "stupid and uneducated" are flung my way, I respond with my resume and ask for theirs, old timer.

Your comment about Vanderbuilt...and your minors were not prompted by me flinging the words "stupid and uneducated" at you...BECAUSE I DID NOT DO THAT.

Stop with the bullshit.

You cannot get away with it in this forum.

Have you calmed down yet?

I've been calm all along.

Go jerk-off, Jerk-off. You will have even more fun than we both are having now.
I admire his courage also.

But reading his work is more boring than watching grass grow.

I once wrote a political article praising Solzhenitsyn for the VOR (Voice of Russia). They asked me for an audio interview. I declined. True story.

One does not read a writer like him for pleasure but for enlightenment.