It Begins: Journalists start admitting Trump-Russia conspiracy was a fabricated lie

Fine with me. If I "label you a Trump supporter" please feel free to consider it to be "in my opinion you are not opposing Trump sufficiently" instead.
That's better because it's more honest.

I also have contempt and scorn for people who do not oppose him sufficiently.
Now that's more like the democrats I know on this board and in the real world. Contempt and scorn for people not in total agreement with me.
No, what you'd do is post, but cower from substantive engagement by trying to change the subject, like you just did. But there's no reason to be this frightened. Besides, you'll never get better at thinking unless you practice.

Half of it is right here, in this thread. I provided a detailed definition and illustrated how the established facts fit the definition. You, on the other hand, are too scared to engage, so you refuse to provide a serious definition that we could look at to see whether collusion occurred. Instead, you'd like to hide behind childish taunts.

You lost track of the thread, pumpkin. I didn't bring it up. Arminius did, in the very first post, where Arminius was pushing the mindless right-wing talking point about Trump-Russia collusion claims being "likely false" (when, using any normal definition of "collusion," the fact the Russians and top people in the Trump campaign colluded has been very firmly established).

as long as we agree the lib'ruls are idiots for discussing collusion when none exists......
You don’t understand TDS lol.

TDS demands utter compliance to the proposition that Trump=bad. There’s no hedging the bet, splitting the difference or room for compromise. Trump wants a wall; therefore, the wall is immoral. Trump pulls out of Syria; therefore, Trump is Neville Chamberlain and the neocons are no longer vile ideologues.

TDS an absolutist doctrine that brooks no dissent: that’s why they mistake you for a Trump supporter.
Not only that but I'm Hitler except more racist because I don't "oppose Trump sufficiently".
I understand TDS. Frank definitely has TDS .
That's better because it's more honest.

Now that's more like the democrats I know on this board and in the real world. Contempt and scorn for people not in total agreement with me.


He is as demented an individual as I can imagine...and presents, in my opinion, an existential threat to our Republic...and by extension, to humanity.

That is why I feel as I do about the people who actually continue to support him. contempt and scorn are not, as you want to suppose, because of a lack of total agreement (or disagreement)...but because you are not opposing this abomination with sufficient energy and dedication.
Not only that but I'm Hitler except more racist because I don't "oppose Trump sufficiently".
I understand TDS. Frank definitely has TDS .

Fuck you and Darth both.

If either of you jerk-offs had any sense of self-respect, you would be opposing that disgusting disease sitting in the Oval Office with as much gusto as I.
That's better because it's more honest.

Now that's more like the democrats I know on this board and in the real world. Contempt and scorn for people not in total agreement with me.

As if you haven't expressed the same towards Liberals who oppose your views.
Fuck you and Darth both.

If either of you jerk-offs had any sense of self-respect, you would be opposing that disgusting disease sitting in the Oval Office with as much gusto as I.
How would you feel about him if he had charm, wit, and could massage dims without offending, yet had identical policies?
How would you feel about him if he had charm, wit, and could massage dims without offending, yet had identical policies?

I'm not sure of what you are asking.


...ANYONE who is not opposing Donald Trump with gusto right aiding and abetting an existential thread to our Republic and to humanity in general.

Donald Trump is as much a danger to the world as was Adolf Hitler...except that he is very, very much dumber...and less intelligent.

I have good friends who support him. I love those friends. We tend not to discuss politics.
as long as we agree the lib'ruls are idiots for discussing collusion when none exists......

As you know, we don't -- that's just your cowardly effort to dodge the question again. Just so you know: everyone sees your disgrace. It was a very public ass-kicking you just took.
I'm not sure of what you are asking.
90% of what you post is about what a horrible , disgusting person Trump is. Most agree he's not a very respectable person. Many on the right acknowledge he's boorish. I wouldn't want the guy as a friend or neighbor. I'd rather golf with Obama even though he and the dims effed very responsible folks that I know personally with the ACA.
But I notice you never mention a word about his policies.
I just wonder if he had the charm, wit and political savvy of say, Reagan, what would your opinion be on his policies, e.g., border protection?
90% of what you post is about what a horrible , disgusting person Trump is. Most agree he's not a very respectable person. Many on the right acknowledge he's boorish. I wouldn't want the guy as a friend or neighbor. I'd rather golf with Obama even though he and the dims effed very responsible folks that I know personally with the ACA.
But I notice you never mention a word about his policies.
I just wonder if he had the charm, wit and political savvy of say, Reagan, what would your opinion be on his policies, e.g., border protection?


