It Begins: Journalists start admitting Trump-Russia conspiracy was a fabricated lie

me dodge the question?

Yes. It's one of the defining characteristics of your posting style -- since, at some level, you understand how badly out of your depth you are, you routinely dodge questions and try to alter the subject.

you're the one who refuses to acknowledge there has been no evidence of any collusion

By what definition of "collusion," specifically? That's among the many questions you're cowering from. Man up and answer it. Using the standard definition of collusion, the fact the Trump campaign colluded with the Russian government during the campaign is firmly established, but if you want to offer an alternate definition, we can look at that, as well.
"Collusion", "Da Russians"


we're going to be having fun with that fabrication for years to come

Was there, or was there not a secret meeting between Russians and top people in the Trump campaign, for the express purpose of sharing valuable information as part of the Putin government's efforts to get Trump elected?
When I post that kind of shit, Earl...I have a huge smile on my face.'' I am far from unhappy. I treat these "conversations" like I treat the "busting balls" chatter in regular foursomes on the golf course. This stuff is PURE ENTERTAINMENT for me. The "trash talk" is part of it...AS DAMN NEAR EVERY INTERNET FORUM POSTER SHOULD REALIZE.

You gotta be fucking kidding me, Earl.

You are a card, I'll give you that.

"...and (without) going bonkers on an Internet forum."


You people said what you had to say about President Obama. I am saying what I have to say about the abomination, Donald Trump.


Try not to take this stuff too seriously.

Before the game started, I told my wife that Alabama was going to win...and I suspected it was going to be a fairly big win...but that I was going to root for Clemson. (I honestly think their cheerleaders are cuter...and I am not a big fan of Saban.)

Wow! Talk about being wrong! Trevor Lawrence gives new meaning to the term "true freshman!"

Lots and lots of money lost. And football fans had an opportunity to see at least a dozen future NFL stars playing in college.
Well, a cheerful good morning to you, Frank.

I was shocked and appalled at the inadequate preparation for this game by Saban. Trevor is a superstar and extremely modest after the most important win in his career. Yes, at least a dozen or more NFL stars on that field. A perfect game and game plan by Clemson. The fake field goal was amateurish. Clemson will be great for a long time. I don't know about Alabama. I believe they will be number three next year because Georgia will be number two and will probably play Clemson in the National Championship game.

I know the trash talk is prevalent on most of the forums and I know that they have led to the demise of many of them. I do the forums, most of the time, early in the morning until my wife awakens about 10 or 11. We live just down the fairway from my daughter and 1 year old grandson in a gated community. The golf course is drying up and is playable now so I won't be here to annoy you much in the afternoons.
Alexis de Toqueville

"here is no country in the world in which everything can be provided for by laws, or in which political institutions can prove a substitute for common sense and public morality."

- Democracy in America." Alexis de Tocqueville
Hey, Frank, a question for you.

I am on the board at our club and recently we had a member who was often drunk and profane in the dining area where young children and women were present. We spoke to him about his loutish behavior but he continued. This man was a wealthy CEO, a great person...until he started drinking. We voted to remove his membership. He is black. All three of the black members (two lawyers and a CEO) of the board voted to remove his membership. He later was arrested for drunk driving with his four (4) year old child in the car.

How would you have voted?
Well, a cheerful good morning to you, Frank.

I was shocked and appalled at the inadequate preparation for this game by Saban. Trevor is a superstar and extremely modest after the most important win in his career. Yes, at least a dozen or more NFL stars on that field. A perfect game and game plan by Clemson. The fake field goal was amateurish. Clemson will be great for a long time. I don't know about Alabama. I believe they will be number three next year because Georgia will be number two and will probably play Clemson in the National Championship game.

I know the trash talk is prevalent on most of the forums and I know that they have led to the demise of many of them. I do the forums, most of the time, early in the morning until my wife awakens about 10 or 11. We live just down the fairway from my daughter and 1 year old grandson in a gated community. The golf course is drying up and is playable now so I won't be here to annoy you much in the afternoons.

