It Begins: Journalists start admitting Trump-Russia conspiracy was a fabricated lie

Collusion is still on tap for Trump. That has been re-energized by Mueller's investigation. Rightys love to pretend collusion is not a crime, but that is arguing about what you call it, not what was done. Trump and his people are easily guilty of conspiracy, which even PP can understand is a crime. It is only different from collusuion by the name you give it. Rightys are quibbling to protect a criminal president because they refuse to admit how badly they were suckered by a conman.

see Onulli.....even nordnuts had to abandon "collusion" in favor of "conspiracy"......problem with that is that a conspiracy to not commit a crime still isn't a crime......
"here is no country in the world in which everything can be provided for by laws, or in which political institutions can prove a substitute for common sense and public morality."

- Democracy in America." Alexis de Tocqueville

Oh a Tocqueville fan

this should be fun
and your stupid too

I guess I should have expected that

"Your" is the possessive form of "you." The word you are looking for is a contraction, "you're." All sentences must begin with the upper case.

"You're" welcome, Cletus.
"Your" is the possessive form of "you." The word you are looking for is a contraction, "you're." All sentences must begin with the upper case.

"You're" welcome, Cletus.

this is a discussion site

casual debate

this is not a college dissertation

only ass leaches go all spelling Nazi instead of providing a real debate position

Now why do you embrace as your leader a Man who hated Democracy?
and your stupid too

I guess I should have expected that

because you cant do ideas

you merely pretend only what you deem as a spelling error is what determines intelligence while you try to ignore you just exposed your self as a person who hates democracy
this is a discussion site

casual debate

this is not a college dissertation

only ass leaches go all spelling Nazi instead of providing a real debate position

Now why do you embrace as your leader a Man who hated Democracy?
The improper use of "your" and "you're" is not a "spelling" error. It's a lack of a primary education error, Cletus.

Why do you still beat "your" wife?
you might as well leave now

You have been outed as a person who hates democracy

your paper thin intelligence was already displayed by you for all to see
was the 5 on purpose or a typo?

see how stupid it is to avoid the actual subject with idiot complaints on typos and misspellings


The "5" was an accidental strike on the "5" key, Cletus. Misspellings are not being discussed...except erroneously by you.
The "5" was an accidental strike on the "5" key, Cletus. Misspellings are not being discussed...except erroneously by you.

and where on the fucking planet did you begin imaging that you are the king ?

You don't want to talk A d T anymore huh idiot
you might as well leave now

You have been outed as a person who hates democracy

your paper thin intelligence was already displayed by you for all to see

You posted "your" correctly...with my tutelage. "You're" welcome, Cletus.