Ronald Reagan was an upbeat guy with a dynamite personality...and a sense of humor. He was affable and could be witty.

Most of his policies sucked big time. In the bullshit he spewed in his first Inaugural Address, he set the stage (was the cause of) the major distrust of government in America. It haunts s to this day.

I had voted for him.

When I heard that speech, I realized I had made a huge mistake. It is the one vote...the only vote...I regret in my life.

I laugh at the idea that you are trying to peddle what he is doing as bring about "border protection." The bullshit the abomination is delivering IS NOT ABOUT BORDER SECURITY...IT IS ABOUT FULFILLING A CAMPAIGN PROMISE HE NEVER SHOULD HAVE MADE. It is about his personal political viability...and if he has to trash America in order to do what he sees as "good" for himself...he will do it without batting an eyelash.

Donald Trump not only is totally unfit for the office of president emotionally and intellectually...he now represents the greatest existential threat to the Republic EVER...and that includes the American Civil War.

Anyone continuing to support him or his abetting treason against America and humanity.

I hope that addresses all of the matters you wanted me to address, Anonymoose.
Everyone in the forum can see how frightened you are. But trust me, you'll never find your courage if you don't push yourself outside your comfort zone. Step up and engage in the substantive debate. I promise to go easy on you.

Wrong; everyone with a brain can see what a dishonest ass hat you are. But trust me, you'll never stop being one because that would require an IQ above a centipedes. :laugh:
Fuck you and Darth both.

If either of you jerk-offs had any sense of self-respect, you would be opposing that disgusting disease sitting in the Oval Office with as much gusto as I.

As you know, we don't -- that's just your cowardly effort to dodge the question again. Just so you know: everyone sees your disgrace. It was a very public ass-kicking you just took.
me dodge the question?'re the one who refuses to acknowledge there has been no evidence of any lag behind most lib'ruls who've moved on to claims of money laundering......
Fuck you and Darth both.

If either of you jerk-offs had any sense of self-respect, you would be opposing that disgusting disease sitting in the Oval Office with as much gusto as I.

Umm...Frank, I don't believe that you are a happy camper. At your advanced age (though you have aged well), I would have thought that you would have developed more restraint and self-discipline. Most of us use these forums as entertainment. It's not the end of the world if someone supports a president that you don't. Most conservatives felt the same way about Obama but we suffered through it for eight (8) long and agonizing years and we did so without rioting, assaulting and going bonkers on an internet forum. We did not support Obama's policies and thought he was the most divisive, destructive and the worst president in history. Decorum, moderation, propriety and appropriate behavior...these are the characteristics of a civilized and civil human being.

How about Clemson? They destroyed Alabama. Lots of money lost on that game.
Umm...Frank, I don't believe that you are a happy camper. At your advanced age (though you have aged well), I would have thought that you would have developed more restraint and self-discipline. Most of us use these forums as entertainment. It's not the end of the world if someone supports a president that you don't.

When I post that kind of shit, Earl...I have a huge smile on my face.'' I am far from unhappy. I treat these "conversations" like I treat the "busting balls" chatter in regular foursomes on the golf course. This stuff is PURE ENTERTAINMENT for me. The "trash talk" is part of it...AS DAMN NEAR EVERY INTERNET FORUM POSTER SHOULD REALIZE.

Most conservatives felt the same way about Obama but we suffered through it for eight (8) long and agonizing years and we did so without rioting, assaulting and going bonkers on an internet forum.

You gotta be fucking kidding me, Earl.

You are a card, I'll give you that.

"...and (without) going bonkers on an Internet forum."


We did not support Obama's policies and thought he was the most divisive, destructive and the worst president in history. Decorum, moderation, propriety and appropriate behavior...these are the characteristics of a civilized and civil human being.

You people said what you had to say about President Obama. I am saying what I have to say about the abomination, Donald Trump.


Try not to take this stuff too seriously.

How about Clemson? They destroyed Alabama. Lots of money lost on that game.

Before the game started, I told my wife that Alabama was going to win...and I suspected it was going to be a fairly big win...but that I was going to root for Clemson. (I honestly think their cheerleaders are cuter...and I am not a big fan of Saban.)

Wow! Talk about being wrong! Trevor Lawrence gives new meaning to the term "true freshman!"

Lots and lots of money lost. And football fans had an opportunity to see at least a dozen future NFL stars playing in college.