You do not annoy me. Neither do any of the others here. I consider you and them to be foils...and enjoy the interplay. Some discussions are more interesting than others...but "entertainment" is primarily why I am here.

I probably won't get back to the courses for another two and a half months. I use to love to play in COLD weather...but that is a thing of my youth.
By what definition of "collusion," specifically? That's among the many questions you're cowering from.

tell you define it the same way that all the lib'ruls who no longer try to argue there was collusion define it........if we use my definition you have to admit its not even a crime that anyone can be indicted on.......

Using the standard definition of collusion

post it.....then we can point out why your thread fails.....
tell you define it the same way that all the lib'ruls who no longer try to argue there was collusion define it........if we use my definition you have to admit its not even a crime that anyone can be indicted on.......

Come on little coward, you're still hiding. Search your wife's purse for your balls and then return when you think you're man enough to answer the question. How do you define it?
Come on, Frank. Do you really, really believe that post #568 merits a "thank you?" Really? An immature 16 year old can do better than that. Perhaps she (?) is an immature 16 year old.

Misting rain here. Had to cancel our Tee time. Near 70 degrees though.
Collusion is still on tap for Trump. That has been re-energized by Mueller's investigation. Rightys love to pretend collusion is not a crime, but that is arguing about what you call it, not what was done. Trump and his people are easily guilty of conspiracy, which even PP can understand is a crime. It is only different from collusuion by the name you give it. Rightys are quibbling to protect a criminal president because they refuse to admit how badly they were suckered by a conman.
Come on, Frank. Do you really, really believe that post #568 merits a "thank you?"

I do not do "believing"...but it is my opinion that #568 definitely merits a "THANK YOU." I'd give Oneuli a couple of "THANK YOU's" for almost every one of her posts.

She hits the nail on its head squarely...and does her homework.

Really? An immature 16 year old can do better than that. Perhaps she (?) is an immature 16 year old.

You are being foolish there, Earl.

Oneuli is one of the best, most intelligent posters in this forum.

Misting rain here. Had to cancel our Tee time. Near 70 degrees though.

Damn. Now you've done it! ;)
I do not do "believing"...but it is my opinion that #568 definitely merits a "THANK YOU." I'd give Oneuli a couple of "THANK YOU's" for almost every one of her posts.

She hits the nail on its head squarely...and does her homework.

You are being foolish there, Earl.

Oneuli is one of the best, most intelligent posters in this forum.

Damn. Now you've done it! ;)
I agree on all points, I chuckled at it, Welcome to a strong, intelligent unintimidated millennial woman.
I do not do "believing"...but it is my opinion that #568 definitely merits a "THANK YOU." I'd give Oneuli a couple of "THANK YOU's" for almost every one of her posts.

She hits the nail on its head squarely...and does her homework.

You are being foolish there, Earl.

Oneuli is one of the best, most intelligent posters in this forum.

Damn. Now you've done it! ;)

I have only read one of Oneuli's posts which isn't enough sampling for me to make a judgement but that one post wasn't a literary gem.

The sun is back out but we already missed our Tee time. Maybe manana.
"Come on little coward, you're still hiding. Search your wife's purse for your balls and then return when you think you're man enough to answer the question. How do you define it?"

I rarely get much agreement with this but I know that young children read these forums and it is incumbent on us to post, to the best of our ability, the most pristine grammar, syntax and sentence structured posts that we can muster.. They get an ample supple of filth from TV and the Internet.

"Chrysanthemums from gilded argosy
Unload their gaudy scentless merchandise."
Oscar Wilde
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I have only read one of Oneuli's posts which isn't enough sampling for me to make a judgement but that one post wasn't a literary gem.

The sun is back out but we already missed our Tee time. Maybe manana.

I've read lots of her posts...and they are better than excellent.