It Begins: Journalists start admitting Trump-Russia conspiracy was a fabricated lie

You didn't "infer", you implied.

I neither inferred or implied. I said, clearly, that the score, using the Rubric Template, was low due to responding with "Hitler" instead of refutation with reputable links .

If President Trump isn't your president, who is? President Hillary?
Yahoo News’ Michael Isikoff (formerly of Newsweek and NBC News) has reversed course and started acknowledging that the left's projection of its own disloyalty and collusion with foreign powers against this country's interests, on vivid display in the Trump-Russia hoax, has been exhaustively investigated, that there is zero evidence of anyone but Democrats colluding with Russia or rigging elections, and that all the key pillars of this astonishingly dishonest scam are "likely false." He won't be the last to be forced to admit that Democrats invented the entire thing, just like they did with Roy Moore.

Dossier fails the test of time; Trump-Russia collusion claims now called 'likely false'

See also:

Woodward: No Evidence Of Trump-Russia Collusion, I Searched For Two Years

Dossier's 10 core collusion accusations remain unverified 20 months later
Excellent, thanks.
You did, indeed.

I was totally are correct.

I apologize.

I would appreciate any links you can offer with American liberals saying the gulags were not terrible.

I wasn't alive when Eleanor Roosevelt was the First Lady. Solzhenitsyn wrote that she visited one of the Gulags (they had sanitized the one she visited) and praised the cleanliness, the food and the treatment of the prisoners. She was duped along with the left in this country.
Hyperbole, in moderation, is great.

You do not "buy" a degree from the Wharton School of Business.

President Trump found his way into the White House.

Do you get there free? Do they offer degrees? What help did he get?

Trumpf lied himself into being President, despite being rejected by the majority of electors, and I expect some crook or other held his hand and showed him which bit of Washington it was!
So "Adolf Hitler" is considered a valid response to you people. Pathetic.

Comparing the assholes who support Donald Trump to the assholes who supported Adolf Hitler in 1930's not only a valid argument...IT IS ONE THAT MUST BE MADE TO MAKE A VALID ASSESSMENT OF WHAT IS GOING ON HERE. assholes don't like it.

YOU SHOULDN'T. It tells you things about yourselves you should despise.
I wasn't alive when Eleanor Roosevelt was the First Lady. Solzhenitsyn wrote that she visited one of the Gulags (they had sanitized the one she visited) and praised the cleanliness, the food and the treatment of the prisoners. She was duped along with the left in this country.

I was alive when Eleanor Roosevelt was the First Lady also. I was born in 1936.


Why not provide it?
Comparing the assholes who support Donald Trump to the assholes who supported Adolf Hitler in 1930's not only a valid argument...IT IS ONE THAT MUST BE MADE TO MAKE A VALID ASSESSMENT OF WHAT IS GOING ON HERE. assholes don't like it.

YOU SHOULDN'T. It tells you things about yourselves you should despise.

Well, no, it is not a valid comparison. It is an incongruous comparison. Those who supported A.H. supported the murder of 6 million Jews and the illegal annexation of most of Europe and an attempt to rule the world.

Self-discipline and moderation are virtues, old timer.

Do you get out of bed on the wrong side every day?

The fried pork tenderloin, grits and biscuits and gravy were outstanding.
I was alive when Eleanor Roosevelt was the First Lady also. I was born in 1936.


Why not provide it?

Read Solzhenitsyn's books and essays and speeches.

Good grief, 1936!
Do you get there free? Do they offer degrees? What help did he get?

Trumpf lied himself into being President, despite being rejected by the majority of electors, and I expect some crook or other held his hand and showed him which bit of Washington it was!

You pay for tuition but you must earn a degree. The majority of the Electoral College voted for Trump. Crooked Hillary gained more yards but Trump won the game. Gracious a Dios.
Those who supported A.H. supported the murder of 6 million Jews and the illegal annexation of most of Europe and an attempt to rule the world.

