It Begins: Journalists start admitting Trump-Russia conspiracy was a fabricated lie

Yes. Spent two years in the UK. Traveled to France, Italy, Germany, Scotland, and Austria.

I spent three years in Spain and traveled extensively. Best food was in southern France, I did not get up north in France.

Lived on Sebastian Elcano in Los Remedios in Sevilla (Seville). Spain is a country llena de gracia (full of grace).

I've lived in four countries, Spain, Canada, P.R and C.R. Loved them all.
I spent three years in Spain and traveled extensively. Best food was in southern France, I did not get up north in France.

Lived on Sebastian Elcano in Los Remedios in Sevilla (Seville). Spain is a country llena de gracia (full of grace).

I've lived in four countries, Spain, Canada, P.R and C.R. Loved them all.

Haven't done a lot of traveling outside the country. Several visits to Caribbean Islands (Jamaica, PR, St. Martit). Love 'em all.

My travel in Europe was courtesy of the USAF. Two years at SAC bases in the UK. Terrific country...especially since my interests involve history and archeology. Spent time at several digs in Southern UK...pre-history sites. I visited London often...and probably spent as much time in the Tower as Walter Raleigh.

In Italy I toured Pompeii...and was fortunate enough to spend time at a new dig in the Egyptian area of the city.

In Rome I managed to do something I still take pride in...even with my agnosticism. I served Mass in St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican. I also attended a general audience with Pope Pius Xii at Castel Gondolfo.

In Germany I spent some time in Bavaria. Went to the top a mountain with a clear view of Hitler's Eagles Nest in I've actually seen that place.
Yahoo News’ Michael Isikoff (formerly of Newsweek and NBC News) has reversed course and started acknowledging that the left's projection of its own disloyalty and collusion with foreign powers against this country's interests, on vivid display in the Trump-Russia hoax, has been exhaustively investigated, that there is zero evidence of anyone but Democrats colluding with Russia or rigging elections, and that all the key pillars of this astonishingly dishonest scam are "likely false." He won't be the last to be forced to admit that Democrats invented the entire thing, just like they did with Roy Moore.

Dossier fails the test of time; Trump-Russia collusion claims now called 'likely false'

See also:

Woodward: No Evidence Of Trump-Russia Collusion, I Searched For Two Years

Dossier's 10 core collusion accusations remain unverified 20 months later

A LOT of people OTHER than Trump need to see jail time. This type of third world shit hole Fascism is an abomination to free nations.
Haven't done a lot of traveling outside the country. Several visits to Caribbean Islands (Jamaica, PR, St. Martit). Love 'em all.

My travel in Europe was courtesy of the USAF. Two years at SAC bases in the UK. Terrific country...especially since my interests involve history and archeology. Spent time at several digs in Southern UK...pre-history sites. I visited London often...and probably spent as much time in the Tower as Walter Raleigh.

In Italy I toured Pompeii...and was fortunate enough to spend time at a new dig in the Egyptian area of the city.

In Rome I managed to do something I still take pride in...even with my agnosticism. I served Mass in St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican. I also attended a general audience with Pope Pius Xii at Castel Gondolfo.

In Germany I spent some time in Bavaria. Went to the top a mountain with a clear view of Hitler's Eagles Nest in I've actually seen that place.

Was in Germany but not near Berchtesgaden. Beautiful people but I did not care for the cuisine.

My time in Europe was contract work pertaining to aviation. Took a one year Spanish Language and Spanish History class at the University of Seville (non-transferable credits).

I spent 30 years at the FAA ATL ATCT. Did some research on the ARTS 11 Radar.

Agnostic? Interesting. We are all agnostics in one sense. We really don't know.
it has certainly proved not to be useful......hence the efforts to find something else to charge Trump with......

You misunderstood. The proposed definition would mean the word could only actually apply to a single thing in all of history. It's a bit like saying that the definition of "mammal" is "a dog wearing a yellow bandana and catching frisbees during the half-time show of the Arkansas division one state championship football game." That's a silly definition. So, what would you propose as a more serious definition of "collusion"?
You misunderstood. The proposed definition would mean the word could only actually apply to a single thing in all of history. It's a bit like saying that the definition of "mammal" is "a dog wearing a yellow bandana and catching frisbees during the half-time show of the Arkansas division one state championship football game." That's a silly definition. So, what would you propose as a more serious definition of "collusion"?

compared to the definition demmycrats use, "a dog wearing a yellow bandana and catching frisbees" would be more serious.....
compared to the definition demmycrats use, "a dog wearing a yellow bandana and catching frisbees" would be more serious.....

