It Begins: Journalists start admitting Trump-Russia conspiracy was a fabricated lie

bite a dead mules cock russo bot hole you are fucking boring and have such small programing running you you run in a tight circle No transfer from Syberia for your programmer

Where's the proof of the claim you made earlier, Desh?

You claimed this:

which is why your partys decades of cheating have robbed the American people of their choice in elections

I don't believe that you are capable of civil discourse and reasoned debate, Cletus. Perhaps too many polysyllabic words?

Your lack of a primary education shows a lack of self-discipline. Dropping out is never a good solution. Or, perhaps, the high school program was a bit too difficult.
Perhaps it is neither, I have a friend who is a multi millionaire and she can’t spell or write a proper sentence, but otherwise, she is brilliant and uses the modern devices to write her proposals.
Perhaps it is neither, I have a friend who is a multi millionaire and she can’t spell or write a proper sentence, but otherwise, she is brilliant and uses the modern devices to write her proposals.

An aberration , though, you will have to admit. Not many millionaires are illiterate.
Was there, or was there not a secret meeting between Russians and top people in the Trump campaign, for the express purpose of sharing valuable information as part of the Putin government's efforts to get Trump elected?

How was any meeting with Russians illegal you moron? Yet Hillary's camp bought and paid for salacious information from Russians in order to destroy the Trump campaign and you are okay with it?

STFU, seriously.
Come on little coward, you're still hiding. Search your wife's purse for your balls and then return when you think you're man enough to answer the question. How do you define it?

Well, Cletus, great minds run in the same channel. He, unlike you, appears to be an erudite and well educated poster.

stroking your little ego in a chat site designed to talk politics makes you worthless here

why do you REFUSE to discuss a subject you your self introduced here

maybe you can find a site for what you want

this one is not it
stroking your little ego in a chat site designed to talk politics makes you worthless here

why do you REFUSE to discuss a subject you your self introduced here

maybe you can find a site for what you want

this one is not it

Your second link is "not found," Cletus.

I quoted de Tocqville. It was to make a point that obviously flew far over your head.
"here is no country in the world in which everything can be provided for by laws, or in which political institutions can prove a substitute for common sense and public morality."

- Democracy in America." Alexis de Tocqueville

post 564

you brought him up

he is often a right wing talking point subject

they love him

He hated Democracy

and YOU repeatedly refuse to discuss why you love him and hate democracy
stroking your little ego in a chat site designed to talk politics makes you worthless here

why do you REFUSE to discuss a subject you your self introduced here

maybe you can find a site for what you want

this one is not it

Your second link is "not found," Cletus.

I quoted Alexis de Tocqueville. It was to make a point that obviously flew far over your head.
at least I gave a link to facts in our discussion

you have done pretty much nothing but insult people and stroke you tiny rancid little EGO
His/her literacy is in dispute. How many millionaires are illiterate?
I’m not sure, but I know many successful people have learning disabilities that they have overcome to obtain success. I think Evince has done well in her life.