No, they did not. The last free elections in Germany were in 1932 and Hitler got 37% of the votes.

The Nazis did not run on murdering millions of Jews, annexing most of Europe, or attempthing to rule the world. They ran on making Germany great again.

At least Hitler wasn't Wels, the Social Democrat. Eh?
No, they did not. The last free elections in Germany were in 1932 and Hitler got 37% of the votes.

The Nazis did not run on murdering millions of Jews, annexing most of Europe, or attempthing to rule the world. They ran on making Germany great again.

The Nazis also had the Brown Shirts that would go around busting the heads of their opponents in Berlin.

Sound familiar?
You pay for tuition but you must earn a degree. The majority of the Electoral College voted for Trump. Crooked Hillary gained more yards but Trump won the game. Gracious a Dios.

Most half-witted rich boys get expensive exam coaching, if they can't bribe an examiner, as you know. Why do you bother having popular elections if a small gang can choose your President against the popular will? If you believe Mrs Clinton is a criminal, take her to court - slander and libel are merely contemptible.
No, they did not. The last free elections in Germany were in 1932 and Hitler got 37% of the votes.

The Nazis did not run on murdering millions of Jews, annexing most of Europe, or attempthing to rule the world. They ran on making Germany great again.

At least Hitler wasn't Wels, the Social Democrat. Eh?

The great trick was to ban the Communist Party, which opened the door to Hitler. Heil McCarthy!
No, they did not. The last free elections in Germany were in 1932 and Hitler got 37% of the votes.

The Nazis did not run on murdering millions of Jews, annexing most of Europe, or attempthing to rule the world. They ran on making Germany great again.
Please read carefully:

"Those who supported A.H. supported the murder of 6 million Jews and the illegal annexation of most of Europe and an attempt to rule the world."

This is known as a truism.

The murder of six million Jews and the attempted illegal annexation of most of Europe and an attempt to rule the world actually happened. It did not succeed.
Well, no, it is not a valid comparison. It is an incongruous comparison. Those who supported A.H. supported the murder of 6 million Jews and the illegal annexation of most of Europe and an attempt to rule the world.

Stop. You are embarrassing yourself.

I can compare Tiger Woods and Babe Ruth. Both were stars in their given fields...But Tiger cannot hit home runs or pitch in the majors like Babe could...and I doubt the Babe could dominate a golf course the way Tiger could.

The SUPPORTERS of Adolf Hitler were supporting a person who did things to embarrass and destroy his country...just as the SUPPORTERS of Donald Trump are supporting a person who is doing things to embarrass and destroy our country.

Self-discipline and moderation are virtues, old timer.

They are indeed. Start practicing them. They will improve you.

Do you get out of bed on the wrong side every day?

No. I always get out of bed on the same side...but some days I have a bigger smile on my face than others. Mostly I get up to a feeling of "get out there and enjoy the day to the best degree possible." At telling how many more will come along.

The fried pork tenderloin, grits and biscuits and gravy were outstanding.


Our wall oven went last week...and over the week-end I yanked it for the new one that will be delivered late this week. That meant I could not make the pizza I usually make for football games.


But things will be in order for next weeks games.
Lol. Born in 1936, Por Dios!

He appears to be a grumpy old timer who always gets out of bed on the wrong side.

The first picture is years ago...when I was 75. The second one was taken 6 months ago. I am not a grumpy old-timer...nothing to be grumpy about. I am just an old-timer.


Most half-witted rich boys get expensive exam coaching, if they can't bribe an examiner, as you know. Why do you bother having popular elections if a small gang can choose your President against the popular will? If you believe Mrs Clinton is a criminal, take her to court - slander and libel are merely contemptible.

The moral here is to be rich.

The 12th Amendment to the Constitution mandates the Electoral College.

There was proof that crooked Hillary exposed classified state secrets, a crime.