You're afraid to answer. I get that. If I were out-of-my-league, mentally, the way you are, maybe I would be afraid to engage with such questions, too. But, please, try to find the courage. I promise to be gentle.
Everyone in the forum can see how frightened you are. But trust me, you'll never find your courage if you don't push yourself outside your comfort zone. Step up and engage in the substantive debate. I promise to go easy on you.

lol......I think if I was frightened I wouldn't post.......meanwhile, where is there a substantive debate?......we've been discussing what collusion means for two years........nobody in the Mueller investigation even pretends its an issue any more.......why did you even bring it up?........
Comparing the assholes who support Donald Trump to the assholes who supported Adolf Hitler in 1930's not only a valid argument...IT IS ONE THAT MUST BE MADE TO MAKE A VALID ASSESSMENT OF WHAT IS GOING ON HERE. assholes don't like it.

YOU SHOULDN'T. It tells you things about yourselves you should despise.
Godwin's law

There is a tradition in many newsgroups and other Internet discussion forums that, when a Hitler comparison is made, the thread is finished and whoever made the comparison loses whatever debate is in progress.[7] This principle is itself frequently referred to as Godwin's law.[8]'s_law

I've also seen Obama and Bush Jr. compared to Hitler. lol
Probably every president is at one time or another.
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lol......I think if I was frightened I wouldn't post......

No, what you'd do is post, but cower from substantive engagement by trying to change the subject, like you just did. But there's no reason to be this frightened. Besides, you'll never get better at thinking unless you practice.

where is there a substantive debate?

Half of it is right here, in this thread. I provided a detailed definition and illustrated how the established facts fit the definition. You, on the other hand, are too scared to engage, so you refuse to provide a serious definition that we could look at to see whether collusion occurred. Instead, you'd like to hide behind childish taunts.

why did you even bring it up?........

You lost track of the thread, pumpkin. I didn't bring it up. Arminius did, in the very first post, where Arminius was pushing the mindless right-wing talking point about Trump-Russia collusion claims being "likely false" (when, using any normal definition of "collusion," the fact the Russians and top people in the Trump campaign colluded has been very firmly established).
I've also seen Obama and Bush Jr. compared to Hitler. lol
Probably every president is at one time or another.

Fuck Godwin. He doesn't get a vote on my posts, Anonymoose.

In any case...the comparison of the people who continue to support Donald Trump...with the people who continued to support Adolf Hitler is reasonable and appropriate.

I have never compared any president to Adolf Hitler...and I am not even comparing Donald Trump (right here) to Adolf Hitler.

My comments were made about HIS SUPPORTERS.

Frankly, a comparison of Trump to Hitler would have Trump coming up considerably short compared with Adolf Hitler on intellect and speaking ability...which are two important ingredients in leadership.
Just curious.

That's an unexpected, but welcome, improvement.

Why do you and most other dims consider anybody not supporting 100% of democratic party principles a supporter of Trump?

First answer why you constantly ask question with absurd predicates?

You don't seem to be stupid...or at least, not morbidly stupid.

So why do you ask questions with such obviously absurd predicates?
First answer why you constantly ask question with absurd predicates?

Agreed, it's absurd but I pose the question because I actually support a few democratic party principles. Also I support some of Trump's positions, not all, yet you people constantly label me a Trump supporter. Not that I care, I just find it hypocritical coming from the party of tolerance supposedly.
Agreed, it's absurd but I pose the question because I actually support a few democratic party principles. Also I support some of Trump's positions, not all, yet you people constantly label me a Trump supporter. Not that I care, I just find it hypocritical coming from the party of tolerance supposedly.

You don’t understand TDS lol.

TDS demands utter compliance to the proposition that Trump=bad. There’s no hedging the bet, splitting the difference or room for compromise. Trump wants a wall; therefore, the wall is immoral. Trump pulls out of Syria; therefore, Trump is Neville Chamberlain and the neocons are no longer vile ideologues.

TDS an absolutist doctrine that brooks no dissent: that’s why they mistake you for a Trump supporter.
Agreed, it's absurd but I pose the question because I actually support a few democratic party principles.

Okay...but keep in mind that I am not a Democrat.

Also I support some of Trump's positions, not all, yet you people constantly label me a Trump supporter.

Fine with me. If I "label you a Trump supporter" please feel free to consider it to be "in my opinion you are not opposing Trump sufficiently" instead.

I have contempt and scorn for people who continue to support Donald Trump.

Ahhh...I also have contempt and scorn for people who do not oppose him sufficiently.

Not that I care, I just find it hypocritical coming from the party of tolerance supposedly.

Take that up with them.